God Of Soul System

Chapter 171: Infinite hell

Pushing the city's three underground floors is a hungry hell, while the fourth floor is a sea of ​​hell.

The third floor is like a desert. The whole space is very dry and hot, and the pirates held here will not get any water and food. Even though they are highly rewarded, their physical strength is far higher than ordinary. The pirates of the people, but most of them are half dead.

Roya and Domino did not stop on this floor, because this layer is basically a desolate desert. There is nothing to look at. It has crossed this layer directly and came to the fourth floor.

Pushing the core of the city, the office of Director Magellan is on the fourth floor.

In the middle of the fourth floor of the underground is a huge boiler with a boiling blood pool. Every prisoner who comes to the propulsion city must be disinfected on this floor before being held separately.

I don't know if it was specially waiting here. It happened that after Luo Ya and Domino came to this level, they took a few steps and met the deputy director of the prison, Hannibal.

"Lieutenant General Luo Ya! Welcome to my prison... Ah! Exposing your ambitions, welcome to the fourth floor of the Advance City, burning hell."

If the director Magellan looks like a demon, then Hannibal will be the same as the Sphinx, and he does not know which ethnic group he is.

After Roya came to this world, he also saw too many strange-looking guys. Now, for those who look strange, the heart has no fluctuations, and they don't want to laugh.

"What about Magellan?"

Roya asked casually.

His sense of this Hannibal is OK, although this guy has some unrealistic ambitions, and he will always say it directly, like a funny, but can protect the weak and not fear of death.

People in this world may have their own shortcomings, but there is no absolute evil in the true sense. They are all moving forward for their own goals.

"The Director is diarrhea... I am slowing down the guests. The responsibilities are all the Director. Ah, wrong. Do you need me to call the Director?"

"no need."

Roya's mouth twitched slightly, and after shaking his head, he walked forward.

The burning sensation of this layer has no effect on Luo Ya. Even the burning blood pool is not a big thing for Luo Ya. His physical fitness has already exceeded the average person. .

And if it is the metamorphosis of the beast, it may be impossible to throw it into the magma pool from the crater.

After a round, Domino put on a coat and walked out, and gave Roa a coat.

"Lieutenant General Luo Ya, the fifth floor is extremely cold hell, the temperature is very low, do you need to change the coat?"

"No need to."

"The fifth layer also has a large number of ice wolves. Please beware."

When he heard that Roya didn't answer, Domino did not reveal the color of the accident. Instead, he looked at Roya more admirably and then directed at the opening of Roya's respect.

The two walked to the door of the extremely cold **** to the underground five floors, opened the door and went in.

"The temperature here is really low..."

Roya felt the sudden temperature from burning, getting cold to the extreme, and couldn't help but blink. This temperature is not a big deal for him, but it seems to play a role in honing the body.

Nowadays, it is difficult to increase the physical strength of the body with his weight-bearing practice. If you want to improve further, you may need some alternative methods.

Pushing the city to Roya is also a good place to practice.

The scope of the propulsion city is extremely large, and the wider the range is, the taller the tower is at the bottom of the sea, and the outer layer of the city is pushed by the extremely thick steel and the layer of sea stone, with a layer of shock absorption in the middle. The installation of the device was caused.

Even if it is a giant sea king, it is difficult to damage the city from the outer shell.

Of course, it is impossible to build a sea floor stone inside the city. Otherwise, the ability of Magellan cannot be tolerated, so the ceiling and the floor are relatively fragile.


Even in a coat, Domino seems to be a bit cold. Her body is certainly far less than Roya. Her tone is a bit whistling. "There are almost tens of thousands of pirates on this level, and they are violent and violent. They It will be frostbitten here until it freezes."

"The pirates who have over 100 million rewards are also personal."

Luo Ya smiled. Maybe there is still a pirate that he had previously arrested. Of course, he has no memory at all. The person he defeated has a deeper impression than Dolph. In addition to the rest of the dragon can still remember.

As the eagle eye said, the name of Otaru can be remembered without time.

This layer is still quite dangerous. The wolf of the military wolf even exceeds the beast in the underground two-layer beast hell. It can shred all the beasts on the second floor of the underground, so there are usually few jailers and guards. Layers come.

Even this layer is not installed because of the low temperature.

After Roya and Domino turned around, they crossed the underground five floors and stepped into the passage to the sixth floor. The six underground floors were generally not allowed to enter because they were too scary.

Roya is a lieutenant general and there is no problem in applying for entry into nature.

The six underground floors, also known as the Infinite Hell, are almost all famous figures in the sea, and even some of the existences that can compete with the Navy generals are also held here.

"It seems that there has not been a five-and-five-story new **** paradise at this time. Ivankov of the Revolutionary Army should not have been caught here yet."

Luo Ya has been releasing the domineering color, but from the fifth floor to the sixth floor, and did not notice the interlayer between the five layers and six layers, so he recovered the domineering color.


"Someone is here."

"What is the world now, is white beard dead?!"

After entering the sixth floor, the pirates who were here were immediately looked at with a look of sorrow and fierceness.

It was discovered that Magellan was not here. It was only the deputy chieftain Domino, and a very young man who was looking very young. After many people’s eyes, they showed a brutal color.

"Magellan didn't come."

"Hey, when did the sixth floor become your navy and guards, where you can go in and out?!"

I don't know which pirate is in the darkness, and I rushed to Luo Ya's mouth, and immediately a horrible momentum directly oppressed.

Followed by the second, the third...

There are many huge cages on the sixth floor. Each cage is held with powerful pirates. These cages are mostly constructed of sea ridges. They are connected by huge cages directly in huge cages. On the top, unless it is a monster of the beast, there is no possibility of escape.

One after another, the pirates release their own horrible momentum.

The entire underground six-story seems to have been suppressed from the darkness for a moment, and it has become horrible. It seems to have really turned into a hello hell, which makes the Dominoes around Roya eclipse.

Under this horrible momentum, she seems to see the scene of the **** sea, a pretty face becomes pale, and a heart almost stops beating.


At this time, Roya, who stood there, swiftly swept away and gave a cold cry.

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