Naval Headquarters, Marinfodo.

There is a saying that people are in good spirits at happy events, and this sentence is extremely compatible with the body of the Warring States.

Since the beginning of the deal with Lingyun, the navy’s strength has increased greatly with the help of two potions, and it can also be said that it is invincible when it comes to capturing pirates in the first half of the Four Seas and Great Seaway.

And you know, the real biggest threat to ordinary people in this world is actually these pirates who are very weak compared to the new world – because if they reach the height of the Four Emperors or the Seven Martial Seas, then they will not do such a tasteless thing as robbing merchant ships.

Therefore, in recent months, the popularity and popular support lost by the Navy due to insufficient containment of pirate forces have also begun to slowly converge, and the number of young people signing up to join the Navy is also increasing!

And at this juncture when the momentum is great, the Warring States are also deeply proud of the fact that he came forward to fight for Lingyun to win the position of the Seven Wuhai in the past – look at his vision, this vision!

Look at what Doctor Lingyun did after becoming Qiwu Hai?

Trading with the Navy strengthens the Navy!

Princess Otohime who saved the Fish-Terran and let Fish-Man Island join the World Government Table!

Killed one of the three plagues under the command of the Hundred Beast Pirates!

In addition, he saved various people in the new world who don’t know how many – although it also included a large number of pirates, it also won a reputation for the newly established Qiwu Sea, so that all parts of the entire sea now know that there is such a divine doctor in the world!

Seriously, if Qiwu Hai had any outstanding Qiwu Hai awards, the Warring States would definitely award Ling Yun directly without blinking!

Of course… This is when the Warring States don’t know about other things that Lingyun has done – such as collecting historical texts, such as trading with the revolutionary army, which are really taboo things!

“Marshal of the Warring States!”

And just when the Warring States was thinking about how to maximize the strength of the navy next, the naval guard outside the door also walked into the office after knocking!

“What’s going on?”

“There is news from Lieutenant General Virgo’s side.”


The Warring States were slightly startled after hearing this, and then their expressions were also stunned – Vice Admiral Virgo is the vice admiral of the G-5 branch of the Navy, and the G-5 branch itself is now the only support point for the Navy in the new world, and it is also one of the largest sources of intelligence for the Navy to understand the new world with a mysterious and changing atmosphere!

And if the content of the intelligence itself is worth sending the admirals of the navy beyond the lower echelons directly to him, the marshal …

“Those guys are moving again?”

The biggest possibility, that is, the four emperors of the new world began to engage in wind and rain again!


And this naval soldier also nodded after hearing this.

“Who is it this time?”

“It’s ‘bigmom’…”

“She? At war with Kaido again? ”

After hearing this, the Warring States also asked softly – the battle between the four emperors is a very worthy matter, because no matter which side of the two sides completely has the advantage or both sides lose, the navy must have corresponding actions!

“No, since the last big war, both Hundred Beasts and BigMom seem to be in a truce recently… I don’t know if there is any meaning for peace talks. ”

“According to the information given by Lieutenant General Virgo this time, it seems that there has been a battle on ‘Cake Island’.”

“Cake Island?”

And the Sengoku was wide-eyed after hearing this – how could there be a battle in Bigmom’s lair?

“One side of the battle can be sure that it is Bigmom himself, but the identity of the other side cannot be determined, and the outcome of the battle cannot be determined – but according to Lieutenant General Virgo, the battle should be very intense!”

“… Kaido ran to the enemy’s lair by himself? ”

So the Warring States can only come to this conclusion.

“Now there is no exact information to prove that Kaido left Hundred Beasts Island again – after all, after the ‘Wind Tribulation’ was killed by Lord Lingyun of the Seven Martial Seas some time ago, the Hundred Beasts are now working on the selection of the new Three Tribulations, so Kaido should be…”

As a figure responsible for transmitting important intelligence to the Warring States, this naval soldier is naturally not an ordinary person, so it is also the first way to do intelligence analysis!

“It means that it is possible that it is not Kaido, but there is indeed a fierce battle between unknown people and ‘bigmom’ himself on Cake Island, and the outcome of the battle is unknown… Right? ”

“Eh… Yes – and it should not be just us, the other four emperors should also know this news…”

“Well: If there is any other news, let’s talk about it together. ”

And the Warring States frowned and waved his hand.

“Uh… In addition to this matter, there are two more news. ”

“The first is an order from the World Government – the rebellion led by the Revolutionary Army in the Kingdom of Hays and Midos has basically been suppressed, but the World Government has asked us to triple the amount of ‘Ancient Healing Potion’ and ‘Iron Army Potion’ provided to the World Government army and army.”

“Why don’t they die?”

And after the Warring States heard this, they couldn’t help but burst into foul language – the only source of these two potions is not to mention, and even the substitutes developed by Dr. Vegapunk are completely incomparable with the original, and the navy itself is not enough to use it, these guys have taken part of the robbery before, and now they still want to poach?

“Our navy has sent two generals and two vice admirals to help solve the rebellion in these two countries, and they have suffered heavy casualties?”

“I don’t know the specific situation, but it is said that the combat effectiveness and armament of the revolutionary army have suddenly increased a lot, so until the arrival of Lieutenant General Sakaski and General Borusarino, the actual battle situation was still very unoptimistic.”

And after hearing the words of the Navy, the Warring States could not help frowning – the combat effectiveness of the revolutionary army has always been like that, how could it suddenly have money to buy new types of armaments, not to mention what combat effectiveness has improved!

“These idiots just can’t beat others themselves, that’s why they came to take the old man’s potion!”

After angrily cursing a lot of slightly more elegant sharp words, Sengoku also breathed a long sigh of relief: “… Can Dr. Ling Yun’s current location be determined? ”

“Uh… After Dr. Ling Yun entered the New World some time ago, his position has been unable to help…”

After seeing the expression of the naval soldier, Sengoku also waved his hand in disappointment: “Got it, tell me immediately after you have his message – I think I still need to discuss with him about the amount of medicine provided.” ”


“By the way, you said before that there are two more things – what is the last one?”


The navy soldier cautiously looked at the Warring States, who was a little annoyed by the two news just now, and said tentatively: “Vice Admiral Karp… again…”

“Skipped work again to see his grandson?”


The navy soldier smiled sarcastically, and it was not good to say much.


“Karp! You old bastard! ”

Above Marinfodo, the angry voice of the Admiral lingered for a long time.

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