God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 783: Meeting in enchantment

The 788th chapter meeting in the enchantment

After Jiang Ge left the Purgatory Star, he rushed all the way toward the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce. He did not have a battleship chariot, and he was alone, and he was riding at the fastest speed of the Shenzhou Triple Power.

Three months later, he passed through the starry field near Tianni Star and marched in the cold, dark stars.

When Jiang Ge consumes seven or eighty-eight, he will find a foothold to restore strength with Shenjing and then continue to fly.

On this day, his body was also consumed a lot, and he saw an abandoned mine.

The mine star was mined and there were countless caves of various sizes on the stars. At first glance, it was like a huge horse cell, the energy was already exhausted, and there was no precious ore.

Jiang Ge sighed and smiled, as if it were light and shadow, suddenly fell on the star.

The Shenjing of the ten pieces of Chinese products emerged from his magical ring, and he only wanted to sit down and recover. Suddenly his face changed.

Absolutely dark, like a canopy, suddenly shrouded the area he saw.

In that darkness, there is no trace of light overflowing, and no fingers are allowed to reach out. If it is imprisoned by the Heavenly Defence, the soul will have a sense of defeat.

Jiang Ge looked moved, and he was shocked. He looked around and found nothing to see. A heart could not help sinking into the bottom.

He just stunned and reacted slyly. Suddenly, he was stunned and sullen on his knees. He said respectfully: "I have seen Liana."

In the flames of the stars, there are countless kinds of powers. However, there are several special forces that are famous in the world. No one knows, no one knows.

Absolutely dark and righteous, it is the only one of the five princes of the gods of the gods, and there is no semicolon.

Therefore, as soon as he was seen covered in endless darkness, he just stumbled and immediately knew who he had met.

The **** butcher of the Kingdom of God, the head of the **** army, the fierce devil of the top five, Lianna.

Jiang Ge didn't mean to resist, he landed on one knee and bowed his head slightly. "I don't know if Lianna is condescending to come, what is enlighten me?"

A little shimmer, quietly flashing out, in a cold cave covered with a cave to the bottom of the ground, a cold woman with the same ghost, sitting on the edge of the hole in the cold, squinting, calmly said: "You have two Choices."

Jiang Ge looks solemn and his head is even lower. "I want to hear it."

"Either I killed you, destroyed your soul altar, imprisoned the soul, and learned all your memories in secret." Liana was plain, as if she had something that was irrelevant to her.

"I want to hear another choice." Jiang Ge was deeply worried and his voice was a little vibrato. "Liana, I want to live, please give me such a chance."

"I will see you in the forbidden place, and tell me about the situation of Shiyan. Of course, you can try to lie, if you feel that you can bully me." Lianna was indifferent and seemed to care less about his life and death. There is no intention to shoot, and calm people feel guilty.

Jiang Ge jerked his head up and shivered. He didn't hesitate too much. He immediately said: "He didn't die, but he was in the forbidden land. He was temporarily banned from the ban on the forbidden land. That piece of purgatory token, I am from him. He got it, but he did not poison him. In the forbidden land, there is a palace, and the forty-nine layers of enchantment surround the palace. It should be the establishment of the former national division of the Kingdom of God, which contains some unknown secrets... ”

He seems to know that there is only one chance in front of Liana. If she is lying, this woman is so famous that she will never hesitate to be merciful to him.

Therefore, Jiang Ge did not dare to lie, even dare to pause the narrative for a second, for fear that the other party felt that he organized a lie, a series of words, and burst out of his mouth, did not dare to hesitate.

Lianna listened quietly, without interjecting in the middle, and she remained silent until Jiang Ge’s narrative was completed.

Jiang Ge looked up slightly, looked at her uneasy, and did not dare to move, waiting for the other party's trial.

He knows the woman's vicious horror. All the legends about this woman are linked to **** killings. He also knows the other side's realm, which is enough to easily erase him. Here, no one can know that he was crushed and crushed. .

Therefore, he did not dare to move, did not dare to say a word, so silently waiting.

"You can go." For a long time, Liana waved her hand and flicked the fly. "Remember, I have never seen you, you have never seen me."

"Let's remember for the rest of my life." Jiang Ge raised his hand, made a vow to cleanly and swear, looked at her seriously, and saw that she did not have an unusual move, only to move a little bit uneasy, and to leave Liana's dark field, she was desperate. The madness is up, not afraid to stay for a second.

In the darkness, Liana slowly stood up, the dark blue eyes, looking deep into the direction of the purgatory star for a while, snorted, "Bad boy, hurt me to lose a star of life, I will give You wrote it down."

Absolutely dark as a black cloud, quietly flowing to the vast star field, swaying for a while, hidden invisible.

The depleted mine star has returned to silence.


The Purgatory Star, a closed road in the Purgatory, is a forbidden place.

Shiyan is in the middle of the water-like layer of enchantment. It looks strangely like the majestic palace that is close at hand. In his eyes, deep in the palace, there are extremely obvious wonderful fluctuations.

As the object changed for the stars, the palace seemed to move, and the strange roaring sounds, only when he hanged under the forbidden land below.

The same change occurred in the other four places, and there were four warriors who reached the kingdom of the gods and three heavens. Like Shiyan, they were temporarily imprisoned by enchantment. They also looked up at the palace they saw and realized the internal Shock wave.

The five forbidden areas are slowly moving forward in a way that is unimaginable and invisible to ordinary people.

This speed seems to be slow, but it is extremely fast. It is only a quarter of an hour. It is distributed in the forbidden land in five directions of the Pole in the Prison. It is a wonderful fusion.

Even five wonderful palaces, accompanied by some kind of mysterious power, appear together at the same time.

Suddenly, the palace that Shiyan saw was no longer a single, but five.

The five palaces, like five dazzling gems, float on the top of the head under the push of a thick and huge towering pillar.

Five palaces, showing the strange signs of the five-pointed star, like the stone rock, there are four people, also looking up at the palace in the enchantment, a look of horror.

The four people were not as good as Shiyan. They spent countless days and months, and they only broke the 20th and 30th enchantments and could not reach the efficiency of Shiyan.


The four surprised voices came from the four corners at the same time, and the tone was the same, all looking at the direction of Shiyan.

In the enchantment, Shi Yan twisted his head and looked at the four people. His eyes sparkled with amazement.

Three gods and three heavens, three men and one woman, three men are old men, dirty and unkempt, it seems that they have not cleaned up their bodies for a long time, they look a little embarrassed, but they have eyes, but they have a savage and violent temper. .

The only woman, in her thirties, is quite beautiful. She wears a snake-skinned skirt and a leather skirt with knees, revealing two white legs like white jade.

The woman is not a human race, but a ghost pattern, bare arms and beautiful legs. On the white skin, there is a beautiful cyan pattern, which fits perfectly with the rhyme skin. Don't have a demon charm.

At the age of thirty, such as flowers bloom to the most beautiful moment, the neck also has fine blue lines, slender cheeks, two delicate jade pendants hanging from the earlobe, the bells of the bells are ringing, the beauty is like the ocean. It is unfathomable.

She looked at Shiyan from afar, and her eyes showed a strange color. The curved brows were slightly wrinkled, and the whisper was invisible.

When the four people looked at Shiyan, Shiyan was secretly inquiring about them. Without looking at it for a while, his face would be a dignified one.

Like Jiang Ge, they are the three kingdoms of the gods. Everyone is still a prisoner of the Purgatory Star. Both hands are covered with blood. They are not good.

"Kid, you are what Jiang Ge said, the person who replaced him?" An old man like a bamboo raft, skinny, like a shackled human skin, eyes sullenly bright, "Look like you, your speed ratio We are much faster, what have you done, why are you merging into nowhere?"

The other three, also toward him, his face was amazed with savage fierceness.

"Yes, Jiang Ge framed me and made me sink into it." Shi Yan frowned slightly and said lightly: "He should have left. I have been cracking these enchantments. By now, there are forty-two enchantments by me. Lifting. The last enchantment was unsealed. The palace I saw was changed instantly, so that you can be pulled together. Well, this is a special role in the forbidden land, not my intention."

"Feng, what do you think?" The old man who spoke first, stunned, couldn't help but look at the strange woman who had a beautiful texture.

Like him, the other two old men are also looking at the ghostly woman named Fengqi, as if the rich, is their leader.

"Of course it's a good thing." Feng Qiu's mouth twitched, his smile was strange, his eyes flew out of the light. "We spent so much time, everyone just cracked about 20 layers. Jiang Ge was the worst, dragging us back. Now that he has left, it is a blessing to arrange such a kid, but to surpass us in a very short time?"

When this statement came out, the three strange models were not like the old man of a good man. They seemed to agree with each other with a low smile.

"Everyone insisted on this for a long time and wanted to know what was in the palace. This kid came and speeded up, which is good for us." Feng Wei smiled. "Don't you notice that the enchantment... seems to be a lot of relaxation?" ”

"Of course I found out." The three old men laughed in unison.

Shi Yan's face sank, and suddenly there was a bad foreboding. The four people were too relaxed, and the desire for the place was so strong that it seemed to have long been planned.


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