Level 1 Uncharted World.

Wild Land.

It’s full of ferocious beasts.

Wailings and roars rang out frequently in the jungle.

I saw that deep in this jungle, a humble tribe settled here.

Dilapidated wooden houses are scattered everywhere.

The outermost perimeter is a wooden fence of varying heights and horse repellents, which serve as the most basic means of defense.

Night falls.

The people of the tribe gathered around a roaring bonfire.

Everyone’s faces were filled with nervousness, excitement, anticipation, and unease.

There is only one reason.

The priests of their tribe studied a large number of ancient rune fragments over several years.

Today, I finally realized the name of one of the great gods.

Their tribe finally has the opportunity to get the protection of the gods!

A middle-aged man with great strength stepped forward.

He is the patriarch of this tribe, Bailitu, the most powerful man in the entire tribe.

Once faced the siege of ten fierce tigers at the same time with his bare hands, and after the battle, he even killed three back, crippled three, and drank the rest directly.

However, if he wants to protect the safety of the entire tribe in this extremely dangerous ancient jungle, it is not enough for him to be strong himself.

Another tribe not far from them, they have a special ability to train lion and tiger beasts!

And Baili Tu had recently killed one of their young tiger kings who had not yet completed their training, causing the tribe to suffer heavy losses.

That beast taming tribe is already preparing to train the army of beasts to attack them!

And the warriors of the Baili Clan tribe, in addition to being relatively strong themselves, do not have additional abilities, and they simply cannot withstand the impact of the army of fierce beasts.

Only by getting the power of the gods and the blessings of the gods can they live better!

“Night, what is the name of the god you know from the inscription? Is it powerful? Is it the god of war? Or the god of beasts? ”

Baili Tu Mulu was excited.

However, as a priest, Bailiye shook his head slightly and said softly: “No, Patriarch, I learned that this god name is somewhat special, I can’t guess.” ”

The surrounding clansmen also pricked up their ears and listened curiously.

Bailiye frowned, and then said: “Not the God of War, let alone the God of Beasts, but…”

“God of Gifts!”

“I can’t guess the power of this god from the name of the god.”

“If the evil gods are summoned, instead of being helped, our entire tribe and even the entire world will face the crisis of extinction!”

“So, it’s better to leave it to the patriarch to decide!”

Hearing this, Baili Tu was a little stunned.

What power does the God of Gifts control?

Can it really bring prosperity and strength to their tribes?

Except for the evil gods, demon gods, and the like, all gods bring blessings to the mortal world.

It’s just that the content of the blessing is different according to different gods.

Therefore, in this world full of gods, all mortal forces will try their best to find their own beliefs to obtain the blessings of the gods.

Suddenly, Baili Tu seemed to have figured it out, patted Bailiye’s shoulder and smiled

“Haha, night, this time your brain is not good enough!”

“The God of Gifts, obviously, brings gifts to the world!”

“What other gods can bless can be seen from the name of the god, but the god of gifts does not say what can be given, but on the contrary, it is very likely that everything can be given!”

“This is a great god who can fulfill any wish!”

“It has been decided, the faith of our tribe is the god of this great gift!”

In this vast world, all the forces seek the protection of the gods.

So when their tribe finally found a god to pray to, everyone was excited.

Not long after, two strong young men carried ten bloody tiger corpses.

This is almost all of them have been left with food for half a month.

But they don’t care anymore.

Because the tribe next door is about two or three days away from them, when the lion and tiger army will attack.

They simply don’t live a week.

Only when you open up, you have a chance!

After offering the most common meat sacrifices, the priest Bailiye suddenly covered his head, and suddenly he felt that these sacrifices were not enough.

When he scanned the tribe, he suddenly reacted and said to Bailitu

“That’s right, Patriarch!”

“It is recorded in ancient books that the more powerful the gods, they love live sacrifices or blood sacrifices!”

“You have said that the God of Gifts is a more powerful being than most gods, and a simple food sacrifice may not be able to get a response!”

Baili Tu was stunned, but he also reacted quickly.

Although it was a little tangled, the decision was made quickly.

“That… Call my little daughter Baili Crisp over…”




And at the same time.

Lin Feng, who was still in his own God Domain.

After establishing his divine name, he finally heard the voice of prayer that was exclusive to him.

However, when he was ready to respond, several more choices appeared

[Hint 1]: The time passage between the Secret World and the Origin World is not equal. Under normal circumstances, 1 day in the Origin World is equal to 100 days in the Secret World.

【Tip 2】: When the believers in the uncharted world make a prayer to you, time will flow synchronously. You can also consume divine power to accelerate the development of the tribe, and 1 trace of divine power can instantly accelerate for a year.

(Divine power accelerates to a special state, only affects local time, does not affect the entire world, but no additional faith is born this year).

[Tip 3]: As long as there are statues or temples dedicated to you in the world, you can freely enter and exit the world.

[Warning]: In all secret worlds other than the Origin World, the Protoss must not directly intervene to interfere with the development of the situation except for blessings, unless the Divine War is opened

[Tip 4]: In addition to the fall of the god war and the withering of faith, the Protoss will only teleport back to their own God Domain to resurrect at any time and anywhere they encounter death


“Is one day equal a hundred days?”

“Three and a half days away is almost a year.”

“This means that for the thirty days of the Origin God Realm, the content of the assessment has actually developed in the Secret Realm world for three thousand days, that is, more than eight years!”

“Moreover, it can artificially change the flow rate of the world!”

Soon, Lin Feng discovered some special abilities of the Protoss from it.

One of them is the intervention in the speed of time flow in the secret world.

The divine power accelerates, only affecting local time.

This means that a force can be exchanged for an absolutely peaceful and stable year of development, and will not suffer from the invasion of foreign enemies within one year!

Divine power, really very important!

And divine power is transformed through the power of faith, millions of beliefs transform a trace of divine power, and a hundred silks of divine power can be fused into a little.

And getting a little divine power is one of the necessary conditions for being promoted to a second-order demigod!

Therefore, he also needs to respond to the prayers of the tribe assigned to him as soon as possible and collect more faith power as soon as possible.

After understanding, Lin Feng immediately looked at the tribe that prayed to him.

See what kind of sacrifice they offered to their first prayer.

“It’s all meat, ten tigers and ten deer, and… Wait a minute…… This…”

Lin Feng fixed his eyes and suddenly found that the sacrifice given to him was among them.

There was even a delicate figure, incompatible with the pile of flesh and blood corpse sacrifices around him!

This tribe is so good!


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