Don Quixote Doflamingo.

It once directly led to the fall of the eight kingdoms, and the sea thief nicknamed ‘Tenyasha’.

And in the hearts of many people, he has another identity – that is, the emperor-level boss ‘JOKER’ of the dark world!

He trafficked people, arms and arms, everything he could get to Bailey!

But… This is not his whole identity!

Among all his identities, the one that was most hidden and least known was what Ling Yun was saying now.

‘Don Quixote’ family – one of the 19 Draco families that once lived in Marie Joa, but are now removed from the list of ‘Betrayers’.

And Doflamingo himself is the eldest son of the former patriarch of this family.

Other words… He used to be a Draco!

And this identity is also the biggest reason why he can reach this height – because even if his family is no longer recognized by the Draco, his identity as a Draco cannot be changed!

Therefore, even if the navy and the world government were quite angry at his actions, they did not dare to attack him, and he still retained a large part of the privileges from the Draco!

It is precisely because of this identity that he can get the position of Qi Wuhai!

It is precisely for this reason that even if he makes trouble in the dark world, the navy can only do nothing about him without formal evidence!

It is precisely because of this identity that he can learn a lot of information that others cannot know!

And among those intelligences, the information about the Mary Joa incident a few months ago is naturally one of them!

So in fact, in the Seven Martial Seas, he was the one who was most afraid of Ling Yun from the beginning – because he knew the most about Ling Yun and knew how much damage Ling Yun could cause!

But he didn’t expect that Ling Yun would even know his deep secret!

“... Mr. Ling Yun really knows a lot of things. ”

However, although Draco’s hole card was pointed out, Doflamingo still tried his best to remain calm – because in the current situation, the person who lost peace first would lose the initiative!

“It’s just a coincidence.”

And Ling Yun looked at Doflamingo’s strong appearance, and then continued to say the next sentence.

“But just now I only saw three of the four highest cadres of your family… Didn’t Lieutenant General Virgo come back? ”


After Ling Yun’s words were spoken, Doflamingo, who was shocked in his heart, couldn’t even help but burst out even the overlord-colored domineering!

Correspondingly, Ling Yun also broke out with an overlord-colored domineering spirit to confront it!


The overlord-colored domineering hedge instantly made the surrounding tables and chairs toppling and shattering, but Doflamingo’s body began to tremble continuously – in the strength of the overlord-colored domineering, Ling Yun was obviously more than one step ahead of him!

“Don’t think too much, Doflamingo.”

However, looking at Doflamingo, who already had a faint hint of intention in his expression, Ling Yun also said softly: “I have no interest in your affairs—whether it is those toys or your spy in the navy.” ”

“I’m just here to get what I want.”

Absolute power brings absolute self-confidence – now he is close to the EX-level under normal conditions, even if the Don Quixote family goes together, he has the certainty of destroying the other party!

“Something you want.”

And Doflamingo also let out a chuckle, after hearing Ling Yun’s such contemptuous words.

“Yes… I want you to have all the charts of the new world in your hands. ”

“Also, I need you to use all the forces that can conduct intelligence detection, and then tell me the location of ‘Zow’ within a month.”


Doflamingo’s eyes flashed.

Zou Island, also known as Elephant Island.

The base of the island itself is nothing else, it is an extremely ancient elephant that has existed for thousands of years!

This giant elephant is constantly walking in the sea of the New World with that island on its back, and because it is not a land itself, even a permanent pointer cannot detect its location, and it will either require extremely coincidental luck or a huge information chain to explore!

And it is worth mentioning that the two fur kings of the fur tribe ‘King of the Night’ and the ‘King of Day’ living on Zou Island are very troublesome opponents even if they look at the entire sea, and the fur tribe is extremely repulsive to other races, so the number of people who can reach Zou Island is extremely rare!

“Zowu is uncertain, why should I help you find it…”

Halfway through Doflamingo’s words, Ling Yun interrupted him directly.

“Don’t get me wrong, Doflamingo.”

“I’m not asking you.”

“You have only two options – find Zow, or die.”

Ling Yun looked at Doflamingo, and his words were unceremonious—or he knew that it was pointless to be polite to Doflamingo.

Something this guy respects… Only power!

“Boom… Are we all ‘Seven Martial Seas’, and we actually say such things in disregard of the regulations of the world government? ”

Doflamingo laughed absurdly.

Unlike most people, Doflamingo understood that ‘the essence of justice lies in power’!

Just as he did with the Riku clan – he can arbitrarily change the merits done by the king who slandered the Riku clan and become a thief here, because he is the powerful one!

And in the face of enemies whose strength far exceeds him and can even easily kill him, he will also identify himself as the weak side and will not engage in any irrational and meaningless death match!


“You think you’re Kaido?”

‘Tenyasha’ will compromise when the time is right, but that is only for the strong people like Kaido!

And obviously, although Doflamingo was extremely jealous of Lingyun, he also knew that he who defeated the ‘Wind Disaster’ was definitely not an idle person.

However, he didn’t think that Ling Yun could be compared to that Four Emperors!


“Heart Sword Art Scythe”

The next moment, Ling Yun pulled out the knife!

The crimson blade shone with beautiful brilliance!

And in the face of the sudden eruption of Lingyun, Doflamingo vaguely felt as if he was really facing Kaido!

“16 Sacred Bullets, God Kills”

There is no doubt that he instantly unleashed his most powerful killing move!

So in the next moment, the ground of the kingdom turned into a white line, and sixteen white lines of giant waves wrapped around high-density armed color domineering stabbed directly towards Lingyun!

Under this move, even the entire King’s Highlands will be smashed to pieces!



When the sixteen huge white threads touched Muramasa’s blade, they didn’t even have the slightest chance to resist.

1, 2, 3…

Without exception, they were all easily cut off!

And then…


The sword paused at Doflamingo’s throat without the slightest deviation!


And the whole hall behind Doflamingo… But they were all cut down by this knife and instantly extinguished!


The cold feeling that death was around made Doflamingo can’t help but drip cold sweat.

“I’m not Kaido.”

And in front of him, Ling Yun chuckled.

“I’m stronger than him.”

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