God Of Soul System

Chapter 186: Ambush (fifth)

"see it?"

"Even if it is a warship, it will not attack us."

The pirate leader looked at the warship in the distance, and Roya, not far away, was slightly nervous, but when he saw the warship, he only came down with a navy in Roya, and his heart relaxed.

He stared at some dying middle-aged mayor with a cruel and ridiculous color on his face.

The middle-aged mayor saw the warship in the distance, and did not attack the pirate ship, and there was no navy on the warship. Only a navy of Luo Ya came to the island, and there was a desperate color in his eyes. .

"This world... what happened!!"

The other girls who were **** were also desperate, and the feelings of the last hope in the heart were crushed, and their hearts almost collapsed.

And it is at this time.

Luo Ya, who was still standing in the distance, suddenly flashed and came close.

"Who allowed you, so arrogant in front of me?"

Accompanied by the cold voice of Roya.

Several pirates who were dragging the bundled girls on the front of the thief suddenly splashed a **** flower, and there was a horror in the eyes. Obviously, I did not expect that Luo Ya would attack them!

The pirate leader saw this scene, but he was shocked and revealed a panic color. "Hey! Hey!! My master is the seven Wuhai, Dolfranming, your navy can't catch us." !"

"DoFranming brother... Oh."

In the eyes of Roya, there was a sneer in the eyes, saying: "I can't fit into the sand in my eyes, even if he is here, killing innocents!"

laugh! !

A sword light flashed, the pirate leader seemed to want to resist, but there was no time to react, and a clear blood mark appeared on his neck.

He grabbed his neck desperately, but the blood began to rush out. He couldn't help himself. He looked at Roya's gaze, and with a stunned and unbelievable look, he fell into a pool of blood.

Originally desperate, I feel that the world has completely lost its light, and has fallen into the dark middle-aged mayor. When Luo Ya suddenly shot and killed several pirates, he could not help but feel a little dazed.

"You asked what happened to the world."

Luo Ya stood there quietly, looking at the middle-aged mayor, and said calmly: "The world is sick."

After leaving such a sentence, Luo Ya's figure suddenly flashed, rushed into the town, just a few breaths of time, the gunfire and screams in the town, it stopped.

Roya walked out of the town and took the white knives into the scabbard and walked toward the shore.

The middle-aged mayor stared at Roya's back and suddenly coughed up a blood, and then asked Roya: "Would you save?"


Roya did not look back, and the justice of the Navy fluttered gently in the wind.


Roya returned to the warship and looked at the sea, commanding the warship to continue sailing.

If you legally plunder this kind of thing, you will not forget it. If you see it, Luo Ya will not control the rules and rules. If he does not, he will shoot.

Not to mention what a boat of the Don Quixote family, even if Dolfranming himself is here, Roya is also killing!

In order to maintain the balance of the world, it is not necessary to establish the system of the King of the Seven Seas, like the Fuji and the Green Bull. It is still hidden in the folks. If you join the Navy, it is enough to suppress the sea.

A pirate is a pirate.

The era of the sea thief opened by One Piece Roger, of course, attracted a large number of pirates for dreams, but it can not change, more thieves are the fact of cancer.


New world.

On a certain sea area, the main ship of the Don Quixote family is sailing.

Dolfranming is carefully calculating the next step. He is going to win a country, Dres Rosa, and it is a bit inappropriate to use it, because it is a country that belongs to their Don Quixote family.

Only the current royal family is the Liku family. They are no longer the royal family. If they want to get back to the political power, they need some means.

"Dover, there is information about Roya."

The slimy Torepol, like a slug, squirmed from a distance and came to the front of Dolfranming.

The Don Quixote family is too big, and various transactions involve a wide range of transactions. Most of the trivial matters are handled by his ‘consultant’. Only some of the more important things will be reported to DoFranmingo.

"Roya... Did the guy leave Marlin Buddha?"

Dolfranming looked up and looked at Torrepol. His face showed a wicked smile. He said, "It’s good to leave, so I’m afraid he stayed in the headquarters and took his whereabouts. Pass it to those people."

"I didn't expect you to survive in the hands of the Beast Pirates, but also killed the Drake Jack guy, this time I hope you can survive!"

Dolfranming stood up and his face was a touch of color.

It is his shame to be defeated by Roya. It is certainly impossible for him to forget. Only by killing Luo Ya can he wash this shame. He has been looking for opportunities.

months ago.

When the Kato and Red-haired Pirates fought, Roya left the headquarters, but the lieutenant who left the headquarters was too much. Even though the Navy had a spy of the Don Quixote family, it was impossible to know exactly. The whereabouts of Asia.

What's more, after Luo Ya arrived at the place, he directly fought a battle with the Beast Pirates, and also led a big battle between the Beast Pirates and the Navy Headquarters. These were all things that Fleming did not expect. thing.


Half a month later.

Roya’s warships transported important materials to the base of the scientist Bega Punk.

Berga Punk did not personally come out to collect the materials, and Luo Ya did not see the great scientist who claimed to be the world's leading technology for 500 years.

After the delivery, the warship returned to the Navy headquarters.

Just as the warship passed a certain sea area, in front of the warship, at the end of the sea, there was a black shadow!

That is a ship.

On the warship, the navy found the end of the sea level. After the black shadow appeared, he took out the telescope and observed it carefully. Then he found that the ship was a pirate ship!

"Is the pirate ship?"

Encounter a pirate ship, most of the navy, including the adjutant of Roya, did not reveal any panic, here is a large warship with Roya.


Next, all the navy on the warship soon had cold sweat overflowing on the forehead.

In the distant sea, or in all directions, in a short period of time, there are almost ten pirate ships!


"Is this... the Four Emperor Pirates?!"

The navy on the warships, looking at so many pirate ships, surrounded by the sea, all the faces were exposed to the hustle and bustle, and the back of the back was cold and cold sweat.


The Four Emperor Pirates Group is a huge force capable of decisive battles with the entire navy. Even the beasts and pirates that were hit hard recently, they are not resistant to a warship in their area!

"No, not the Four Emperor Pirates!"

At this time, there was finally a naval general, a cold sweaty opening, saying: "The ship in the east direction at three o'clock... If it is not mistaken, it should be the ship of the Babao Sailor. The leader is a reward of 500 million. Cone green pepper!"

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