Channel of the Gods.

As a furious god who was still showing off his chosen opening not long ago.

In fact, many other gods have paid attention to the God of Berserk, wanting to know the follow-up development of the other party.

I even thought that I could hug my thighs or something like that.

Even some people are jealous because of this.

But no one could have imagined how long it had been!

Suddenly called for help?

[The God of Fury has been declared a holy war? 】

【Lying groove? The beginning of the God of Rage is already a strong opening, how can anyone be stronger than him? 】

[Which god is it?] 】

[It’s so terrible, can’t everyone develop peacefully?] Why start a holy war? 】

[Don’t joke upstairs, this is originally the world of gods, if you don’t rob other people’s believers, people will come to rob your believers! ] 】

[That is, didn’t you see the photos sent by the God of Rage before?] There are thousands of fierce beast armies, who can resist the tribes bound at the beginning? 】

[Hmph, that furious god triumphantly launched an attack on other people’s tribes, why didn’t he think about the consequences of killing other people’s believers? 】

[But the God of Fury didn’t start the holy war! ] 】

[Laughing to death, do you think he doesn’t want to open?] It must not meet the opening conditions! Now that he is counter-killed, he will start calling Dad! 】

[Moreover, even if you don’t start a holy war and kill all other people’s believers, causing people’s beliefs to wither, they will also die! ] 】


Perhaps the God of Rage was too high-profile before.

Let more other Protoss be jealous of him instead of simple envy.

So now seeing the end of the God of Rage, they all feel happy and watch the good show on the stage.


“Damn it!!”

The God of Rage looked at the channel of Gods that no one responded to him at all.

Only a group of people reprimanded him for his previous ostentatious behavior.

“These guys!”

“All of them are jealous of my Chosen Opening!”

The God of Rage fell into despair.

On the lips, there is constant scolding.

The army of beasts has all been sent.

Only about a thousand remained in the tribe, and some were untamed.

And most importantly.

The beliefs of the tamers sent out have completely changed.

As long as the other person comes back here.

The remaining tribesmen will also be changed.

After all, their degree of faith is only pan-believers, not firm enough at all, and more of a herd mentality.

No matter what the God of Fury thinks.

But the footsteps of jihad are also gradually approaching him.


“Patriarch Baili, the former convenience is our tribal base camp.”

Deep in a lush jungle.

I saw a tribe larger than the Baili Clan sitting in front.

Their building class is clearly higher.

The Baili clan has only one ancestral temple, and the building is made of mud bricks.

The buildings of the taming tribes have basically abandoned the perishable wooden buildings.

Baili Tu saw all this in his eyes.

Although admiring the other party’s tribe is indeed more powerful than them.

But deep down, I became more faithful to my faith in the God of Gifts.

In contrast.

The God of Gifts allowed them, the most ordinary and weak tribe, to easily subvert the most powerful tribe in the Barbarian Million!

This is the power of the God of Gifts!

“My God is always in !!!”

Baili Tu raised his tomahawk and led his clan to directly surround the remaining population and beasts of the beast taming tribe.

Plus there are surrendered trainers in charge of the response.

Taking over this tribe only took less than half a day.

[Your number of pan-believers +66!] 】

[Your number of pan-believers +24!] 】

[Your number of pan-believers is +57!] 】


The remaining people of the beast taming tribe changed their beliefs even more rapidly.

It’s just that after hearing about what happened to the beast trainer on the frontal battlefield, he cast it without saying a word.

After all, their god of fury did not bring them anything, but the gods of the other side showed miracles.

Don’t even think about it, of course, follow the more powerful gods and pray for the protection of the powerful gods!

Holy war.

Perfect ending!

However, this means that another higher-dimensional war is about to begin

Baili Tu led the tribal warriors to the ancestral temple of the beast taming tribe.

“Great God of gifts, your most faithful believers have purified the hearts of heretics!”

“And the false god who spreads evil beliefs is right in front of you!”

“May the mighty power of my God crush it—”

With Bailitu’s words, it officially triggered the beginning of the divine war.

I saw that the temple in front of me suddenly erupted with a vast momentum, dispersing Baili Tu and the others hundreds of meters away.

But at the same time.

Lin Feng, who had been following Bailitu’s perspective, obtained the qualification to enter the other party’s God Domain.

He took a deep breath.

It also burst out with the unique vast power of the Protoss Race, protecting its own believers behind him.

Then he stepped out and stepped into the temple that did not belong to him.

With the scenery in front of you, it suddenly repeated.

Inside is not a temple.

It is an endless wasteland.

There are only two figures who can appear here.

He, the God of Gifts.


Far away.

A frightened furious god!


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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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