Totland, Cake Island.

The whole island is like a huge cake stacked on top of each other, standing on the surface of the sea, like a fairy tale.

And on this island, there is indeed a fairy tale-like plot.

Talking trees and fruits, endless delicacies and sweets that jump on the table, and… The ‘old hag’ who exists like a nightmare in a fairy tale!

“Arala~The tea party is about to start~”

“Gathering together ~ people all over the world ~”

“Whether you ~rejoice or not~”

“All ~laugh~”

“Otherwise~it will be eat~Let’s go~”

Surrounded by various types of Homiz, an extremely hideous-looking old woman hums creepy songs.

Huge to the size of a giant, wearing a pink dress, wearing a captain’s hat on his head, bloodshot eyes, thick lipstick and light purple eye shadow, blood basin mouth constantly dripping saliva, falling on the ground even made a ‘whoosh’ corrosive sound!

And between her singing happily, the ground continued to crack and shatter with her voice, and then it was repaired by the Homiz very quickly!

Of course, in fact, for her, talking about her appearance is meaningless – because no one in this world will dare to evaluate her appearance, and her strength is enough to cover up all the shortcomings!

She is ‘bigmom’ Charlotte Lingling – one of the four emperors who ascended to the top of the pirates with absolute power!

“But ~Mom~ Will there be a special guest at this tea party?”

In the joyful dance between Homiz and Auntie, a cloud-shaped Homiz floating above Aunt’s head asked suspiciously.

“Zeus, you’re asking a stupid question!”

Immediately afterwards, a flame-shaped Homiz floating beside Aunt spoke again: “Of course, the guests invited by my mother are not ordinary people!” ”

“Eh~ Although Prometheus you seem to be right to say this, but…”

Between the two Homiz, who had a terrible reputation on the sea, they were about to communicate, but the hat-shaped Homiz on the aunt’s head smiled: “Hey ha – where are there any ‘special guests’, they are just guests.” ”

In front of the Four Emperors, there was nothing special – because as long as she wanted to, those guests and their power would disappear in an instant!

There is no need to surrender to what is under your feet, just like the rules of a tea party – those who receive invitations but do not come… will die!

“Napoleon, Prometheus ~ Have you two forgotten!”

But at this time, Zeus said softly: “Didn’t you invite that Lingyun doctor of the ‘Seven Martial Seas’ this time?” ”


“You said so…”

After hearing Ling Yun’s name, Prometheus and Napoleon were also slightly startled, and then turned their gazes to the owner below.

“… Ah, I’m looking forward to it. ”

At this time, Auntie’s bloodshot gaze was also shining with a hideous luster.

Of course, as the Four Emperors, she would not care much about the Seven Martial Seas – although those guys had now nominally become the third largest force in the Great Passage, her attitude still hadn’t changed!

However, in the sea of seven martial arts… But there are so few people who are worthy of the Four Emperors also caring about – such as the ‘Hawkeye’ Mihawk, such as the ‘Grip of Hades’ who defeated him!

And among them, Auntie’s importance to Ling Yun is even more extraordinary!

And not just because she’s been at war with Kaido lately, but because…

‘Dr. Ling Yun will treat everyone – whether it’s the navy, pirates, bounty hunters, or anyone else! ’

‘He was a man of great love, a true pure doctor! ’

No matter what kind of illness, no matter what your identity is, as long as you can find the paradise lost on the ‘island of Hades’ floating in the great passage, you can be cured!” ’

Similar news is now circulating not just in the new world, but throughout the world!

And for Auntie, Ling Yun’s existence reminded her of a person!

“No matter what kind of child you are, you have the right to live, don’t you?”

That was her most important ‘mother’ and the person who directly led her to the establishment of the ‘nations’ now – Sister Carmelite!


“If that guy isn’t like the rumors…”

Thinking about it like this, the aunt who remembered the past gritted her teeth and whispered, and her body couldn’t help but tremble!

Then, Zeus, Prometheus and Napoleon all felt it instantly…

The power in their ‘mom’s’ body… In riot!

“If it weren’t for someone like that… That’s the guy who let me down! ”

The ground is shaking!

“A guy like that…”

The air is shaking!

“Just kill it!”

Wrath… In the spread!

If you want to talk about moodiness, then the ultimate aunt who is originally the “child’s personality” will definitely be the most famous of them!

“Mom… Mom…”

And looking at the aunt who suddenly became angry to the extreme, Napoleon and Prometheus looked at each other.

‘What to do? ’

‘How do I know? ’

‘Let’s talk about something mom likes to distract her, or you’ll be in trouble!’ ’

‘Good! ’

And when it comes to what Auntie likes…

“Mom~ It is said that the doughnuts with Nazin vanilla added this year taste particularly good!”

“Are you an idiot? X2”

Zeus suddenly spoke, but the words he said made Napoleon and Prometheus curse at the same time – this guy, don’t you know what you can find on the island?

The origin of Nazin vanilla, ‘Kehan Island’, was occupied by a sudden attack by a hundred beasts not long ago, and now the only small amount of Nazin vanilla in Totlan was also taken by Katakuri to the Snag side of East Ster Island!

If my mother’s ‘illness’ is committed at this time…

And just when Prometheus and Napoleon turned their heads in horror, they found that sure enough…

“Nazin vanilla donuts?”

Auntie muttered in a low voice, and then a large amount of saliva oozed out of her huge mouth.

“I haven’t eaten in a long time… I really want to eat it….”

And then… Her gaze began to drift, and her figure began to slowly sway.

“End… Finished! ”

After Napoleon saw this scene, he was originally just a hat, and he even curled up in fear!

“Quick! Hurry up and inform the people on the island and leave the capital! ”

“Mom… Mom’s ‘food sickness’ has attacked! ”

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