
The huge tonnage of the Paradise Lost landed on the edge of the island with a loud sound, and Ling Yun jumped directly from the Paradise Lost after determining the safety of the ship!

Stepping on the ground feels a little softer than real land, but it’s not serious.

Ling Yun, on the other hand, looked around, and he also had a little headache for a while!

“It’s really… How should I go down now? ”

Zhepu’s logbook did not write any information about the empty island, and although Ling Yun knew that to leave the empty island, he must first go down to the White Sea and then go down from the end of the White Sea, but although it was easy, what should he actually do?

At least Ling Yun had no intention of trying it himself.

“Let’s see if there is anyone on the island…”

Therefore, after thinking about it again and again, Ling Yun also directly gave up his plan to go down from this empty island – anyway, he just found that there seemed to be a temple-like building in the center of this empty island, presumably there may be someone on the island.

However, when Ling Yun was thinking so in his heart…


A huge sound came, and Ling Yun’s eyes looked in the direction where the sound came from, but he saw that in the tall forest, huge smoke and dust were rising into the sky!


So Ling Yun also easily determined the direction of his progress – at least the direction that made a loud noise should be someone’s, right?

So with this intention, Ling Yun also stepped directly into the forest!

And it turned out that Ling Yun’s guess was indeed not wrong – there were indeed people on this island.

At least not so long ago.

Only now… They all became dead.

“… What a situation. ”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ling Yun’s heart flooded with a hint of bad foreboding!

I saw that in front of him, a magnificent temple-like thing stood in the middle of the forest!

It’s just that at this time, the temple that was majestic not long ago has now been directly destroyed by some terrifying force, and the surrounding trees seem to have been shattered and broken by some huge creature!

And below the temple, the bodies of five people lay down.

They all had a pair of small white wings on their backs, so Ling Yun could easily tell that they were the aborigines of this empty island!

But now, they are all dead here – and each of them’s body shows a twisted feeling when forcibly oppressed by some great force!

“What kind of beast?”

Ling Yun frowned slightly, completely unaware of what was happening here.

But right now….

“Evil… Devil…”

A low, inaudible sound came from the hands of one of the people who fell to the ground!

“Still alive?”

And Ling Yun looked stunned, and then quickly walked over to check if the person was still alive!

But in fact it was not the case – the man was indeed dead, and what made the sound was only a shell that was pinched in his hand.


Ling Yun picked up the phonogram shell unique to the empty island, and then heard a dying sound coming from the shell.

“Evil… Devil…”

“Later people… Please… Deter… He.. Don’t let him… Get…… Stone stele…”

“East… Target… The Temple… Deter… Evil…”

The sound ends there – apparently, the last voice left by the indigenous people of this empty island before they die.

“… Devil? Stele? ”

But after Ling Yun heard this, he was even more puzzled!

And I don’t know if it’s an illusion, since coming to this empty island, Ling Yun has always felt that there seems to be an inexplicable ferocity in the air!

It’s as if this island hides a wild beast!


However, after thinking about it, Ling Yun still chose to continue moving forward—if he was directly frightened away by such a voice, then he would be too tasteless!

And this voice just showed him the way.

“The temple to the east… Is it? ”

Ling Yun looked at the deep trees in the east, and then at the huge marks of some creature stepping on the west side of the temple, and his expression was also quite strange.

If there really is any ‘evil ghost’… So judging by the current situation, it seems that he is also lost, right?

While thinking, Ling Yun no longer stayed in place, and his figure gradually walked towards the direction of the east side of the dense forest!

And after walking like this again for half an hour….

“This is…”

With the sudden brightness of the trees, a magnificent building appeared in front of Ling Yun!

The temple-like building he saw just now was actually exquisite enough, but the delicate level of the building in front of him was obviously still on it!

The walls of this place, known as the ‘Temple’, are carved with strange symbols, including the huge doorway at the end of the high steps, and the entire temple is shiny with a pale blue sheen.

After Ling Yun walked up the steps, he was directly stunned after gently pinching the doorknob.

“This is… Sea Lou Stone! ”

Ling Yun felt that there seemed to be an inexplicable feeling in his body instantly—it was the resistance reaction that occurred when the genes of that part of the Devil Fruit in his body were stimulated!

Although this feeling disappeared after only lasting an instant because Ling Yun was not a real fruit ability, Ling Yun still instantly showed what this strange light blue gate was made of!

So his heart was also even more curious – it is a well-known thing that sea lou stones are difficult to polish and almost indestructible!

But… The entire temple in front of him seems to be made of sea tower stone!

What kind of forces and for what purposes would have the technology and this patience to make such a temple?

And with curiosity, Ling Yun opened the door of this temple!


The gate opened and made a heavy sound, which could be heard even miles away on this quiet empty island, and Ling Yun stepped directly in after the gate was pulled open!


At the same time, among the trees to the west, the burly man also heard this huge door opening.


The man’s head turned slightly, and his gaze looked in the direction where Ling Yun was.

“Unexpectedly… Is anyone still alive? ”

He grinned viciously: “I hope you can make me feel fun!” ”

At that moment, the sun shone on the man’s face.

In his eye sockets, those eyes did not seem to belong to humans.

That’s a pair… Crimson vertical pupils!

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