God Of Slaughter

Vol 2 Chapter 794: Keep hands

Seven hundred and ninety-four chapters keep abreast

After Feng Yu’s words were finished, Shi Yan was silent for a long time.

A new star field that had never been reclaimed had a great impact on him, and he was so excited that he was shaking.

He broke free from the gods of the mainland, that is, to find a way out for his relatives and friends, a star of life can satisfy his wish, I thought this wish will take a long time to achieve, but the secret of the star map, But he opened up new ideas for him.

Ten stars of life, including the seven products, and there are Shenjing mines, and countless spiritual medicine spirits, the power of any flame star, once occupied the new star domain, can get huge Resource strength.

The Tianni God Kingdom and the Alliance and the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce, any one of which gains the new star field, can press the other two parties. In just a few hundred years, it may be able to truly dominate the flames and become the final. The king.

The reason why Fengqi and the predators are inferior to the gods of the gods, the alliance and the nine-star chamber of commerce is because there is no real place to settle.

Around the land of sacred punishment, there is no star of life in heaven and earth. The region is extremely dangerous. It can only gather mobs and death row prisoners who have nowhere to escape. If Fengqi can get the new star field, Fengqi can become the three major forces. In addition, the Flame Star has a new tyrannical power.

If Shiyan got a new star field, not only the crisis of the graceful continent can be lifted immediately, but also the qualification of the powerful force of the flames.

At that time, don't say that the Lord of the Kingdom of God is plated, even if it is the League of Nations and the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce, it is difficult to restrain him, give him a period of growth, and in the future can become a hero of the flame star.

This secret, revealed by Feng Wei, really shocked him.

However, the exploration and control of a new star field cannot be achieved by the power of one person alone. It is not an easy task to find a foothold between the place of punishment and the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce.

"Very good, thank you for telling me this news." Silence for a long time, Shi Yan stood up coldly, looking up at the vast starry sky, ambition and uncontrollable blazing burning, "The new star field, I am bound to win, Will get it at all costs."

"What if you find a place, how can you?" Feng Qi taunted and looked at him, sarcastically said: "Is it by you? A warrior who is a **** of heaven and a heavenly realm, you can really control it in the hands of the public. ?"

"Now can't, it doesn't mean you can't do it later." Shi Yan grinned, and she didn't care about her ridicule. "I am still young and have enough time to reach this. As you said, the forces in the new star field are still plotting. Can't enter, the star map is in my hand, as long as I have accumulated enough strength to hold it in my hand, what is impossible?"

"Accumulate enough power? Is it so easy?" Feng Feng sighed, "The flames of the star gods and kings are as strong as the cows, the source of the real world is not uncommon, you only get started, I really think that the world's warriors are stupid? Let you drive?"

"Hey, what do you want to say?" Shi Yan smiled and stared at her.

"Actually, we can cooperate." Feng Wei hangs his head, hating his teeth, but also knows that he can only pull the stone rock at this time, it is possible to hold the star field in their hands before the three forces.

"Cooperation? How to cooperate?" With a chuckle, Shiyan leaned into Fengqi and could smell the scent of her heart. A pair of eyes squatted on her snowy neck, her eyes were hot and naked, and she did not hide her inner desire. "You It’s Feng’s daughter, huh, huh, and I have skin, I can’t make it, you want to recruit me?”

Feng Hao suddenly looked up, Mei Yan flashed a glimmer of light, and he did not fear to meet his eyes. "My father is a hegemon, I myself have the repair of the gods and three heavens, and you, just one A small warrior without roots, can't I be worthy of you?"

Shi Yan smirked, his eyes were deep, his rough hands stretched out, and he boldly touched his neck on the rich and delicate neck. Regardless of her indignation, she smiled and said: "I can't afford it."

Feng Feng suddenly was irritated, and he started to look up, his face was cold, he looked up and said: "I know you will not let me go, you do it."

"Don't be angry, I don't want to refuse." Shi Yan's shameless laughter is not limited. "You are so beautiful and moving, how can I be willing to kill you? But I haven't thought about it yet, let's go to that position, let me More time to think about it?"

During the speech, he fell down all the way, and fell into the white snow in the bustle of his chest. His eyes were bright and calm, and there was no obscenity.

"Take your dirty hands away!" Feng Yuyu handed a bullet, a little glory bloomed, forming the power of twisting, took his hand away, pulled back a hundred meters, and looked at him with vigilance. "If you are again Dare to move the manual feet, I will never let you go, even if it is to smash the soul of the altar, you will not be able to find it cheap."

"Why is this ruthless? One day, husband and wife, I am already intimate. I am the most passionate person. If you communicate with me, you will be more tender and affectionate. I am soft from you. Shi Yan was dumbfounded.

"Less oily chamber slippery, you are such a ruthless person, will you be bound by a woman's hands and feet?" Feng Xiao snorted.

Shi Yan looked at her deeply, looked indifferent, did not explain anything, said: "The time spent staying is very long, we can start, otherwise if you wait for the search for the gods, you and I will bother."

Feng Qi did not answer, but looked at him with hatred, and the resentment in his heart did not decrease.

There is nothing to clean up. Shiyan discerns the direction and flies out from this rock. He looks back and tells Fengqi to follow, and goes along with the direction of the penalty and the direction of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce.

Time is rushing, blink of an eye, and one month passes.

He and Feng Qi have already left the field of the gods of the gods, and marched on the edge of the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce. There are also stars of life in the area where the two men walked. It is the life of some small forces in the flames, and is attached to the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce.

The two people are afraid of the three parties to pay attention to find them, deliberately looking for remote areas, not too close to the star of life, so it has been around for a long time, away from the land of punishment and the Jiuxing Chamber of Commerce is still far away.

Among them, Feng Yu is often imprisoned by Shi Yan, consuming the power of the body, and can never recover as ever, and it does not pose a threat to him.

Feng Qi on the road gradually gained his life. Knowing that such a cautious person like Shi Yan will not really give her a chance.

So that afterwards, she will not swallow the recovery of the drug, lest the power should be restored a little, and Shiyan will destroy the vitality and let the power re-deplete.

As long as she does not pose a threat, Shi Yan will not start, all the way, he often asks about the situation of Fengshen about the land of punishment.

The deeper he knows, the more he is astonished. He is very jealous of the land of sacred punishment and the surrounding predators. There are dozens of predators. Among them, the blood butcher is only one of them. In that murderer, The places where thugs and madmen gather frequently, Cato and his predators are only second-rate forces.

Over there, there are guys with the same source of godship as Feng Qi, and there are three others, just three others, all of them are only a source of heaven, and their power and strength are not as good.

However, compared with the **** Kato, the three are more powerful, and they are all horrible thugs that are not allowed by the three parties. There are countless madmen who are dying, the area is extremely chaotic, the strong is respected, every day In the burning and looting, the predators also fight each other, it is the most dangerous place in the flames.

Ordinary people, if there is not enough self-protection power, once they enter, the smashed bones may not be left.

It is not easy to find the position shown in the star map by his strength alone. It is very likely that he will not be able to see the target, and he will be eaten by the madman.

On this day, the two of them were tired and came to an abandoned mine star, thinking about finding a chariot. Otherwise, it was too powerful to rely on the strength of the body.

It’s just that they are getting worse and worse. This way, they don’t see a ship in the past, nor do they encounter the chariot of the Chamber of Commerce. At this time, it’s a little difficult to think of relying on the chariot.

On the abandoned mine, there is a small lake. The water of the lake is clean and innocent. There are colorful stones in the bottom of the lake that have no value to the warriors.

Along the way, the plumpness and exhaustion are very strong. Whenever the power is condensed, it is ruthlessly erased. The heart is very angry. The body has not been washed. I suddenly see the lake. The beauty is full of enthusiasm, and it is not subject to Shiyan’s order. Fly into the lake, soak the body in the water, and carefully wipe the dirt on the body.

On the side of the rocky side of Shiyan, lying on a raised boulder on the lake, he looked down at the lake below, and his mouth was indifferent and smiling.

"I want to bathe, don't you be next to me, can you be a little graceful?" Feng Qi looked up, gave him a look, and lowered his head, as if he had not seen it. "My strength is suppressed by you, and I will not give you a short time." Bring influence, what do you have to worry about?"

"I am afraid that you secretly communicate with your father, you have to guard against it." Shi Yan did not mean to leave, said faintly.

He has already been in the vast sea of ​​knowledge, leaving his unique mysterious thoughts, with the wonderful space, as long as there is no change in the soul of the soul, he will immediately notice that he will never give him a chance.

Feng Wei is powerful and ferocious. If you set the direction for this person and find it, even if he has three lives, he is not enough to die. He has to be careful.

Feng Wei hated, biting his teeth, turning his back, undressing, and the white-backed ridge appeared a little bit, slowly sinking into the bottom of the lake, hiding his body.

Shi Yan squinted and looked at the slightly fuzzy body in the bottom of the clear lake. His look was cold and he did not relax.

This female deceitful haze, as long as she gives her a chance to turn over, she will take advantage of the situation, and will certainly not hesitate to start, Shi Yan does not want to attract troubles that cannot be avoided.


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