God Of Soul System

Chapter 205: The peak stage (third)

"In the eighth stage, I will not know that you have several stages... No, you should ask your understanding, what is your ability..."

Luo Ya thought of a move, the property bar retracted, he couldn't help but look at the thousand murmurs in his hand.

Whether it is a blaze, a thousand sakura, or a crescent moon, it is the ability of the thousand illusion to evolve, not the true power of the thousand illusion itself.

Thousands of illusions are very special. It seems that there is no original solution. It is the same as that of the moon, but it should be puzzling. After the confession, there should also be the ability to belong to the illusion.

Other than that.

Luo Ya made a few experiments.

When using the ability of the blade to fire, the appearance of the thousand illusion will change. When the blade is used, the whole blade will become red, and even the blade can be directly turned into a flame.

When using Sakura Sakura, before the sword body is scattered into cherry blossoms, the sword body will first become cherry color, and with the crescent moon, the sword body will be turned into pure white.

Changeable, just as its name.

"If the flow of the blade can already be solved, then it is time to do what I want to do, but before that, I will go to the Windmill Village first and see the old Kapp."

Luo Ya thought of a move, thousands of illusion into a stream of light, returned to his body, he stood on the sea, looking at the innocent sea, deep expression.


When roa hikes across the sea.

According to Luo Ya’s report, the location of the island’s fall, ordered the nearest naval base to go to the inspection. After confirming the death of the Golden Lion Shiji, the entire high-level headquarters of the Navy was shaken.

Luo Ya has not made any big noise for more than half a year. Many people think that Roya is so stable, but the news that the Golden Lion has fallen is like a bomb, which exploded in the navy headquarters.

Many of the Lieutenant Generals, such as the Mole and the like, had fought with the Golden Lion and the Pirates. At that time, they were not even officials. They were only the Navy's school, knowing the horror of the Golden Lion.

Such a sea thief, the legend of living, has fallen to the hands of Luo Ya!

What a shocking thing.

After learning the news, Qinglan said with one hand holding his chin: "Ah Lara, really Roya, still can't live, this is his style."

"It’s so terrible."

After Huang Qi was informed, a wretched old face squeezed out a more insignificant expression, and narrowed his eyes and said: "Even the golden lion has been killed, and his strength has grown."

Being able to kill the golden lion, Luo Ya’s strength has made Huang Wei, and he has to pay attention to it and dignify.

The red dog also learned the news.

His relationship with Roya is extremely poor. He occasionally has contradictions in the naval headquarters. He can’t see his head and see, and sometimes he can’t avoid it.

The stronger the strength of Roya, the more taboo he is.

"The strength of the little devil finally caught up?"

The red dog looked slightly chilly and then shook his head.

After all, the Golden Lion was a loser. After the jailbreak, he broke his two legs. With this, he could not determine to what extent Luo Ya’s strength had reached.

Although Roya's growth rate has been extremely fast, but the red dog does not believe that Roya can really surpass them these naval generals for half a year.


The news of the fall of the Golden Lion quickly spread throughout the sea.

Luo Ya has been quiet for half a year, and the sea has gradually forgotten the title of "Ghost Sword". With the fall of the Golden Lion, it is undoubtedly a drop of water in the hot oil pan.

The whole sea instantly boils!

The king of the last era, the legendary sea thief, the golden lion, the news of the fallen sea, what a shocking!

In comparison, Roya kills Dr. Jack and kills more than Fleminger, almost all of them are pediatrics!

Dr. Jack is just a cadre of the four emperors, and Dolfranming is just a small character that the four emperors can't beat.

But the golden lion is different!

The golden lion is the king of the sea, the legend of the last era, once with the name of Roger, white beard!

If the Golden Lion was discovered by the Navy and then was attacked by the Navy generals, or by people like the Kapp Warring States, it would be nothing.

But the person who kills the golden lion is Roya!

Once again, the performance of Roya’s performance was so high that people like Sihuang or Wu Laoxing paid attention to it at most, but this time, it really made everyone look at it completely!

Champagne Islands.

"Golden Lion... is it dead?"

Pluto looked at the latest newspaper, and flashed a strange look in his eyes. He said, "Ghost sword Roya, this guy is finally going to board the world, the most peak stage... Karp."

New World, White Beard Territory.

The world's strongest man, one of the three kings, is now the only legend of the last era in the sea, the white beard Edward Newgate, throwing the newspaper out, then picking up the jar, whistling. He took a sigh of relief.

"Roger, Karp, Warring States... There is one less person who knows the sea at that time."

The white beard had a sneak glimpse in the eyelids. I didn't expect Roya, the little devil, to walk all the way to the sea. On the most peak stage, he even had a slight look.

New world, red hair territory.

"The golden lion is dead."

The four emperor red hair Shanks was sitting there with a touch of emotion on his face, saying: "At first it was almost forced into the desperate by the guy... If it wasn't for the storm, there might not be a sea thief era opened by the captain. ""

"Ghost Sword Roya, it seems that there will be a battle with you sooner or later."

Speaking of this, Xiangx suddenly turned his head and looked at the other person beside him. He smiled and said: "Maybe the person who first competed with him is not me, but you."

Sitting next to the Shanks, he is the world's largest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk.

I heard the red hair so half-hearted, half-joking, the eagle's eyes sipped a drink, a look that was undecidable.

The news of the fall of the Golden Lion made the sea boil, and the name of the Ghost Sword Roja once again came to the attention of the world.

Countless forces have shook the name of the ghost sword Roya.

At this time, Roya, who made the whole world raging, was in the weakest and most peaceful East China Sea in the four seas and came to the central island of the Kingdom of Goya.

Here is the island.

In fact, it is more like a huge land. The island where King Goya is located is a very large island. The center of the island is where the king's palace is located.

Beyond the palace, it is the 'indeterminate terminal station', the so-called garbage dump, and then there are large mountains and jungles. The windmill village is a very remote place from the Kingdom of Goya.

Roya boarded the large island.

He tried to dial Karp's phone bug, but Kapu did not pick up at all. It seems that the phone bug has long been thrown by Karp.

Can not contact Kapu, Luo Ya can only helpless pouting, first arrived in the windmill village, simply asked a way, then left the windmill village, stepped into the mountains outside the village.

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