God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 846: Forbidden wonder

The forbidden place here is very wonderful.

There are mountains and rivers, lakes, broken palaces, and dead ancient trees and flowers.

However, all the landscape material is suspended in the dark void, and the sun, the moon and the stars are invisible, as if they were blocked by layers of fog. [bsp; In the front of the Nether Star, there are three huge mountains and rivers, flat and stunned, suspended there and still, there are several palaces with broken walls and ruins on the three mountains, and there is no life on the mountain. Fluctuation, there are also dead branches of trees, flowers and plants that turn into gray dead leaves.

The three mountains are huge, and they look at each other as if they were three continents. They crossed the three mountains and looked back. They saw a vast ocean, the sea was suspended in the sky, and there were many islands inside.

Further to the rear of the island, it was covered by gray fog and could not see the internal scene.

Whether it is on the mountains, in the ocean, or in the void where he is located, there seem to be various kinds of formations, prohibitions, and enchantments. Some are naturally made, and there are obvious traces of artificial carvings.

Shiyan stood behind a mountain peak, looking into the distance, his face was quite dignified.

Because he realized that there were terrible energy fluctuations in the cracks in the three peaks of the three peaks. It seems that there is an invisible prohibition, and the breath of Cato is from the sea behind the three mountains. The island is uploaded.

Wrinkled, not too long, he flew toward the gap between the three peaks.


Countless Thunder descended from the sky, interweaving into a dense grid in the three mountainous spaces, and the deafening thunder sounded loudly and seemed to be constantly bursting.

His body was covered by countless power grids, and numerous thick snakes were entangled in an attempt to crush him.

"come out!"

His face changed slightly, and a glimpse of the gods rushed into the skyfire altar.

The extinction Leiyan quietly flashed out and turned into a flame of thunder and lightning, releasing a strong lightning magnetic field on his chest.

The thunder and lightning that came from the sky, the traction of the dying thunder, suddenly changed direction, staggered from his side, and shot further away from behind him.

"What is the situation?" He summoned the death of Lei Shi.

"The very powerful heaven and earth electric field, with unknown artistic conception and disability, can not be absorbed. I can only change their attack direction slightly." The extinction Lei Yan also seems to be shaken, and it is regrettable: " It’s a pity that there are too many dross in the thunder and lightning, otherwise I can absorb it. If I can absorb all of these lightnings, I can evolve the first order, hehe, sorry.”

"Well, give me control over the direction of lightning, I am going to pass."

The news came out, watching the demise of Lei Shiyan constantly releasing his unique breath, and the lightning that came in was offset. Shiyan rushed into the lightning giant network and flashed through the gap between the three giant mountains.


A shocking horror was exposed on his side, and a purple lightning came from the sky, and when it was about to fall to the top of his head, it suddenly flashed.

That purple thunder, not quite the same as the Thunder that appeared at the beginning, was actually staring at his soul. It seemed to break the soul. At the moment when the purple lightning appeared, his spirit was full of uneasiness. Come.

"very scary!"

Destroyed Lei Yan was also shocked. "In the thunder and lightning, it is the embarrassment of destroying the soul. As long as there is a soul-conscious life, once it comes together, it will be bombarded as a target. Fortunately, you have me, or else Your soul can't be eaten, it will be destroyed directly."

Shi Yan listened to him and said that he was cold and his body was cold.

The forbidden land of the land of sacred punishment is really dangerous. It is no wonder that the three major forces have been able to eliminate the predators several times, and they have suffered heavy losses.

The predators can stand for many years, and in addition to the refuge of Ferran in the city of Heaven, the numerous bans around them are the places where they live. They are familiar with the forbidden places. After countless days and months, they have figured out a lot. The characteristics of the forbidden land can be avoided.

The three forces are unfamiliar with this, and they will rush into it. If they are inadvertently, they will be targeted by the power of the forbidden land. Perhaps even the strongest source of the source will be buried.

This is also why there are countless thugs in the flames of the stars, and after committing a lot of crimes, there is nowhere to hide and they will come to the land of punishment.

As long as you are hiding in such a forbidden place, the strong can't be caught by the gods. It is like entering the maze, not only can't find people, but it will be banned by various prohibitions and enchantments.

A little bit, here is a very strange danger, there are natural and artificial bans everywhere, don't accidentally fall into it. The power of thunder and lightning, I can also help to cope with it, other forces smashed over, I can help you. "Destroy Rayyan reminds.

Since the foot of the Shiyan Tianhuo Sacrifice, and after getting a lot of benefits, this guy is honestly divided.

He did not leave without hesitation. He could get a good evolution through the nourishment of the spirit of Shiyan spirit. The last time Shiyan swallowed the soul star overflowing from the soul festival, so that many crying fires were greatly collected. The same body talks... the order of the visit n

Together with Shiyan, you don't have to worry about being absorbed and merged. You can also evolve your life form to a new height through his powerful strength. What dissatisfaction is he?

Without the mustard, the dying Leiyan will use the Tianhuo as a habitat, and naturally will help Shiyan, and he does not want him to have an accident.

"Well, I know how to do it." Shi Yan nodded and passed the thought. After crossing the Thunderbolt giant net, let the extinction Lei Yan return to the skyfire altar.

He also crossed the three mountains and rivers, and came to the rear of the ocean, watching the islands floating in the ocean in front of them.

The ocean vacancy does not fall, the island floats on the ocean, and when he looks at it, he still returns to the endless sea, and he has an inexplicable feeling.

However, this feeling of life came out, a wonderful sorrowful mood, slammed from a mountain behind him, reaching his soul altar, pouring into his knowledge of the sea, and let him fall into sentimentality.

The hard willpower suddenly became soft, and he lost his strength. Even the flow of power in the body seemed to stagnate quietly. He felt exhausted and wanted to stay in the same place and never move. .

The breath of the poles was poured from the top of the head and escaped into his knowledge of the sea.

The feeling of the extremes of the ice caves emerged from the bottom of my heart, and he was gradually re-condensed by the willpower of exhaustion, and suddenly woke up.

Looking at the mountains and rivers behind him, he looked at the ruins of a palace on the mountain and saw a broken big array. The sad mood was broken from that big burst. Come out, affecting his consciousness and mind.

He suddenly had an inexplicable heart in the forbidden area outside the land of God's punishment. Only when he came in for less than a quarter of an hour, he saw two wonderful things, and he was almost captured by the mind, and was destroyed by lightning.

Sure enough!

The predators can stand in the flames of the stars for tens of thousands of years. It is definitely not fortunate. The forbidden places are the capital they can fight with the three forces.

If the marauders are looking for a new star field through the star map, they will get countless supplies and a dozen stars of life, and the exploration of that star field will go through countless forbidden places, and it will not let them With a natural barrier?

In this case, even if the three major forces send strong people to come over, they are not familiar with the dangers of forbidden land, and they will suffer heavy casualties and cannot threaten them.

Inferred according to this line of thinking, he really believes that the future predators will rely on the new star field of self-cultivation and become a strong force in the flames of the stars, without fear of the deterrent of the three forces.

Taking a deep breath, he forcibly curbed the broken way of exploring the sad mood and went to the island in front, and the spirit locked the direction of Cato.

The mood of sorrow is very likely... It is the will of the power of a fallen power. It is the transformation of the realm of the **** of death in a special way. He had only heard of it before, but he did not see it. He felt very strange.

After reaching the deeper realm, after the annihilation of the gods and souls, the organic rate will make the field of God evolve, and the esoterics he majored in will be preserved in the way of artistic conception.

If there is the same kind of power upsetter as he cultivates, he can find his fallen area and comprehend his artistic conception. He will make his own powers refine and understand the subtleties of the power of the righteousness, and then break through.

It is a pity that the power of Shiyan's cultivation is not true, and there is no place where the emotions of grief are not possible to merge, and there is no turning around to comprehend.

When he flew to the front of the ocean, there was a clear understanding in his heart, and his eyes flickered.

He suddenly realized that the forbidden land near the land of sacred punishment must have a huge secret of many years.

Broken mountains, lakes, broken palaces, strong people, behind the realm of the realm of the gods, natural artificial prohibition, enchantment, this place will never be desolate in the early days, on the contrary, must be very lively, There are many strong players.

With this thought in mind, he revisited the forbidden land and found that many different forms of scenery seem to have an answer.

Whether it is mountains, lakes, or broken palaces, it should be on one or more continents very early.

It is only because the mainland has broken up and split countless small pieces, and gradually formed the present scene. On those ancient continents, there should be many strong people. Many areas have been set up with enchantment, because the mainland has shattered and it has become broken. Incomplete, scattered in the vast starry sky of the land of divine punishment.

The smashed continent, the mountains and lakes caused by the mountains and lakes have such terrible enchantment, the prohibition exists, there is the artistic field of the field of the strong gods, what level of life stars before the mainland is not broken? What a prosperous Changwei? How many powerful mysterious warriors are there?

Shi Yan's brows are wrinkled, and he is shocked. Suddenly, there may be many wonderful things in the forbidden land where the gods are punished.

... (to be continued)

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