God Of Soul System

Chapter 173: Promotion (fourth more)

The fourth floor is underground, burning hell.

The director, Magellan, was standing at the passage to the lower five floors below. He felt that there was no movement underneath, and he could not help but blink.

"Have you been quiet?"

"But if you have to go down and have a look."

Just as Magellan was ready to go, some people came up from below. It was Roja and Domino, and Domino was still in a state of coma.

Several guards and jailers next to Magellan, when they saw the figure of Roya, suddenly sighed and said: "It is Lieutenant General Roja and the deputy chief of Domino."

"What happened to the Domino deputy chieftain?"

Of course, some people have a look of sorrow and worry, looking at the unconscious Domino.

After Luo Ya came up, she put the domino gently down and held her shoulders to prevent her from falling down. "It's just a coma. Don't worry, lift her down and let her go to rest."

Someone immediately responded, then found a stretcher and carried the dominoes down.

At this time, Magellan asked for the silence of Roya: "Nothing bad happened."

"No, it’s just that your prisoners are not obedient."

Luo Ya shrugged at Magellan and responded with a disappointment. "It seems to be honest now."

How can a prisoner who is infinitely infernal **** on the sixth floor be obedient!

Magellan had some inability to vomit the words of Roya. After licking his eyebrows, he decided to go on and look at it, so he rushed to Luo Yadao: "Since Lieutenant General Luo Ya has already visited, then go to rest first, and the prisoners will pay for everything. Give me this director to handle it."

After Luo Ya nodded, he turned and left, and Magellan took the man to the infinite **** on the sixth floor. When he saw the infinite hell, it was just a little chaotic. The cage was very good, and Magellan was relieved. .

Immediately returned to the fourth floor from the sixth floor of the underground, his office, once again plunged into the toilet.


As the lieutenant general of the navy headquarters stationed in the city, Luo Ya also has the right to enter and exit the city at will. The atmosphere in the city is not very popular. So, when he is ready to rest, he returns to the warship parked outside the city.

After returning to his room, Roya recalled what had happened before, and his eyes flashed a little.

prior to.

At the sixth floor of the underground, it caused a large-scale conflict of the king of color, and it was centered on him. Even though his overlord was extremely aggressive, it was difficult to suppress so many chaos.

But Roya at that time had a strong will in mind, that is, to suppress all the chaos and suppress all the momentum!

Under this strong will, it seems to be stimulating his soul, and it seems to be stimulating the soul of the sword, so that his hegemony color domineering suddenly got blessed, and instantly the tyrannical power of the tough end of the tyrannical sweeping defeat.

Roya can clearly feel that if he is faced with so many weather conditions, the tyrannical tyrannical domineering attack attack, a step back, then perhaps a very bad situation will happen.


He did not step back in one step, and the strong triumph in his heart, wanting to overwhelm the absolute will, so that he could withstand all the tyrannical shocks and defeat them all.

Perceive the strangeness coming from the depths of the soul. It seems to be a feeling of joy. Luo Ya lay down on his bed. After the thought, the translucent property bar popped up.

The fourth stage: exquisite sword soul +3

Attributes: attack power +540, power +180, agility +180, physical strength +180

Special attributes: Senro, all are ashes! Fire damage can be added freely during sword attack (not satisfied with evolutionary conditions)

Special attribute: Qianzen Sakura

Special attributes: Crescent Moon! A half-moon sword sniper can be released during a sword attack.

Enhanced energy: 572/260

"Sure enough, it is not an illusion... The enhancement of energy has increased so much." Roya looked at the data of strengthening energy, and he couldn't help but flash a touch of joy.

Although that moment, only the overbearing domineering of the overlord has gained an inexplicable blessing, but Luo Ya feels that it seems that because of his strong will, his soul has also undergone a little bit of transformation.

Perhaps when I first came to this world, Luo Ya did not have the will of the king. In the face of everything, she would never retreat. She must suppress everything. But now Luo Ya, after numerous transformations, has already possessed this kind of Strong will.

In the face of everything, never back, suppress the will of the king!

The idea is moving.

Luo Ya did not hesitate and directly chose reinforcement.

Originally, his intensive energy was accumulated enough to be strengthened next time, and this time the promotion directly satisfied him with the value of continuous strengthening twice, so Luo Ya did not stop, and directly strengthened twice.

Two golden lights flashed in succession, and the soul of the sword suspended in the soul space of Roya seems to be faintly illusory and become more real.

The fourth stage: exquisite sword soul +5

Attributes: attack power +660, power +220, agility +220, physical strength +220

Special attributes: Senro, all are ashes! Fire damage can be added freely during sword attack (not satisfied with evolutionary conditions)

Special attribute: Qianzen Sakura

Special attributes: Crescent Moon! A half-moon sword sniper can be released during a sword attack.

Enhanced energy: 42/280

The fifth phase is getting closer and closer, and Roya is more and more expecting.

The next half month.

Luo Ya spent most of the time in the fifth floor of the propulsion city. He practiced in the extremely cold hell. The scope here is enormous, and it is an endless ice field.

And not only is the scope extremely large, here is the propulsion city, the outer shell is much tougher than the naval stone practice room of the navy headquarters, and Roya is not worried that his sword will fly too far and will push the city to break. The practice here is very arbitrary.

In order to use the cold here to hone his body, Luo Ya even directly naked the upper body, using the heat generated by his body, to resist the pervasive, crazy to break through the cold of the skin.

Hannibal, the deputy director of the Advancement City, will enter the extremely cold and **** to do the same to shock the prisoners and show his strength. But he can’t do it like Roya for three days and five days in the ice field. Among them.

It can be a short time, and the long cold is very scary.

The army wolf here did not dare to come and provoke Luo Ya. When he first encountered it, he tried to attack Luo Ya. As a result, he was slightly shocked by Luo Ya’s momentum, and he was scared to come close.

In the extremely cold **** practice, Luo Ya was slightly retrieved with some feelings when he first started practicing. His swordsmanship also merged from the thirteenth sword and slowly progressed toward the fourteenth sword.

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