Great waterways, somewhere.

The huge island flies high in the sky that is difficult for ordinary people to observe, and the roars of huge creatures and monsters on it are heard from time to time!

And in a building in the middle of the island.


The blonde man has lion-like blond hair and a pair of pupils that shine with ambition!

His whole body exudes the aura of belonging to the strong, and even the broken legs and the rudder stuck in the top of his head are proof of his legend!

That broken leg is proof that the only man in the world who escaped from the prison in Advance City so far, and the rudder above his head is thanks to the legendary One Piece!

Existence itself is legendary – he is the ‘Golden Lion’ Shiki, the sea thief of the same name as Whitebeard and Roger!

“Ambitious fellow!”

He sighed, seemingly recalling a similar rejection experience in the past!

“Lord Shiki, do you need to send someone to snatch the fruit back?”

His subordinates were so inquiring at this time.

“It’s just a devil fruit, even if it’s rare, it doesn’t matter…”

The golden lion, on the other hand, just chuckled – if someone had taken a devil fruit from him ten years ago, when he had just escaped from prison, he might have cared.

But now…

“As long as our plan research is successful, with the help of ‘them’, it doesn’t matter how capable people are!”

“Another ten years, when the research is done… I will make the world feel fear with ‘them’! ”

Unlike the remaining two contemporaries, the Golden Lion’s pursuit of authority and the world itself determines that he will be a ‘hero’!

And as a scoundrel…

“As for now… We just need to lurk. ”

He is patient.


“Ling Yun, did you win?”

Ling Yun, who returned to Paradise Lost, looked at Kerra who ran towards him directly with his little short legs, and also gently picked her up and patted the little girl’s head: “Of course.” ”

Let’s just say so.


And looking at the devil fruit that Ling Yun was holding in his hand, Kerra also looked curiously at what this legendary sea secret treasure looked like.

“What kind of fruit is it?”

She did know the category of Devil Fruit.

“Animal Department.”

And Ling Yun replied with a chuckle, and the little girl said ‘oh’ after hearing this, and then she lacked interest – she had seen some animal line ability people when she was in Mary Joa before, and after using the ability, she really looked more than a weird, so she didn’t like this type of fruit.

“Do you want to eat?”

The little girl was still a little worried that Ling Yun had also become that strange look.

“Not necessarily.”

Ling Yun replied with a chuckle, but although he was answering Kerra’s question, Ling Yun’s mind kept recalling what the previous organizer’s staff asked him.

‘Would you like to meet my master?’ ’

Of course, Ling Yun refused the other party’s invitation at that time – after all, he was preparing to go directly to the sea today, and this kind of invitation from an unknown guy who was not clear was of course more appropriate to decline.

However, although the refusal was a refusal, Ling Yun’s heart could not help but be a little entangled – the staff of the organizer was an ‘A’ level guy, presumably the master behind him who held the glory conference should be stronger…

But while Ling Yun was thinking about it…

[Congratulations to the host, the research of the drug laboratory ‘ancient healing potion’ has been completed, and it can be put into production from today]

【The produced drugs will be stored in the internal storage of the laboratory】


Suddenly hearing such news, Ling Yun, who had not entered the drug laboratory for a long time, also instantly remembered – yes, this ‘ancient healing potion’ that can be studied in only 3 months has now reached the time limit for research!

“Kerra, go and inform Jermongard that you’re getting out of here!”


So after saying a word to the little girl, Ling Yun directly walked into the medical hall with the devil fruit!

And a few minutes later, the people on Wudou Island who were still discussing this glory conference also saw at the same time that the island ship ‘Paradise Lost’, which had been docked on Wudou Island for nearly a month, began to move!

“Huh? Mr. Lingyun is leaving? What about my legs? ”

And at this time, many people suffering from some old diseases that are difficult to cure are also looking at Paradise Lost in disbelief!

However, at this time, one of the people with a relatively fast brain also reacted: “If Mr. Lingyun is going to the New World, then we can go to the Chambord Islands to wait for him!” ”

“Yes! Mr. Ling Yun will go to Chambord sooner or later! ”

So for a while, the people present also reacted instantly – there are only two islands next to this channel, and they are all uninhabited islands that almost no one will stay, and the rest of the place is the Chambord Islands, the gathering place of the seven routes in the first half of the great channel!

So after confirming this, some people who were eager for Lingyun’s treatment and some people with different hearts were also ready to leave for the Chambord Islands!


Half a day after Ling Yun left, a man also visited the island.

“I’m looking for a man named Lingyun.”

The man with the black knife on his back asked the people on Wudou Island softly, and Brian, who had finally healed the injuries he received from Ling Yun, was directly stunned as soon as he walked a few steps on the street.

“‘Hawkeye’ Mihawk ?!!!!”

With Brian calling out the identity of this man in a lost voice, Wudou Island also boiled instantly!

Two hours later, Hawkeye left Wudou Island.

And the people who remained on Wudou Island could only look at each other, and then confirm one thing at the same time!

That Mr. Lingyun, who had been on Wudou Island for a month, seemed to…

It’s really a big deal!

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