God Of Soul System

Chapter 174: Bump through (fifth)

Roya guarded the city for half a month.

The whole world is still raging and turbulent, and the Beast Pirates have suffered a big loss, but as long as Kaido is not dead and the beast is still there, it is still a behemoth that has made countless forces jealous.

The Beast Pirates did not have any intention of shrinking, and still unscrupulously occupied their own sphere of influence, and no one dared to come here to easily scatter.

On the contrary, it is the navy. It is not so easy to rebuild the bases destroyed by Kaido in the new world. It has been disturbed by all sides.

Small-scale friction is constant, but large-scale conflicts are not available for the time being.

In this way, the sea calmed down for nearly a month.

this day.

The empty island above the 10,000 meters of the sea, a figure of a burly figure, standing on the edge, looking down at the bottom.

It is the four emperors, the beasts Kato!

Kayto stood quietly on the edge of the empty island. No one dared to go to disturb him. At the back of Kaido, there were some members of the Beast Pirates who came to the empty island along with Kato. At this time, it was only far away. Standing there, there was a cold sweat on his forehead.

"Kedo adults... is this a bit too crazy..."

"To shut up."

The cold mouth of Kaiduo, the pirates of the beasts and pirates, did not dare to speak.

The atmosphere in the field was strange and repressed.

And in the next moment, Kaido was suddenly stunned from the empty island under the intense gaze of the pirates of the beasts and pirates!

You know that this is an altitude of over 10,000 meters!

Falling from here, even if ordinary people fall into the sea, they must be crushed by huge impact!

"Admiral Kaido, really jumped..."

"This is really..."

The pirates of the Beast Pirates are all face to face, do not know what to say, all in the eye is awe, this is their boss, even from the empty island 10,000 meters, dare to casually Jump to the four emperors and beasts!

After jumping from the empty island, the figure of Kaiduo fell straight, wrapped in a huge sound of breaking, he fell faster and faster, and the wind pressure of terror was getting stronger and stronger.

Just below Kaiduo, there was a building.

That is... push the city prison!


Advance in the city.

Yu Zhixi has just killed a few prisoners. At this time, he is wiping the blood on the sword front. His injury has already recovered. He had been looking for Luo Ya half a month ago and hit the fifth floor of the city. Turbulent, but still not Roya's opponent.

If you don't win, Rain will stay away from the natural desire to fight. Although he is addicted to killing, he has no hobby.

"It’s really boring to kill these junk prisoners. Infinite prisoners, Magellan guys don’t allow me to kill.”

Yu Zhixi stayed with the cold color, shook his head, and was preparing to put the sword into the scabbard. A sound that shook the earth and made the whole city move loudly, suddenly blasted and let his face look. Suddenly changed.

what happened? !


The other side.

Magellan is sorting out the trial reports of some criminals in the prison and passing them on to the Navy headquarters.

After all the interrogation information in recent days passed, Magellan stopped.

"Although this is not what happened a month, but do not reduce vigilance and alert, Magellan." The other end of the phone worm, came the sound of the Warring States Marshal.

Magellan nodded and said: "I know."

After hanging up the phone worm, Magellan, it would not take that to heart, to promote the city jail here, after all, history has never been able to invade been here this month something big had happened plus.

In addition to pre-Roa and hope to stay two weeks of rain, the arctic **** of a mess to play outside, the thought of this, a bit of Magellan furious.

"Has been in the past month, then two months, should Roa went back to the Navy headquarters ...... ah, strict supervision within two months, absolutely not allow them to resort to them."

Magellan glanced at his forehead with a headache.

And when Magellan stood up and prepared to drill into his own toilet, suddenly, a roar of earth-shattering, accompanied by the tremors of the floor and ceiling, made Magellan almost fall.

Fortunately, he is not an ordinary character, and he instantly restores balance.

"Damn! What happened? Did the Greeks and Roya fight again?!"

Magellan was furious in his heart, and even his body began to overflow with venom. He really couldn’t bear it. This time, he was ready to give a look to Xiliu and Luo Ya. In the push of the city’s unscrupulous fight, it’s too much to put him in the eye!

Although Roya is here to help, but here is the promotion of the city prison, he is the director here, the highest sergeant!

Magellan rushed out of his room and yelled at the chaotic guards outside. "Where are the rains and the Luo Ya?!"

Outside guards, most of them face a look of inexplicable horror, looking at the center of the blood pool, was heard after Magellan He Wen, directed at Magellan warble response.

"Report of the Director Roa in the arctic **** should still inside, the guards went hungry people grew up in **** before, have not come back yet."

"Arctic hell, hungry hell?"

Magellan suddenly showed a strange color. If Roya was in the cold and hell, Rainy was left in the hungry hell, which means that this huge movement was not played by two people.

What is going on? !

When Magellan was in a state of uncertainty, he also noticed the strange expressions of the guards and jailers around him. He couldn't help but turn his head and suddenly saw a big hole in the ceiling above the blood pool in the central part of the burning hell!

It seems that something has fallen from above.


Just as Magellan frowned, his phone bug rang.

Magellan immediately turned on, and then I heard the other side of the phone bug, and there was a shocking and inexplicable voice.

"Report... Reporting Director! Just an unknown creature has fallen from the sky and worn the first floor ceiling and ground!"


Magellan looked at the horror, listening to this emergency report, and then reminiscent of the big hole in the ceiling above the blood pool, he had a terrible thought in his heart.

Could it be that……

Sure enough, in the next moment, Magellan received an urgent report from the second and third floor guards and jailers.

The content of the report is almost the same, pushing the ground and ceiling of the second and third floors of the city, and all the unidentified creatures that have fallen down are worn!

The unidentified creature descended from the sky and pushed the city into a smashing sky. It hit the first and second floors all the way... until it hit the ceiling of the four layers of the burning hell, and broke into the central blood pool. Stopped!

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