God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 844: Default daughter-in-law

The son-in-law of the 644th chapter

When Shi Yan’s name came out, Tuo Hai and Monica’s strong men were excited, and the men’s unhappy, the female’s was quite curious.

In the view of many men, this guy doesn't know where he came from, and he entered the Tianniu Kingdom for the beauty of Zi Yao, and his relationship with Zi Yao is unclear, and he is also in the Purgatory Star and Feng Shui's daughter. The same is annoying.

The famous name of Zi Yao is famous in the world. It is the treasure that many men dream of, and the military of the League is no exception.

And Feng Qi, also a beautiful woman who is famous for the punishment of the gods, Shi Yan and the relationship between these two top beauty, so that the same man who likes beauty is naturally unhappy.

On the contrary, those women look completely different. They advocate the strong, especially the young and handsome, and let them feel helpless.

Shiyan and Zi Yao, Feng Wei's ape, they have different opinions...

Ziyan and Fengqi, who are even higher than the top, have a good impression on him. This man must be unusual!

- This is a woman's idea.

If you can conquer this man and let him fall under his own skirt, can you prove it indirectly... Is it more attractive than Zi Yao and Feng Wei?

What's more, Shi Yan is quite handsome, just seeing his money... It is really very strong!

Therefore, many awkward women, regardless of dignity and subtlety, no matter how elegant or hot, have come to the interest, beautiful and colorful, and staring at Shiyan with a smile, showing a different kind of thoughts.

Among them, the most interested, is the general leader of the League of Nations, Monica.

This infamous woman, in the flames of the stars, likes young masters. She is so active in the land of punishment, and with a look at how powerful Shiyan is, she suddenly sees it, naturally excited.

"Good brother, are you Shiyan? Great, I like you like this, come and come, to my sister, the old guy in Tuohai must dare to deal with me, I will definitely not spare him!" Monica Laughing, directly forgetting what I just said, even if I say that I want to work with Tuohai, it is a bit puzzling.

The woman's nervousness is as famous as her glamorous. After seeing the male prey, she will become elusive and weird, sometimes even bad.

Before Tuohai came over, the most worrying thing was her nervousness, worried about her quirks. She didn't expect to run into it so quickly, her face became very ugly, and she screamed: "Don't forget our purpose!"

"I haven't forgotten, the star map, no conflict, no conflict, good brother must know that the star map is in the hands of Feng Qi, will help me." Monica Su Bai's two hands greeted, smiles, let Shi Yan come.

Shi Yan looked indifferent and gave her a look. Without a move, she looked at Bonita.

The refining pharmacist of the sixth drug star, who planted the medicinal herbs on him in the same year, treated him as an adult drug, which is extremely poisonous. This hatred, he naturally will not forget.

I saw it today, he has an idea.

At first sight, Shiyan didn't go to see the Monica, who was full of charm. Instead, she looked at the old pharmacist Bonita, and many people were stunned.

"Hey, there is personality, this kid is very unique!"

"Haha, I like to lick old bones, fun, really **** fun!"

"Bonitanad, I want to vomit when I see you. I didn't expect him to like this type, taste... is it too heavy?"

"Absolutely heavy taste!"


Many obscene guys were excited at once, and the left sentence was right and the words were mean.

Bonita trembled and her face turned blue, almost a spurt of old blood. "Idiot, give me a shut up!"

Unfortunately, Bonita's realm is not high. The identity of the people is not noble. Many people ignore it. The words are becoming more and more mean. She almost wants to fight.

Instead of Shiyan, his expression was unmoved, and he looked at Bonita from afar. He smiled indifferently. "Don't come innocent."

"Do you think you can take revenge? I was invited by the extension of the sea, how can you?" Bonita was swept away by his eyes, cold, but turned his head tough, to the name of the extension of the sea to make himself not too Be timid.

"Hold him." Tuo Hai snorted and looked at Monica. "Either you come, or I will do it myself. This kid is going to live."

"Staying? No, no! It's too rude. I have to talk to my good brother. He must have been influenced by gossip, and I feel that I don't deserve it. I will talk to him and he will understand." "Monica's style comes, and the blue eyes are filled with the deep feelings of the sea. A wonderful power seems to be quietly released."

"Oh la la!"

There was a sound of water, a silver-colored train that ran across the river from a distance. In the river, the figure of the squad leader, Bitian, suddenly appeared, and the voice screamed: "Monica, what do you want?! ”

The embarrassing mood that Monica released was completely destroyed by the violent drowning of his vast scenery, and the rocky stone that was lost was suddenly restored again.

Just now, the extremely cold breath of Xuan Bing's cold flame has been released, and he still has not regained consciousness.

Monica's magical artistic conception seems to reach people's hearts, so that he can't control his own reason, just want to obey her.

This is an extremely rare spiritual mystery!

Shi Yan faintly understands, and his heart is blank, looking at Monica's eyes, full of taboo and horror.

The mystery of the mind is also one of the myriad of mysteries between heaven and earth, but it is very wonderful. It is not the one that can rely on the cultivation. It is the martyrdom of the soul of the soul, and the martial arts who can form the soul of the altar. They are all gifted, and they have insights from an early age. The singular ability.

Similar to Wu Hun, talent comes with.

Only those who possess such talents can cultivate the spiritual meaning of the soul, and then form the soul altar. It is difficult to make a difference in the spiritual mystery by relying on the efforts of the day after tomorrow.

Monica, this kind of talented soul-speaking sorcerer, in a word, a smile can affect people's hearts and detain the soul.

From the moment when Shiyan broke out, she was eroding the willpower of Shiyan with the spiritual meaning of the soul. It was only because of the initial contempt that she did not really try her best. When Shiyan was pulled from the confused by the Xuanbing cold flame Monica really paid attention to it, and then really released the soul.

She is the source of the gods and the realm of heaven and earth. Like Bitian, it really uses the subtlety of the soul, and Xuan Binghan has no way to do it.

If Bitian suddenly came in time, and broke the stunned mirror, Shiyan still couldn’t wake up on her own. She would be controlled by her and become her leader, a new young face.

The mood was broken, and Monica was still not angry. She still smiled. "Big brother, how come you suddenly came? What happened?

"Well, you are really right, Monica, Shiyan is my default son-in-law!" Bitian grinned and confessed, "As long as Shiyan nodded, the little girl would marry him immediately, never There will be two words!"

When this statement came out, everyone was completely stunned.

Many men seem to have been stepped on seven inches, and they will jump up and can't help but pick it up.

"Bitian adults, what is that kid? What qualifications are Miss Birou?"

"Absolutely not! Miss Birou, such a noble character, can marry this puppy who doesn't know which one is coming out!"

"Bitian adults, you must be joking, we don't believe it!"


Everyone clashed with a red neck.

Unlike Zi Yao and Feng Wei, Bi Rou is the beauty of the League. In the League of Nations, there are a group of admirers, and there are many flowers and ambassadors. It is the dream lover of many young martial artists.

Zi Yao, Feng Wei and Shi Yan are a little involved. They can bear a little bit more, but they can be soft... but they are the goddess of the League, they must not accept the result of marrying Shiyan, this is their soul. Naked and ruined!

On the contrary, those women who are interested in Shiyan are suddenly excited again, whispering, and looking at Shiyan's eyes hot and hot.

More bold, and even take the initiative to throw a wink, a heart of seduce.

This made everyone even more uncomfortable, and wanted to eat stone rock and chew it into pieces.

"Bitian Big Brother, you must be a joke?" Monica also stunned, full of unbelief.

Everyone knows how much loves his daughter, and he cares for the baby. Will he marry Birou to a guy of unknown origin?

This guy, also with a few women hooked up, reputation is not good, he will sacrifice his daughter's life happiness?

Monica does not believe.

Tuohai does not believe, calm face, "Bitian, what are you doing?"

"I will say it seriously, I am not kidding. Shi Yan is my default son-in-law. You should give me less calculations. Otherwise, I will blame me for turning my face!"

Monica, Tuohai and many warriors are eclipsed.

The three major leaders of the League of Nations also have a secret ranking. With the personal realm and the strength of the underworld as the standard, Bitian is recognized as the strongest, and the top of the three leaders. The following is Tuohai, and Monica is at the end of the ranking.

In the League, the power and power of Bitian is second only to the lord, and it is really one person below.

His resolute warning made both Tuohai and Monica feel jealous, and his face became extremely dignified and gloomy.

Under the command of Tuohai and Monica, seeing Bitian is not a joke, but also bluntly warned, and suddenly they did not say anything.

Because Bitian is strong! More powerful than their dependants! So even if they are full of unwillingness, they can only stand it.

"Congratulations on reaching the kingdom of the gods and three heavens, you broke through again. If you don't see me, I can't believe it." Bitian didn't look at it, and looked at Shiyan deeply. There was also a shocking color in his eyes. .

He said this, everyone is violently shocked, and this is to know that today's Shiyan, actually crossed a realm, reached the kingdom of the king of heaven.

The battle between Shiyan and Heijiao occurred a few months ago. At that time, he only had the king of heaven and two people, and everyone who noticed his news knew it.

At that time, he was able to resist the black horn of the king of the gods and defeat him. Today, he is in the three kingdoms of the gods, can he not be able to attack the enemy?

Everyone is ashamed.


Ps: Three more! !

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