[Consuming 100w of faith power, it has been successfully transformed into 1 trace of divine power! ] 】

After opening his eyes, Lin Feng showed a look of surprise.

This time, he truly felt that he was getting stronger.

“It turns out that although the power of faith is also your own energy, only when it is turned into divine power can it really be used to improve yourself!”

One million faith powers, he needed to digest it through cultivation techniques in his own God Domain.

Only then can the conversion be successful.

Although it takes some time and effort.

But the gains are huge!

Divine power is more convenient to use than the power of faith, and it can be said that it is like an arm.

At the same time, after some research, he also determined the most important point.

Divine power will permanently increase the strength of one’s divine body.

For example, in the God War, he faced the impact of the power of seven hundred beliefs of the Berserk God, and he also needed to condense the same power of faith to resist.

But it’s different now.

His body gained a trace of divine power, equivalent to the defense of the power of a million beliefs.

Even if you resist hard with your body, you can completely ignore the impact of divine power below a million beliefs!

Equivalent level of divine magic.

If it is released with divine power, it will be more powerful than the power of faith.

In addition, divine power is also one of the necessary to improve the divine level.

[Second-order demigod-].

1. Successfully transform 1 divine power

2. The total number of believers reached 1,000

3. There are 100 intermediate believers

4. Have a full star divine art

5. Let the faithful perform the grandest sacrifice ceremony in the temple


He has met the requirements of two, three, and four.

The last one is also not a problem.

The only requirement is to transform 1 divine power.

A hundred strands of divine power, equal to one point.

That is to say, a full 100 million faith power can become a second-order demigod!

Of course, it may seem demanding, but it is not.

Because the flow rate of the two worlds is not the same.

As long as you start hard, recruit more believers and raise their faith level.

Then return to the Origin World and wait for time to pass.

Three and a half days is the year that passed inside.

As long as the number of believers is sufficient, the power of faith produced in a year will certainly not be less.

And Lin Feng’s biggest advantage.

He has more High believers than anyone else.

One divine messenger is completely enough for hundreds of junior believers!

It took almost a day to refine the power of faith.

However, this was only the beginning, because after he practiced the first trace of divine power, there was a steady stream of faith power feedback to him.

[Power of Faith]: 314.22w

“One day passed, a hundred days passed inside!”

“Waiting for time to pass in the outside world, you can get about three million power of faith every day!”

This is completely lying flat and can take off!

Through the divine sense, the Baili tribe is still developing in an orderly manner.

At the same time, he is constantly exploring the whole world on the periphery, opening maps, finding new tribes, conquering and collecting them.

However, Lin Feng felt a trace of doubt.

Because several believers have even explored the edge of the world in several directions, and have not even found the existence of forces of other faiths.

“Something is wrong!?”

“Level 1 secret world, at least four beliefs exist.”

“The God of Fury has been solved by me, and it stands to reason that there should be two more.”

“Is it hiding?”

Lin Feng muttered over and over again, conveying it through divine thoughts over and over again, making the people of the tribe feel his presence for a long time.

By the way, convey the divine will, so that the tribesmen continue to open up maps and find the location of other pagans.

Subsequently, Lin Feng continued to stay in his divine domain, refining the second trace of divine power.




[Consuming 100w of faith power, it has been successfully transformed into 1 trace of divine power! ] 】

[Consuming 100w of faith power, it has been successfully transformed into 1 trace of divine power! ] 】


[Hint, your heir is about to be born. 】

[Hint, your heir is about to be born. 】


The successive prompts interrupted Lin Feng’s cultivation of the fourth trace of divine power.

But his eyes were full of excitement and expectation.

“The last two days and seventeen hours, more than nine months in it.”

“It’s a little slower than expected, but it’s normal!”

Thinking of this, Lin Feng gave up the idea of continuing to cultivate.

He already possessed three strands of divine power on his body.

At least for now.

He absolutely believes.

No other newborn Protoss was able to master more than three million faith powers to cause him harm.

Then step into the secret world of binding.


Baili Clan.

Compared to a small tribe that was so dilapidated that it was not even a village a year ago.

Now it has become a village of a certain size.

Everyone has a comfortable house, and all are fully equipped and powerful.

But today is not the usual.

Today, every household showed a look of excitement.

Because today is an important day

The day of the birth of the gods!

Two figures with bulging bellies were sent to the temple, waiting for the call of the god’s name.

It was Baili Crisp and Lori who were the two.

Although Luo Li accepted the divine grace later, she also coincidentally ran into Baili Crisp a lot earlier.

Not long after, the temple gate opened for a long time.

The two divine powers extended out, gently supporting the two into the temple.

“I’ve seen God Lord~”

“To live up to the expectations of the God and the Lord, the heir in the belly has grown to the day when he can come to earth!”

Baili Crisp and Luo Li both respectfully exclaimed.

However, the two have a closer relationship with Lin Feng, and the title does not need to be prefixed.

And Lin Feng did not have a pretentious attitude.

Instead, he took the two into his arms affectionately.

“You have worked hard, with my divine power to care, you will not have any pain in the process of birth.”

Lin Feng directly raised his hand and conjured up two of the softest big beds, letting the two women lie down respectively.

Then he did not hesitate to consume more power of faith, but also maintained the comfort of the two, so that they would not bear any pain at all.

After all, giving birth to a god heir will need to be experienced many times in the future.

For this reason, of course, he must avoid giving believers the feeling that this kind of thing is painful.

Has the assistance of divine power.

In addition, the gods in the body are also very special existences.

The whole process went very smoothly, and in just twenty minutes, both of them gave birth smoothly.

A son of God, a goddess.


What surprised Lin Feng the most.

It was his heirs who, during the birth process, would automatically devour the power of faith around them.

In just a few moments, he grew from a baby to a young teenager.

This feels….

How can it be like a divine pet, which can devour the power of faith and accelerate growth?


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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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