After hearing the voice coming from outside the medical hall, the fastest person to react was not Ling Yun, but Ivankov and Xiong, who were waiting for the treatment results in the main hall of the medical hall!

Especially Ivankov, who is also a doctor himself, is even more afraid that the voice of the navy outside the door will affect Lingyun’s treatment of Dorag, and after looking at the bear, he will immediately go out to solve the navy outside!

So Xiong also reached out and took off the gloves of his right hand, wanting to use the power of the ‘meat ball fruit’ he took to eject himself and Ivankov to quickly solve the group of navies!

But just as he took off his gloves…


He and Ivankov discovered at the same time that their bodies were completely out of their control!

“Don’t be impatient!”

And at this moment, Ling Yun’s figure also appeared in front of the two in an extremely abrupt way, making the usually very calm and almost no mood swings bear also instantly shrank his pupils!

Among the various techniques they know, the ‘shaving’ of one of the six styles of the navy can achieve high-speed movement that cannot be observed by the naked eye by stepping on the ground many times at high speed, and the meat ball on the bear’s palm can achieve almost instantaneous movement if it ‘bounces’ the air!

But… The way Ling Yun appeared just now was not something similar at all!

It was as if he had emerged from the void, appearing without a sound or precursor!

‘This guy.’

So the hearts of the two also confirmed at the same time – the strength of this mysterious Lingyun doctor is probably also a monster level!

“Dorag’s treatment has been completed and he is now in a coma.”

And after seeing that he stopped Xiong and Ivankov, Ling Yun also directly said such a sentence, and let go of the control of the two!


After the two felt their bodies regain control, they were first shocked, and then they were also overjoyed when they heard Ling Yun’s words!

“You two are leaving with Dorag now, as for the navy outside…”

“I’ll fix it.”

And Ling Yun said the same at this time.

Of course—it’s not that he had the intention to protect Dorag or the revolutionary army.

He just didn’t want these things related to him to be confirmed by the Navy!

Ling Yun thinks that his current strength is not weak – with LV.9 level swordsmanship, he still holds a supreme fast knife like ‘Demon Dao’ Muramasa, combined with the power of ‘Ape Fruit’ and ‘Rhino Fruit’ that he once absorbed, plus the power of the overlord-colored domineering power he just got, even if he has not fought Ling Yun, he is confident that he can definitely compete head-on with the admiral!

So in essence, Ling Yun is not too jealous of the navy – because the navy has rarely sent more than two generals at the same time to deal with a single person!

But you know, it was not only the navy that wanted to hunt down Dorag from the beginning, but also the world government behind the navy!

For the world government, Dorag is the most dangerous criminal in the world, and anyone who may be on the side of the revolutionary army is definitely the person on the government’s most wanted order!

And although Lingyun’s current strength is strong, in the face of the world government, a behemoth that has ruled the world for an unknown number of years… Still not enough!

Or at least now, Ling Yun has no intention of going head-on with the world government!


Ivankov and the bear were clearly hesitant

However, the two obviously knew that their identities were not suitable for direct appearance, so they nodded directly after pondering for a while: “Thank you this time, Lingyun BOY~ We will bring you your diagnosis fee after the matter is over, but be careful not to get hurt~”

Looking at Ivankov, who entered the operating room with the bear while talking, Ling Yun shook his head slightly.


Not to mention that he has almost no possibility of defeat inside the medical hall, just the navy outside….

“One navy and hundreds of navies… But a school of trash fish. ”


“Mossman Dazo! Is it possible to shoot! ”

At this time, outside the medical hall, the nearby residents had already been completely evacuated, and the three hundred navies each holding muskets lined up in formation, while aiming at the small medical hall gate not far away, their expressions were a little grim!


And after hearing the inquiry of his subordinate herald, Mosman also swallowed a mouthful of spit!

In fact, three hours ago, he rushed to the pier of Roguetown to meet the ‘hero of the navy’ Vice Admiral Karp did not think too much – because he knew that Vice Admiral Karp himself was from the East China Sea, and he also had the habit of returning to the East China Sea every year to see his grandson!

But… Things were clearly not what he thought, because Lieutenant General Karp told him terrible news as soon as he came here!

The world’s most dangerous criminal, ‘revolutionary’ Monchi D. Dorag… Chances are it’s right in Rogue Town!

“That kid was beaten enough by the old man and the Warring States, and although he was rescued when he was escorted to the city, he definitely needs to find a good doctor.”

After getting this information, Mossman also immediately went to investigate all the medical halls in Rogue Town, but he still found nothing!

Until this time, the reminder of his naval soldiers reminded him of the ‘Ten Thousand Worlds Medical Hall’, a mysterious medical hall that opened shortly after opening in Rogue Town!

And as a naval officer, his instinct told him – this may be the right answer!

“You can shoot after five seconds, the other side is the most dangerous criminal in the world, all teams pay attention to be cautious!”

And Mossman made a decision immediately after pondering for a few seconds – whether the owner of this medical hall, Ling Yun, was really contaminated with the revolutionary army, now was not the time to think about that!

The point is… As long as it is possible, they must shoot!

‘It is better to kill by mistake than to let go’ – since the emergence of the revolutionary army a few years ago, this is the fixed practice of the world government for them!


“All loaded, ready to shoot!”

With Mosman’s order, the navy also all loaded the muskets in their hands, and then they all looked nervously at the small wooden door!





And just when the ‘1’ in Mosman’s mouth was almost about to be exported….


In that tense and quiet environment, the sound of the wooden door opening is as loud as thunder!

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