God Of Soul System

Chapter 185: Help (fourth more)

After returning to the Navy headquarters, after a month, Roya received a mission.

The task was to escorting an important material to the scientific unit, the base of Bega Punk. Roya was staying in the headquarters. The long sit-in practice also made him a little tired, so he took the task and left the navy. Headquarters.

The warship sailed on the sea.

Roya stood in front of the railing and blew the sea breeze. No one dared to come and disturb him. He looked at the sea so quietly, and with the boring meditation of the three months of advancing the city, he gradually passed away with the wind.

The mind is empty and nothing to think about.

This state seems to have made Luo Ya feel the existence of his soul more clearly, and the looming seems to break more shackles.

When Roya woke up, he noticed that the physical body’s shackles of the soul had almost broken by nearly 40%. In this state, when he fully broke the soul power, he seemed to be able to faintly enter the vague death. The state is gone.

The intensified energy of the Soul of the Sword has also increased a lot this month.

“After a continuous practice, it’s good to relax and relax.”

Luo Ya stretched out and looked at the sea with a slight smile, then prepared to return to his cabin and continue to practice.

At this time, Roya’s adjutant came over.

"The report chief received a distress signal from a nearby island. Is it possible to change the course and go to the island for assistance?"

The task of escorting important materials is generally not to respond to the distress signal in the middle of the road for safety reasons, but the warships where Roya is located are different.

If you want to grab something from Roya, you must at least come to a naval general level, or come to the level of two or three more Flamenco and Drought Jack.

"What about the distress signal, go see."

Luo Ya nodded plainly at the adjutant.


Here is a small island.

A pirate ship is parked on the shore of the island, there is a small town on the island, and a very **** massacre is taking place in this town.

The head of the pirate had a fierce knife on his face, which was daunting. He stood on the street in the middle of the town and directed the pirates under his hand to clean the town.

"The body is good, the lively catching is better, and the rest are all killed."

All kinds of screaming fights, the sound of gunshots is endless.

on the street.

A girl with a good face was twisted around her neck by a pirate, dragged out of a house, towed on the street, and the house was faintly visible with blood and body.

"Damn... you guys!!"

From a house, a middle-aged man was rushing out, holding a wooden stick in his hand, and knocking over two pirates, he was the mayor of the town.

"Hey! It's quite a fight."

The leader of this group of pirates, watching the middle-aged man sneer, suddenly stepped forward, slammed a punch, hard-boiled the wooden stick that the middle-aged mayor took, and then backhanded When you punch, you will fly out of it.

boom! !

The middle-aged mayor's back hit a wall and knocked the wall out of a big hole. At the same time, a blood spurted out and looked at the pirate leader.

"The navy is coming soon, and you will never let go of these pirates!"


The pirate leader stepped forward and stepped on the chest of the middle-aged mayor. His face was mocked and disdainful. He said, "How about the navy, see the flag?"

As he said, the pirate leader pointed to the town and docked on the pirate ship on the shore of the island, hanging the flag, which is the symbol of the Don Quixote family.

"If the Navy sees this flag, it will retreat. They are not qualified to take charge of our Don Quixote family and legally plunder. Do you understand?!"

The pirate leader stood there with a sullen look and sneered.

Since Dofranminge became the Seven Wuhai, they were under the small forces of the Don Quixote family. When they were burning and looting in the sea, there was no navy to take control of them.

Even after meeting the navy, after looking at their flags, they will directly retreat.

Therefore, the Don Quixote family, during this period of mad expansion, various trading venues, underground forces do not know how much expansion, once the impact of Roya, also with the more Fleming brother became seven Wuhai is completely eliminated.

They came to occupy the island and also to turn it into a small exchange.

"Damn bastard!!"

The middle-aged mayor was a little crazy in his heart and wanted to struggle, but he was kicked out by the pirate leader.

Just as the pirate leader was preparing to kill the middle-aged mayor, suddenly a pirate ran over in a panic.

"Captain! There are warships coming!"

"Don't worry, they will retreat when they see the flag."

The pirate leader waved his hand indiscriminately, but his subordinates said with some nervousness: "But... the warship is about to land!"


The pirate's head reveals a strange color. Under normal circumstances, the Navy sees that they should go directly.

The middle-aged mayor and the several girls caught by the pirates heard that the naval warship had arrived, and they could not help but reveal a trace of the last straw.

The pirate leader noticed their gaze and couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, it will make you completely desperate."

As he picked up the middle-aged mayor and ordered his own subordinates, he would seize the few girls who were preparing to be slaves and walked together outside the town.


Outside the island.

"How can I be met by the Don Quixote family?"

Roya stood on the deck of the warship and looked at the pirate ship hanging the flag of the Don Quixote family. He could not help but shook his head slightly.

"Sir, the Don Quixote family is the power of Wang Xiawu Wuhai Duo Flangming, and we cannot arrest them according to regulations."

The adjutant standing next to Roya, speaking to Roya, but with great indignation in his tone.

Now when I came to the island, I could almost hear the screams from the town. I almost guessed that the situation in the town must be terrible.

Can be biased.

As a navy, they can't arrest the members of the powers of Wang Xiwu Wuhai according to the regulations. They can only watch this side.

Roya was undecided about his adjutant's words and suddenly jumped to the island.

In front of Roya, a group of pirates were dragging a few bundled girls to come over. After seeing Roya in a navy uniform, they paused a little, but they continued to walk over and ignored Luo Ya directly. Going towards their pirate ship.

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