Soon, Ling Yun discovered a defect in the island ship he named ‘Paradise Lost’!


Looking at Yemengard, who kept yelling in the water to indicate that he was tired, Ling Yun was also quite helpless – compared to before, the ship’s too large hull made Yemengard look extremely difficult when towing it!

If it is usually when there is a sea breeze, it is fine, but once there is no wind, it is difficult for Lingyun to move forward as quickly as before!

And if you want to catch a few more sea kings, the nests of large sea kings are basically completely impossible to capture in the windless zone and deep seabed….

“That’s right!”

And it was at this time that Ling Yun also suddenly thought of a plan he had thought of before-it’s just that this plan didn’t come and be implemented due to too many things some time ago!

“Jermongard! Here you go! ”


After seeing Ling Yun waving towards him, Yemenggarde first let out a low cry in confusion, and then the big sea snake obediently stretched its head towards Ling Yun!

“Drink this!”

Ling Yun, on the other hand, was holding a small bottle.

Jermongard obediently opened his mouth, and then Ling Yun poured the contents of the bottle directly into Jermengard’s mouth.

Then, Ling Yun began to observe the situation of Yemengad!

And when it comes to what he gave Jermongard to drink… That’s not anything else, it’s the ‘Dragon Fruit Scattered Gene Fluid’ that was taken from Dorag before!

In fact, from the moment he knew that this bottle of genetic liquid could not be used by himself, Ling Yun had the idea of giving it to Yemenga to use.

I saw that after swallowing that bottle of Heavenly Dragon Fruit Dispersal Gene Liquid, Yemengade’s body really began to change instantly!


It let out a huge roar, and Ling Yun instantly took out his genetically modified scalpel – once he found out that something was wrong, he would immediately stun Yemengad again and take out the genes of the Dragon Fruit in his body!




At this time, I saw that Yemengad’s huge body was violently slapping on the sea surface, and each slap would directly hit a huge wave, and if its body was not connected to the island base through an iron chain, it was likely that it would directly rush into the bottom of the sea to vent the huge pain in its body!

Ling Yun, on the other hand, watched its movements calmly – the pain of genetic evolution was a matter of course, and now was not the time for him to stop it.


And sure enough, then Yemengard’s roar became higher and higher, but at the same time it seemed to be accompanied by some inexplicable power, and the force of its lapping on the sea surface was also getting higher and higher, and the splashing waves were also getting higher and higher!

What is even more conspicuous is that its already huge enough body began to become even bigger at this time at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in just a few minutes it went directly from the first 400 meters to at least 700 meters in length!

The scales on the body became more and more brilliant, and even began to faintly shine with a metallic luster, and a small meat bun began to bulge on the top of the head!

The pair of small wings behind it, which should have degenerated, instantly bloomed like bursting flowers, and the length reached more than 70 meters in an instant!

And a huge monster with a body size of more than 700 meters stretched its wings and rolled on the sea, and the scene displayed was as terrifying as a flood beast!

It wasn’t until half a ring later that Jermongard seemed to finally calm down, and the entire huge body was directly wrapped around the island base of ‘Paradise Lost’, and then there was no sound in an instant!


[Category: Pirate World Sea King].

[Status: Evolutionary dormancy].


And looking at the prompt that the system suddenly gave him, Ling Yun also widened his eyes, and then looked at the big snake that was coiled on the island base like a defensive fence, and his heart was simply speechless!

He originally gave Yemenga the scattered genes of the Dragon Fruit in the hope that it could strengthen the strength of his body to facilitate the movement of ‘Paradise Lost’ in the windless period, but this guy actually fell asleep directly after eating and drinking enough to make a big fuss?

“… Never mind! ”

Speechlessly looking at Yemengade, who only had a slow rise and fall of his body to prove that he was still alive, Ling Yun could only shake his head slightly-although he did not see the domineering, but through the perception of danger brought to him by LV.9 level swordsmanship, he could feel that there was a huge power hidden in Yemenggard’s body now!

There is no doubt that this so-called evolution will be a very critical metamorphosis for it!

Therefore, even if it was speechless, Ling Yun still did not want to disturb its dormancy.

“No way, take the helm yourself.”

But fortunately, the previous period of medical practice allowed Ling Yun to extract various skills from many various people – and the piloting of ships was one of them.

Therefore, Ling Yun also sighed softly, and then returned to the island ship console in the medical hall, and began to control the ship against the navigation log given to him by Zhepu!

According to the records in the Jepp logbook, the next island of this passage should not be far away….


Great Passage, Kingdom of Rasvegia.

This island kingdom located on the Great Seaway Route is quite famous in its own right!

And the reason why it is famous is because of its other nickname – gambling paradise!

This is where most of the gamblers of the entire park gather, and it also has the largest number of casinos in the first half of the Great Passage!

It is precisely because a large amount of funds flow to this kingdom, so the prosperity here is completely different from the desert island ‘Emisia Island’ before it that only had wild beasts!

And in an underground casino in the Kingdom of Rasvegia….

“Come on, buy and leave!”

In the midst of the bright lights, the dealer shaking the cup at the gambling table ignited the atmosphere as loudly as ever, but his eyes were fixed in one direction!

In that direction, there was a person.

It was a man wearing a lilac yukata with a dark purple belt and a purple cape!

The man was tall, with short black hair and an ungroomed beard, and he was carrying a cane.

He had two cross-shaped scars on his forehead, and that scar cut through his face and his eyes!

He… is a blind man.

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