God Of Soul System

Chapter 208: Roya's promotion choice!

This huge sea monster is funny, like a mutated hippo, but the cold teeth in the mouth are completely ridiculous.

After all, it is the world of One Piece. Even in the East China Sea, there are still various sea monsters.

"Not the one that bites off one of the red hairs..."

Roya looked at the sea monster that suddenly appeared out of his eyes and seemed to treat him as a snack. After shaking his head, his eyes were showing a trace of pity.

Why don't you die, why should you jump out in front of him?

I was preparing for a slap in the air, but Luo Ya suddenly thought of Luffy and Ace on the far shore. Then she smiled and thought, and the death tyrants suddenly appeared. The thousand illusions also came to Luo Ya’s hands.

"Since I am leaving, I should always show my nephews the power of my uncle..."

Holding a thousand illusion, Luo Ya is in front of the sword.

"Senro is all gray, and it’s a fire!"

Roya and a sword waved out, the huge sea monster, together with the sea area hundreds of meters in a circle, was turned under the red gold flame, and in a flash, it was burned out!

This sea directly appeared in the abyss of nearly 1000 meters in length. There was only a flame in the pit. Without the sea water, it was like a red-gold brush. It directly wiped the sea away and turned it into a sea of ​​fire.

These forces are like the gods who control the flames!

In the distance, Luffy and Ace, watching this scene, have already revealed the shock to the extreme look, the eyes are all incredible, and even feel that they are dreaming!

But the faint heat wave from the distance tells them that they are not dreaming, all this is a real scene!

"Does such power... is humanity able to achieve it?"

The future fire fist Ace, looking at this scene shocked, recalling that he also questioned the strength of Roya just now, want to challenge Roya, the heart could not help but smile.

this moment.

Not only Luffy and Ace, but even Karp showed a hint of exclamation.

"What a terrible flame... Roya, you stupid boy, really already..."

In the tone of Karp's tone, he couldn't help but take a few shocks. The flame that burned the sea in a flash, even if he stood in a far position, he knew how terrible it was. I am afraid that he is armed with the whole body. Color domineering, it is difficult to resist hard.

With this hand flame alone, Roya is already at the peak of the sea!


When Luffy and Ace looked at the flame, Roya walked in the flames and walked away, quietly leaving here.

Until the flames disappeared, the seawater in all directions finally surged, filling the crater that was burned out in an instant, and the waves on the sea were smashed.

When the waves subsided, Roya’s back disappeared completely.

On the sea.

The rolling waves are like silver snakes on the sea, and the blossoming waves are constantly splashing under the feet of Roya. There is no drop of water falling on Roa's body, wet Roya's clothes.

Roya went on the water, and did not go to the nearby navy headquarters to take a warship and walk across the sea.

The generals of this ministry are walking across the sea.

The world's largest sword eagle eye, one person, one sword, one boat, across the sea, the world.

Roya went on this step by step, and sometimes as the waves traveled, sometimes breaking the waves and leaving, a heart was calm and peaceful first, and then gradually rippled, with the ups and downs.

Walking on this sea is like walking from the top of the world, measuring the world step by step, holding the world in your own hands step by step.

Day and night.

Luo Ya sometimes fell to the desert island, and sometimes rested on the back of the sea king. If he traveled, if he practiced, he would get a blaze, and the swaying heart would gradually heal.

From the East China Sea through the great route, Roya walked over the upside down mountain, then crossed half of the great route, and the island did not land, just follow the permanent pointer of Marin Verdo.

A few days later.

Roya stepped on the back of a sea king, and was taking a short walk with this sea king. The phone bug on his body suddenly sounded.

Luo Ya took out the phone bug, and was about to talk after the connection, but suddenly heard the other side of the phone bug, and there was a very low and cold, as if with a hint of anger.

"Is it Roa?"

This is not the voice of the Marshal Warring States, but the voice of the General's General Red Dog.

"What is it."

Roya’s expression was indifferent.

On the other side of the phone bug, the red dog seems to be suppressing his anger. Shen Sheng said: "You found the revolutionary army in the Kingdom of the East China Sea, why did you not catch them all!"

During this period of time, the revolutionary army’s actions were somewhat frequent. The red dog has been collecting intelligence from the revolutionary army and chasing and attacking the revolutionary army.

After receiving the information from the East China Sea, the Red Dog returned to the Navy headquarters without waiting for Roya to ask Luo Ya.

In the village of Seymour Zhiji, Luo Ya did not make it difficult to cultivate the Shiro, and did not pursue the revolutionary army. He knew that the Navy headquarters would probably ask him about it, but he did not expect it to be a red dog.

The people who came to ask him were different, and his answer was different.

Roya’s faint opening to the telephone worm has no feelings in her tone. Indifferent: “My business, do you need to report it to you?”

"Mixed words!"

The red dog heard Roja’s words, and his anger suddenly burst.

"Lieutenant General Luo Ya, although you have some strength now, but don't forget your identity, I am the general of this department, have the power to question you!"


The voice of the red dog was just halfway through, and the phone was hung up directly.

Roya put the phone bug back in his pocket and looked at the innocent sea. He suddenly chuckled. He was not angry at all, but he felt a little funny.

"The Navy general, this position is also the time, let me sit and sit."


A few days later.

Roya returned to the naval headquarters and came to the office of the Marshal Warring States.

"You are finally back, Roya."

The Warring States saw Roa, who was pushing in the door, with a smile on his face.

Before that, he also suspected Roya about the things of the East China Sea Revolutionary Army because of the report of the Red Sea. I didn’t expect to hear the owner of the heart of the field, Geng Silang. It was not a simple character. It seemed to be a name that was once famous in the sea.

Although there is only a very rough information, it is also very scary.

That is definitely not the existence of a naval general who can easily suppress it, and the information about the island of Seymour Zhiji Village also shows that there has been a fierce battle on the island.

In the Warring States.

It is very likely that Luo Ya shot, but failed to win the Geng Silang, so the revolutionary army people ran away. This kind of thing Roya does not want to say is normal.

Before the red dog went to question Luo Ya, most of them had already made Luo Ya very unhappy. The Warring States certainly would not go to the fire again, and there was no such thing as a comfort that might be counterproductive. I ignored the matter directly and stopped mentioning it. and.

"This time you killed the Golden Lion, it is another great achievement. I am going to let you also serve as the General Counsel of the Navy Headquarters. I wonder if you intend?"

The Warring States face with a smile, very harmonious and looking at Roya.

As the general counsel, the lieutenant general will be eligible to enter the highest conference room of the Navy headquarters. The status and the naval general are also equal, just like the headquarters of the generals and the chief of staff.

The achievements of Roya over the years, together with the killing of the Golden Lion, have far surpassed that of other Lieutenant Generals. If the three majors still have vacancies, it is a matter of course for Roya to become a general.

It is a pity that the three majors will be full.

"General Counsel..."

Luo Ya said: "This position is left to the red dog to do it."


When I heard Roja’s words, the Warring States suddenly showed a faint color, and there was a faint thought in my mind. I suddenly opened my eyes and looked at Roya.

Roya won't want to...


Just heard the next moment, Luo Ya calmly and earnestly opened.

"I, Lieutenant General of the Department, Meng Qi d Luo Ya, applied for the generals of the headquarters, accepting the rules of promotion, target audience, the headquarters of the generals!"

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