God Of Soul System

Chapter 128: Strange data (fifteenth)

Roa's office is very simple, a table, a chair, a file cabinet, in addition to a recliner in the center, compared to the first branch of the West Sea, it is much simpler.

Roya doesn't care much about the environment.

"Accounting for a battle with Dolfranming, and a battle with Karp, there is a lot of energy to enhance this period of time."

After coming to his office, Roya lie directly on the lounge chair, and the idea was moved, and an illusory property bar appeared in front of him.

The fourth stage: exquisite sword soul +1

Attributes: attack power +420, power +140, agility +140, physical strength +140

Special attributes: Senro, all are ashes! Fire damage can be added freely during sword attack (not satisfied with evolutionary conditions)

Special attribute: Qianzen Sakura

Special attributes: Crescent Moon! A half-moon sword sniper can be released during a sword attack.

Enhanced energy: 241/440

After discovering the intensified energy, and unconsciously, it has already conformed to the next reinforcement, and Roya chose the reinforcement directly as before.

"The booster energy needed this time is 240 points, then isn't it 250 points next time? It's really not a good number..." Luo Ya said in his heart.

The golden light flashed and the data in the property bar changed a bit.

The fourth stage: exquisite sword soul +2

Attributes: attack power +480, power +160, agility +160, physical strength +160

Special attributes: Senro, all are ashes! Fire damage can be added freely during sword attack (not satisfied with evolutionary conditions)

Special attribute: Qianzen Sakura

Special attributes: Crescent Moon! A half-moon sword sniper can be released during a sword attack.

Strengthen energy: 1/249

Originally, Luo Ya didn't care much. After the reinforcement, he prepared to put away the property bar, but at first glance, he saw the data of strengthening energy, but he was not enthusiastic.

"It's not two hundred and five?!"

Luo Ya was subconscious and surprised, and did not expect to appear like this.

It has always been, after each enhancement, the reinforcement energy needed for the next reinforcement is 10 points higher than the last time, but this time it was extremely unexpected and only increased by 9 points.

Luo Ya's lazy intentions dissipated in an instant, carefully staring at the property bar, and even thinking of a move, direct consciousness sinking into the soul space, looking at the soul of the sword suspended in the center of the soul space.

Since the last time, after strengthening it to the fourth stage, Luo Ya has not observed it carefully. Now, look closely, Luo Ya suddenly feels that this soul of the sword, in addition to becoming more refined, seems to still A little more spiritual.

And above its sword front, there will occasionally be a little bit of faint light.

"9 points...10 points...249,250...Enhance energy."

Thoughts continually flashed in Roya's mind. Roya always felt that this change did not seem to be the soul of the sword itself, but because he did not like the number two hundred and five, so it changed.

But this is very unreasonable.

If he can control the data of the intensified energy as he pleases, has he already strengthened the soul of the sword to the highest stage? !

"Maybe... my previous guess is correct."

Luo Ya slowly converged his thoughts, and consciousness returned to the body. The soul of the sword and the attribute bar disappeared. After taking a deep breath, he murmured.

He always felt that the soul of this sword is not an unexplained one. It is so simple that the Soul Soul system that appeared inexplicably.

Nowadays, the soul of the sword is very close to the fifth stage. At that time, most of his guesses and ideas can be verified.

I have been indulging for a while.

Luo Ya stood up and was not ready to go any further. There was no task anyway. He was going to practice in the practice room and leave the headquarters. Until now, he has not exercised for a long time.

Lieutenant General, the task is not a lot, and even if there is a task, if he does not want to implement, he can completely block the past in the name of leave, like the Karp of the year, no one can force him to do something.

Just as Roja stood up and was about to go out, suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Roya’s footsteps paused and stopped.

Incoming from outside the door is Luo Ya's adjutant. Each of the heads of the ministry will be equipped with an adjutant, similar to a secretary-like character, to deal with all kinds of complicated things.

The adjutant took a document and walked in.

"Roya sir..."

He seems to be a little afraid to speak. The hand holding the document seems to be a little trembling, as if he is afraid of Roya.

When Roya looked at him, he couldn’t help but smile and said, "What happened to you?"

"That... look at this."

The adjutant looked at Roya with a timid look, hesitantly, and then carefully loosened the document in his hand.

Luo Ya took it and took a look.

"Hey, the world government has issued an order to release DoFranming, and it has been caught and can be released again. This is really a bit interesting."

Seeing the contents of this document, Roya was a little surprised, then smiled and ignored it and threw it on the table.

The adjutant looked at Roya's reaction and suddenly felt a bit stunned. He thought that Roya would be furious and then rushed to the office of the Marshal Warring States to go through the theory. I didn't expect it to be such a reaction.

"Sir Roya, can you see it clearly? That said above..."

"I am not blind."

Roya stunned the adjutant with a sigh of relief and said, "However, what does this have to do with me?"


The adjutant heard Roja’s words and suddenly felt a stiff expression. He couldn’t help but cough and said: “Cough... Chief Roja, Dolfranming, you grab it, after the guy was released, I am afraid it will be for you..."

"Revenge me? Let him be here."

Luo Yayi shrugged in disappointment. Since he could overturn Franmingo once, he could turn it over again for the second time. The gap between them will only grow bigger and bigger.

The surpassed person, Roya will not pay attention.

As for whether Dolfranming will retaliate against his family, Luo Ya is not worried at all.

Roya’s parents in this world, not the high-ranking officials of the Navy, but the civilians in the East China Sea, were both killed by accidents, so he will be taken to the naval headquarters by Karp and then thrown into the new recruits’ battalion.

His relatives in this world are left with only Kapp, Dragon, and Luffy.

Karp is there, and if he wants to retaliate, he will not know who is who, even if he tries it.

The leader of the revolutionary army, and the cousin of the world government, the Mond Dron is also there, and he will go there anyway. Anyway, people have already become enemies with the whole world, and there is no difference in one of the flamenco.

As for Luffy's luck, the protagonist of the anti-sky, there is a halo shelter, and he just went to squat, halfway to kill a four emperor, red hair sharks or something, it is not an accident.

As soon as she thought that her family was all abnormal, Roya was relieved.

"Okay, just like this, I went to the practice room."

Luo Ya patted the shoulder of the adjutant, then took his own white knife and Shi Shiran out of the room.

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