God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 824: Invisible hand of horror

Chapter VIII, the invisible hand of horror

The wind is like a smoky smog, and the middle figure is gray and unclear. It can only sense a strong and powerful force.

The gray wind whistling, and the heavy pressure of the mountain pushed several times. For a time, the hard stone wall in the alley suddenly showed a stone pattern, and it suddenly burst open, and the gravel fell like a rain.

The harsh wind and whistle is like a sleek light blade with a handle, reaching the sea of ​​people.

Shiyan's divine situation is very painful. For a time, even consciousness can't be condensed. The idea can't pass the soul altar. The soul is floating, if it is evacuated, it will be evacuated.

In the whistling, the vast pressure, squeezing the air, the smell of burnt, the gravel raindrops falling down, the inside of each gravel, the power of the wind helped to rise, suddenly became more than 10,000 As the mountains are like the sea, the horror is terrible.

In the realm of the **** of the wind, the wind is whistling, the line of sight is unclear, the heavens and the earth are so dark and gray, and the heavenly powers are coming, and it is necessary to tear everything.


Shi Yan almost roared and snarled, his voice was soaring and his face was stunned.

Numerous fine space ripples violently expand around his body, such as the sea water, and instantly become a formation.

There was a loud noise from the space. If the invisible chain was tied to the layers, the sound could not be transmitted.

The plump sitting on his side, his face sinking like water, the slender willow eyebrows are twisted like a machete, the jade lips are squirming, and the syllables of the swords are spit out, violently stabbing in front of the gray wind. The blurry figure in the center of the bunch.


The muffled sounds came from all over, and the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound of the sound broke out in the wind beam.

The gray smoke dissipated a lot, but the wind beam only stagnate a little, and it whirls at a high speed.

From the violent storm, sweeping across all sides, ravaging every inch of land around.

In the field of the gods that the stone rock condensed, the imprisonment of the space was locked. Under the violent wind and tears, the shock of the space was suddenly broken.

A huge whirlwind visible to the naked eye, such as a spinning axe, rushing from the sky and the square, the wind is harsh and the energy fluctuations are simply invincible.

The slate on the ground of the alley was suddenly opened and flew up. When it was stirred by the whirlwind, it was immediately smashed into stone dust. The stone wall was broken and shattered. The space was submerged by the hurricane, and it was necessary to shatter all the flesh and blood.

Feng Qi closed her eyes, frowned, and her hands were printed with her hands, and her whole body was urging her to scream.

The notes burst open, and they continually condensed into electric light and practiced. They pierced into the gray whirlwind, but they still couldn’t penetrate and couldn’t hurt the person.

The difference between the realm of the realm is the separation of heaven and man. The huge gap seems to be difficult to make up for, and it is impossible to damage the field of the other **** and not find a flaw.


The three bone spurs screamed like a ghost, and suddenly appeared in the whirlwind, trying to defeat the figure.

A piece of wind blade formed a void, such as a sharp knife ocean abrupt appearance, three bone thorns to stab, just burst the wind blade, and can not hurt the person.


If the stunned thunder is pressed, the violent wind of the wind can't be seen in the wind, and the stone body and the fertile gods are all imprisoned.

The gray wind rope with the thickness of the thumb slowly appeared, wrapped tightly on the two, and the two were wrapped like a scorpion.

The gust of wind that had been whistling suddenly stopped, and the blurred figures in the wind beam gradually became clear.

"Vatican night!" Feng Qi could not help but drink coldly. "Would you dare to come to the city to punish the city, and dare to come here to murder. Do you really think that I will not be fine in the city?"

The coming person is the Vatican Night of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce. The source **** has a lot of cultivation in the realm of heaven, and Russell once handed over his hand and seems to have suffered a loss.

Not long after, he actually came to the heavenly city, but also deliberately sneaked on Shiyan, Fengxi live, boldly heavenly, and ignored the rules of the city.

"What are the rules of the city, what are you doing with me?" The Brahma night is cold and disdainful. "We have been cleaning up your sacred city. The dirt in your stars will be killed sooner or later." The net, the city of fine punishment, is a city that is going to be destroyed for me at Vatican Night. Will I follow the rules in it?"

Among the three major forces in the Flame Stars, the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce is the most hated of the land of God's punishment, and is determined to clean up the predators.

The Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce is the largest chamber of commerce in the Flame Stars. It has a broad power and a lot of business. The predators of the land of punishment are the biggest enemy of their business. They often rob their merchant ships and sell them in the city. It has a great impact on them.

If it is not because there are countless forbidden places near the land of God's punishment, you can easily hide it and let no one know it. The Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce will do everything in its power to destroy this land.

"You come to deal with our two juniors, what kind of skill? You have to be kind, you should go to Russell to avenge, he is in the city." Feng angered.

"Yes, Russell can't run naturally, he will die." Van Gogh sneered, "But you have your value, where is the empty crystal? When I saw you secretly leaving the empty crystal, the value of the crystal Greatly, our nine-star chamber of commerce will not be easy to acquire, and it will never allow one to hide from the junior."

After a pause, Van Gogh looked cold and looked at Feng Wei, and said: "I heard that Feng Qi is quite precious and distressed you. I don't know if he is willing or not. I will exchange your star chart for your life. I will give you plenty of time. Thinking, but time is up, if he can't change the star map, don't blame me."

During the speech, the Vatican step by step came to Shiyan and Fengqi.


A fierce wind passed, and a blood mark appeared in the neck of Shiyan, which was only a line away from the aorta.

Between the van Gogh and the fingers, another wind blade condensed, and said indifferently: "I want to know the direction of the empty crystal."

Shiyan’s eyes were scarlet, and he looked calmly at Van Gogh’s night, and snorted: “It was broken by me.”

The face of the van Gogh was changed, and the wind blade between the fingers was like a knife, slamming into the neck of his neck.


Such as a landslide, a violent extreme, bursting out from the stone rock, the volcano erupted in general.

A gray rope was torn open by him, urging the strength of the flesh and blood. The rock of this moment is like a fierce beast, and the momentum is violent, the **** scarlet light flashes, and the death is formed. Numerous negative forces have condensed and formed a dead seal to the Vatican night.

The death seal is like a giant hand of death, bloody, and the **** taste is so thick that it can't be opened. It seems that the palm of the hand will crush the scorpion.

The fierce energy of terror, accompanied by all kinds of negative emotions, rushed to the influence of the soul sacrifice of the Vatican.

In an instant, the Brahma night was born in the illusion of the **** ocean, his face slammed, and he could not help but spurt a strong suffocation.


The hurricane of the sky is violently appearing, and the death of the giant palm of the **** of death strikes, the earth and the earth vibrate, and the power of the horror of the heavens breaks the enchantment of the antagon of the van Gogh.

The violent energy spurt opened, and dozens of 100-meter-high buildings around it exploded and were blown into gravel by the aftermath of power. Many of the warriors were also affected, and the scars appeared.

The figure that floated in the van Gogh night suddenly trembled and his face showed an unhealthy red color.

The death handprint of the undead blood of the stone rock condensed, the violent energy contained in it was simply broken, and even he was hit by a blow, and the enchantment formed in the field of God was burst.

At the rupture of the enchantment, he realized that the warrior of the city would immediately discover the movement here, and there must be a strong person coming over quickly.

If you want to be undetected, you will be forced to ask for the disappearance of the empty crystal, and it will become almost impossible for the phoenix to make the star map.


Shiyan breathes heavily, his face is like a fierce beast, **** madness, **** blood in his blood, and the blood of the dead is boiling, and the whole body seems to be infinitely energetic, and it must be vented.

The negative energy in the caverns rushed out, and the perfect combination of the gods formed by the death of the righteousness. Under the evolution of the death of the souls in his soul altar, the body seems to form a **** ocean, **** and sinister, to submerge any creatures. general.

Taking advantage of the characteristics of the soul of life, quietly, unconsciously, the Vatican night emerged from the light, slowly rising toward the body of the center of his god.


Taking a deep breath, his hands were blood red, and he violently tore, tearing the ropes of the wind on the body, so that Feng Qi also got rid of the power of the wind of the Vatican night.

"It seems that I can only kill you." The Vatican night spent a few seconds, and his face suddenly chilled down, and he had to exert real power to kill the two people.

He has the cultivation of the source **** and the heavenly realm. Just after the first battle, he did not go all out. Now he is sure that he can still be a rock, and he is also angered and he has the idea of ​​killing.


The wind raged again, and the hurricane-like hurricane gathered together and formed next to the Vatican.

When I saw it, the Vatican night became a huge tornado, drowning all the nearby, and the power of the horrible wind, covering the sky, did not know how much stronger than the previous power.

The Vatican night constantly urging power, it is necessary to kill.

However, just as he opened his mouth to pronounce the stone rock and the death penalty, he suddenly paled and slammed his neck, showing a terrible color in his eyes.

His body, strangely gliding speed toward the rear, all the way back, broke through ten stone buildings, still sliding towards the rear.

It is like, there is an invisible handcuff on his neck, dragging him all the way in the air, let him exert a little power, and the energy of the wind that has been condensed is also quickly dissipated.

The van Gogh night of the source of God's heaven and earth, under that power, is like a dead dog, there is no room for resistance.

Shi Yan and Feng Wei, looked shocked, and watched the Vatican night drift away, until they could not see the trace.

"Come on!" Feng Qi suddenly woke up, hurriedly shouted, not taking the suspicion of holding his hand, rushing toward the green ghost stronghold.

Shiyan had a shackle. As she flew up, it was only after a long time of squatting. He looked back at the store in Ferran, and his face was complicated and difficult to understand.


Ps: Recently in the pain of quitting smoking, so the state is not good ~ ~ that, killing the gods web game package test, the starting point of the game page is the bottom, you can taste a fresh go ~ ~

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