“Rudolph! Don’t hesitate! ”

“We have to go and save Sora!”

Inside the cave, the giant covered in armor looked at the dwarf in front of him and let out a roar!

“Talinas, be calm.”

“Sora’s relationship is of course important, but now it is more important to resist the attack of the ‘country thief’ side – it is less than 1 hour before the return time.”

In front of him, the diminutive old dwarf exuded great majesty and the aura of heroism that belonged to the dwarf, and it was obvious that he was a person who had been in the leadership class for a long time.

And now, his eyes are also shining with pain.

Sora is his only daughter, so of course Rudolf is very concerned about her safety!


Sustaining the survival of the race is paramount!

“So what? How many more times can we resist? ”

And Talinas looked at Rudolph, and his already violent personality made him even more blunt: “The collection of red juice is becoming more and more difficult, and the concentration of ‘red mist’ is getting higher and higher, and we can’t support it for long!” ”

“We… Should break through! ”

“No one can get past the attacks of the Red Mist and the Sea Kings, not even you—Talinas.”

Rudolf listened to Talinas’s words, but only sighed softly!

“Even if I can’t, I will choose the ending that belongs to the warrior!”

“Of course! If that time comes, I will go to the battlefield with you and die before the rest of the race!” ”

And just when the discussion between the two fell into a doomed dark end as in the past, a voice interrupted them!

“Patriarch Rudolf, Chief Talinas – the reflux has begun!”


After trying to ask the dwarf girl for about three minutes, Ling Yun gave up his plan to get information from her – because he found that no matter what question he asked, this little girl seemed to answer the wrong question!

And Ling Yun also tried to use the ability to read minds by ‘listening to the sound of all things’, and the result was of course very successful – this girl obviously did not restrain her mind, so her thoughts entered his ears in an instant.


‘Wow! This ship is so big! ’

‘When you go back, you must call Nali to see it!’ ’

‘How the hell did it happen?’ ’

‘I wonder if Dad and Grandpa Talinas are worried about me?’ ’

If you already know, you won’t secretly pick ‘red juice’.” ’

The jumping of this girl’s inner thinking and the confusion of her thoughts were simply the only thing Ling Yun had seen in her life!

And from her mouth, Ling Yun got barely useful news about three.

First, the girl’s name is Sora, and the name of the island where Lingyun is now seems to be ‘Arnor Lund’.

Second, there are at least two forces on this island, the first is Sora’s force, and the second is the ‘country thief’ who attacked him just now!

Third, Sora has a father, a grandfather named Talinas and a friend named Nali.

“… There’s a fart! ”

Therefore, Ling Yun could only temporarily give up the plan to know the information from her mouth, and only silently hoped in her heart that not all the dwarves were this urine, otherwise it would really be troublesome!

And it was after such a mindless voyage against the edge of the island for a while in the direction of the east …

“It’s over, it’s too late… The reflow begins! ”

Sora, who suddenly noticed the distant scene, also shouted, and then instinctively wanted to gouge a hole under the ground like a groundhog!


And Ling Yun looked into the distance, and sure enough, he saw that the red mist that had disappeared in the distance began to slowly re-converge!

“Hey! You two hurry up and hide—if you are hit by Red Mist, you will definitely be swallowed by Arnold Lund in your stomach!” ”

At this time, Sora’s words also made Ling Yun more and more stunned – isn’t Arnolund the name of this island?

But in the next second, he knew the answer!


The majestic crimson mist flew back upside down, and Lingyun spread gusts of wind around the Paradise Lost to force the red mist to disperse.

And the next moment, Ling Yun was shocked to see… Not far away, on the surface of the sea, a corner of the eight corners of the island that had been floating calmly began to rise slowly!

The crimson mist surged upwards, while from below the surface of the sea…


The huge plant leaves that suddenly rose from under the surface of the sea had clear lines on them, and with the sea water, red mist, and Lingyun, they actually went directly upwards!

“Jermongard! Drag the ‘Paradise Lost’! ”

“Kerra! You take Sora to the Advanced Medical Hall! ”

“Know… Got it. ”


With Lingyun’s low drink, Jermongard’s claws suddenly grabbed the Paradise Lost, dragging it to prevent it from falling down with the sea!

At this time, Lingyun, who was able to observe the island as a whole from above with an open vision, finally saw the whole picture of the island!

Not 8 pieces, but 16 huge ‘corners of the island’ are slowly rising at this time, driving the leaves below them!

The poured sea water was dyed a bloody red by the crimson mist, and in the blood-red mist…

It’s the sea king class that has fallen into fainting!

And those huge creatures were slowly falling towards the ‘mountain pass’ in the middle of the island due to the action of gravity!

But in fact…

That thing that Lingyun always thought was a mountain was not a mountain!

Sharp fangs and bright red flesh grew on the inside of the ‘mountain’, constantly swallowing and chewing the sea kings that fell from above without feeling – it was not the ‘mountain pass’.

That’s just ‘mouth’!

And this island is not just an island, but…

“One that can prey on sea kings… Oversized carnivorous plants? ”

Ling Yun showed a wordless smile – what the hell place did he come to!


At this time, there were no ships on the outside sea.

But if there were ships, then they would have the privilege of seeing a very amazing scene!

Huge plants like giant ocean islands slowly close their leaves, and the sea water that peeks through the gaps is pure red!

And after the plant has gathered all its ‘petals’…

Its figure slowly sank into the sea.

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