Of course, Ling Yun didn’t save Peach Rabbit to provoke his sister – he didn’t have that idle work now!

The reason why he did this was because he felt at first glance that the ability held by Peach Rabbit was very good!

With the help of the strong speed fruit, the slash she unleashed was even faster than what Ling Yun could unleash with the help of the scythe fruit’s ability to control the wind!

Therefore, Ling Yun simply healed this vice admiral at will, wanting to try to obtain her ability.


[Congratulations to the host for curing the S-class character Gion]

[This character can acquire skills: Great Sword Hao Sword Art LV.8-, Armed Color Domineering LV.6, Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering LV.6, Navy Six Style LV.7, Combat Experience LV.6, High-Speed Sword Art LV.8 (Unique Skill), Fruit Ability Superhuman System – Strong Speed Fruit]

[Skill extraction… Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill ‘Combat Experience LV.6’]

Obviously, it seems that he ran out of luck when Zefa was there, and Ling Yun was not able to extract the fruit ability from his very covetous peach rabbit.

However, Ling Yun didn’t care much now—because now was not the time to think about those things.


The huge claws were deeply embedded in the ground, and the moment Jermongard crossed the bridge of kings, Lingyun officially came to the place where the Draco lived!

And in Lingyun’s perception, Kerra’s breath… It’s also very rich!


‘Maniac! Lunatic! That guy is a crazy person! ’

Whipping the snow-white horse in front of him madly, the hunting dog driving a carriage even felt that it had become difficult to breathe!

He saw the huge monster lying on the high wall, and he saw the flames and collapsed houses in the distance!

And as the inducer of everything, of course he knew why Ling Yun came here!

However, he was completely unable to understand Ling Yun’s approach!

It’s obviously just a slave!

Why would he choose to attack Mary Joa just for the sake of a slave?

Doesn’t he know what this means?

The hound already regretted it – if he had known that the other party would do such a crazy thing, then he would definitely think that he had never seen Kerra!

But no matter what, there is always only one road in front of the hounds now – that is, escape!

Escape back to the Malfoy Family mansion and escape into the sanctuary with them!


“Nope! No! ”

When he returned to the beautiful mansion of the Malfoy Holy Family, he only let out a cry of despair!

Because he saw a rut mark on the ground – it was the mark of Malfoy Stein’s favorite car!

And sure enough, when the hounds got out of the carriage and opened the gate of the mansion in a fit of rage, they saw only terrified slaves locked inside!

And at this very time…


The sudden wind and the huge noise behind him made the hound’s body shake suddenly, and the ‘click’ sound above his head made his heart cold!

When he looked up, what he saw was indeed the top of the house worth at least tens of millions of Baileys being torn apart by sharp claws!

And in the sunlight that spilled instantly, Jemengard’s eyes were full of violence!


The hounds instinctively back off, and then instantly try to find the only chance to survive!

‘That girl! ’

His thoughts turned quickly – as long as he could hold Kerra hostage, maybe he would still have a glimmer of life.


But when he turned his head, he saw that next to the carriage, Ling Yun was already standing there!


Randomly punching the specially processed carriage back box into pieces, Ling Yun looked at Kerra who seemed to be injected with some medicine into the back box and fell into sleep, and a soft brilliance flashed in his eyes.

“I’ll take you back right away.”

Looking at the little girl who still looked panicked even between sleep, Ling Yun gently reached out and rubbed her golden hair as before.

And then…

Ling Yun turned around and looked at the hound.


The hounds may still want to quibble or beg for mercy, but the next second…


Stretching out his hand at will, the wind swept up a branch on the ground that was overwhelmed by Yemenga, and then directly pierced the chest of the hound, and then nailed him directly to the wall behind him!


Ling Yun, on the other hand, turned his head afterwards to look at the slaves who were locked in this room and could only look at him with pleading eyes, and then also walked directly over and cut off the shackles and chains on their feet!

“Run away.”

“For freedom.”

A soft sentence contains one of the words that these slaves crave the most!

So these slaves immediately scrambled to all flee towards the door!

And Lingyun, who was holding Kerra, had no intention of leaving here at the first time…

[Three mission items have been detected in the host’s ‘east side 1500 meters’, ‘west side 3100 meters’ and ‘west side 5300 meters’ position】

“Historical text?”

Listening to the prompt that had been ringing continuously since entering the Draco residential area, Ling Yun whispered to himself!

“It’s already like this, so it’s just… Let’s make a big fuss! ”



Five minutes later, inside the World Government building.

“It’s really strong – 310 garrisons and a vice admiral combined can’t even resist him for 1 minute.”

The straight hair five old stars were obviously quite surprised by the combat power that Ling Yun displayed.

“‘Peach Rabbit’ Gion is no ordinary vice admiral.”

The eyes of the five old stars holding the knife seemed to flash with a fleeting fire.

“I don’t know about swordsmanship, but his domineering use is at the top level.”

The blonde five old stars also made a gentle judgment.

“Compared to this… It should be about the same. ”

The curly-haired five old stars said: “Although it is said that the Draco people have all been evacuated, it is almost the same to let him make such a trouble!” ”

“Well… Dispatch ‘angels’. ”



“Lord Five Old Stars!”

However, just as the five old stars took out a pure white telephone worm hidden in the house, about to use the ‘angel’, a gentle knock came from the door, but interrupted their order.

Then, the soldiers of a world government hurried into the room!

“The Admiral has arrived in Mary Joa and has now gone to the area where the invaders are to eliminate the threat.”

The news given by the soldiers undoubtedly gave the five old stars the capital to continue to keep the ‘hole cards’.


At the same time, the area where the Draco lived was already in chaos!

In the midst of the raging fire, screams and shouts filled the place, and the freed slaves ran and cried out, trying to get out of the place of this nightmare!



A laser instantly pierced the legs of several slaves who tried to leave the place!

“Ah la la ~ It’s really bad~”

And with a somewhat warm and casual tone, a tall man slowly walked over from the bridge!

The man wore a pair of sunglasses, a strange formal dress with yellow vertical stripes that I don’t know where to order, black curly hair and the slovenly beard made him look a little obscene, and the eyebrows diagonally down made his whole face seem to have the word ‘囧’ written on it.

In short – if a man with this face on the street is on the street, almost everyone will think that this is a ‘lewd uncle’.

But no one here now has such an idea!

Because this person’s yellow vertical formal clothes are also draped in a navy jacket!

The epaulettes belonging to the ‘Admiral’ were draped over it, and the word ‘justice’ on the back of the admiral was shining!

“General Yellow Ape, we…”

And until this time, the sailors who chased all the way on the bridge behind the man finally followed, and what the leading adjutant said naturally confirmed the identity of the man!

The new admiral of the navy – ‘Yellow Ape’ Borusalino.

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