God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 841: Overcast

The 841th chapter is overcast

Heavenly City, Green Ghost Predator Headquarters.

Feng Wei, Jie Yi, Barrett, Russell's four predator giants gathered together, dozens of predator leaders also looked solemn, for the final communication to leave the city.

"It must be gone. If it is too late, the crane will arrive." Feng Yimei is deeply locked. "It is different from Ogudo and Li Yuefeng. The Fanhe is in the realm of the gods, his terrible people. It’s clear in my heart. Over the years, the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce has flourished in the hands of Van Gogh, and the strength of this person is the peak of the flames!”

Everyone is silent.

The name of the Brahma Night is too loud in the flames of the stars, and the source of the gods is the peak of the flames, and it is synonymous with invincibility.

Such a character, if suddenly come to the world to punish the city, Feng Qi and others will not be an opponent, perhaps a face will be killed.

Even if a strong person lurks in the dark, Feng Wei and others do not think that the other party will fight for them and fight with Van Gogh.

The main thing is that no one knows the true intentions of the lurkers, nor does he know if he will be the enemy of the Van Gogh.

Feng Qi, they don't want to give their lives to an invisible strong man.

"But once you leave the city, those guys may be unscrupulous and will take the initiative to grab the star map. Ogudo, Li Yuefeng and Bitian are the two gods of the source of God. The reason why these three people are late If you don't move, you are not afraid of the unknown powers in the city. You are obsessed with the rules of the city. When you leave the city, you don't know if that person will still take care of our lives. At that time, it will be troublesome." A predator leader has a headache.

This is also the root cause of the delay in reaching opinions.

Ogudo, Li Yuefeng and Bitian are the two gods of the source god. Like the realm of Fengqi, the real power may even win.

These three parties, either party is a great threat to them. Once the three parties join hands, their chances of successfully leaving are very slim.

"Is it Oguto, Li Yuefeng, Bitian is terrible, or is the Van Gogh's main Van Gogh terrible?" Feng Wei was silent for a while, and he gloomy face.

When the words came out, everyone was pale, and Russell, the four giants, frowned. The face shouted: "Ogurto is easier to deal with than the Van Gogh, and Van Gogh is a vicious person. Because the brother-in-law died, his anger will destroy the whole city!"

"What do you mean?"

"Leave! You must leave! And as soon as possible!" Russell smashed the railroad.

When I was shocked, I nodded. "You even said that, I agree."

Among the people, Russell and the Vatican are the most hated of the sea, and they don’t want to kill the Van Gogh family all the time. Now that the Van Gogh is coming, it is a rare opportunity for him, but he chooses to give up and hide. How terrible is his heart in the night of Vatican.

Russell’s famous cockroach, who is very careful, will choose to evade only one possibility – the other party is terrible!

"Who has opinions?" Feng Wei seems to ask everyone, but it is only looking at Russell, Jieshao, Barrett, and Jester. Because these four people are like him, they are also the source of the gods. This realm was taken seriously by him.

"I have no opinion and I agree to leave."

"me too."



Russell, Jieshao, Barrett, and Jester’s four source-minded powers all nodded in agreement and bluntly left early.

On the side of the fine-grained city predator, a total of five source gods are nodding, and the rest of the opinions are not important.

"That's good, let's prepare now. I know that you are all about planning. If you leave early, don't delay." Feng Qi took a deep breath and comforted everyone: "The forces of the three parties are not harmonious, and it is impossible to truly unite." I am not familiar with the forbidden land outside the land of God's punishment. And we, united, will defend our lives and know the forbidden land outside the land of God's punishment. It is our territory. Once we leave the land of God's punishment, enter In the forbidden area outside the country, we can't get rid of them?"

He said this, everyone has a lot of peace of mind, even those who did not agree with it, secretly nodded.

It’s true that there are many forbidden places on the periphery of the land of divine punishment. Many areas are full of great horror. Unfamiliar people will break into the ground and will only end up with a broken bone.

The source of the gods is no exception.

As long as they can leave the land of God's punishment, they can use the familiar environment, calmly arrange, and even introduce the other party into the most dangerous areas, and deal with them in a terrible situation.

"Ready already!"

Russell and others have been planning for a few days, and everything is ready. Seeing that everyone’s opinions are unified, each spirit is full of energy and ready to rush out of the land of divine punishment.

Soon, a warship chariot floated over the sky above the city, dense, like a locust, quite spectacular.

The warships are all kinds of colorful, colorful, erected flags are also different, belonging to different predators. At this time, there is an orderly mooring of the void, no quarrels, no waiting for anything.

The most ferocious and **** predators in the city, flying from all corners of the city, fell into the intensive warship chariots, and made the final preparation for mobilization.

In the city, Ogudo, Kasiuen, Li Yuefeng, Bitian and others, belonging to various places, frowning at the movements in the sky, mutual knowledge and communication.

In a short time, these parties agreed to gather at the headquarters of the Green Ghost. After one hour, the three powerful forces of the outsiders appeared together on the spacious streets outside the Green Ghost List.

Many shops that have been fined in the city, because they are aware of the situation in the city, have closed their doors in recent days and are no longer doing business.

The foreign warriors who bought the materials to come to Tiancheng City, who belonged to the three major forces, also hid themselves and did not take the lead.

The streets where people used to come and go were deserted in vain, and no ghosts could see one.

Everyone realizes that in the near future, the city will undergo major changes, and they will not want to be involved. They don’t want to be killed by inexplicable killings, so they all avoid the limelight and do not appear.

Kasiu and Zi Yao, Ya Lan, Tie Mu three, and a dozen of his martial artists, after coming over, did not choose to stand with Ogudo, but became a unique party, Keep a distance from Ogudo.

Ogudo saw him coming over, frowned, and did not speak. Beside him, in addition to Oglas, there were dozens of warriors who had come from outside in recent days.

After Oglas saw Zi Yao, the blonde had no wind, and her eyes showed a hint of coldness. She did not pay tribute, but did not go too far, did not look at her.

As the forces of the gods and gods, Ogudo and Kashun have not joined forces, let alone Bitian and Li Yuefeng. If they are aware of the great actions of the predators, they will not gather together here.

Two days ago, Liana’s huge abyss disappeared. Without the darkness, Liana disappeared completely from the land of divine punishment. No soul fluctuations appeared. No one could detect it. I don’t know if she is still there. Not in the land of divine punishment.

Did not see her, everyone is uneasy, and they all know that Kasiu and Liana have always had a close relationship. I am not sure whether the two have had secret exchanges. So after he appeared, Ogudo, Li Yuefeng, and Bi Tian, They are all frowning together, and they are worried.

"You came exactly, the predators obviously have to leave the land of God's punishment, what do you say?" Ogudo indulged, or asked.

"I don't know, I won't shoot in the city anyway, but if you want to start after they leave the city, I won't object." Kashun smiled and looked relaxed, as if he didn't care about the star map. .

"How do you say?" Ogudo looked at Li Yuefeng and Bitian.

"I can't do it in the city." Li Yuefeng's face was cloudy. "I mean... give them time to leave the city. Once they leave the city, let's try it out and see if the secret strong will continue to block. Then discuss it again, what about you?"

"I mean that too." Bi Tianxiao smiled. "The one in the city is too strong. I don't want to irritate him. As long as he doesn't stop, the predators can't make any noise."

"Okay, then we will give them time to go out of town, kill the predators first, and then we will do our own thing!" Ogudo readily agreed.

A few of the three powerful powers of the sky, ignoring a glimpse, the tacit understanding reached this, ready to wait for Feng Wei, they first leave the heavenly city, then kill the killer, destroy the predators, and compete for the star map.

They decided to go down, and they stopped talking about each other, temporarily dispersed, whispering with others, and secretly preparing for it.


Half an hour later, the battleships in the sky came with a huge roar, as if the beasts of the sky were out of the atmosphere and rushed straight toward the stars outside the land of punishment.

Intensive chariot battleships are not twisted into a group, but are suddenly divided into countless shares, such as the fish squid into the various tributaries, dispersed in the middle of the air to change direction, galloping towards different regions, the power of spar is fully stimulated Such as the road thunder lightning.

They know the plots of the three major forces below, and obviously do not want to give them a chance to go all out, so choose this method.

Sure enough, when the looters were dispersed in the middle, and each of them was not a party, the chariots and warships were mixed. Ogudo and others suddenly got a headache, and they didn’t know what to pursue. I don't know if Feng Qi was hiding in that chariot battleship.

No way, Ogudo, Kasiuen, Li Yuefeng, and Bitian, can only be dispersed to pursue, and find the four stocks with the strongest breath in the induction.

For a time, in the vastness of the land of God's punishment, it was seen that the stream of light was like a rainbow, and they all shot into the sky and pierced the sky.

This chase battle, which was destined to shake the flames of the stars, slowly opened the curtain at this time.

And Shiyan, which happens to be suspended in the Xinghai beyond the domain, is still in a **** state, waiting for the moment of breaking.


Ps: Hey, there are only two more today, it’s too tired. Ok, let’s play your own face, don’t say anything, don’t give me any tickets, I don’t have a face~~ sorry~

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