[Hint: You have 107 pan-believers who have converted their faith! 】

[Hint: You have 79 pan-believers who have converted their faith! 】

[Hint: You have 36 converts of ordinary believers! 】


A succession of tones rings in my ears.

The god of the epidemic was suddenly dumbfounded.

“What’s going on?”

“Those damn guys, why did they suddenly convert together?”

“Aren’t they worried about outbreaks?”

Since a year ago.

He began to spread the magic of the epidemic and descended into this world.

By this particular means, those believers have always been firmly in control.

Although the means were relatively brutal, so that the believers could not improve their faith, at least the number was large and the small amount accumulated, so that he still turned to the power of many beliefs.

And it continues, continue to screen out disobedient believers, as well as believers of other gods.

All that remains is his followers!

Originally, he wanted to dominate the world through this method, but he did not expect that an accident appeared.

“Damn it!”

“Could it be that another unknown god possesses healing magic?”

Because Lin Feng returned to the Origin God Realm after being in the Baili Tribe at the beginning, and then after closing in the Beast Taming Tribe.

And didn’t stay here.

And there is also no high-profile expansion of the power map.

So, even if it’s been a year in the secret world.

But each other, still do not know what the other person’s god name is.

Of course, Lin Feng has now found out.

And the god of the epidemic has only now sent believers to investigate the situation.

Although the rat’s eyes are indifferent.

But with their superb dark crawling skills, the rat people quickly heard the news and returned.

Soon, the god of the epidemic also heard what was circulating outside.

“Someone spreads faith!?”

“Can the disease be permanently cured and restored to health?”

“Sure enough, it’s this kind of divine technique!”

The God of Blight snorted coldly.

“I wonder if it’s the God of Healing, the God of Health, the God of Recovery, or something else?”

“But it’s not important!”

“I was worried that you would kill the God of Berserk, and I suspected that you were also a battle god.”

“But now it seems that it’s just a cure.”

“It seems that winning the holy war and opening the divine war to kill the God of Berserk is really just because your initial tribe is stronger, plus the God of Berserk is more wavey, and it has nothing to do with you!”

Although killing the gods can obtain the opponent’s divine magic.

But in the eyes of the god of the epidemic, the fury and cure, the threat is not as great as imagined.

At least, his Blight Divine Technique and Spear Throwing Divine Art combined were much stronger than these two divine arts!


“Old sick, can you finally do a big job? I can’t wait! ”

The god of the epidemic soon found the god of spear throwing.

Although he saw that the other party was a little dissatisfied with his name, he was too lazy to correct it.

Anyway, in the end, this guy also ….

“Yes, that guy showed his horse’s feet!”

“And counting the time, he disappeared for almost a year!”

“Presumably, I must have left the Secret Realm World and returned to the Origin God Realm after two or three days to return.”

There was some disdain in the words of the God of the Blight.

In his concept of time, he spent a whole year here!

Every day, I follow the path of the believers and perfect this plan to ascend to the throne of the gods.

In his opinion, this kind of going back and swinging back for a few days and coming back.

It’s obviously just scratching the fish.

Because the development of believers themselves is definitely more efficient than the guidance of great gods!

“I overestimated the other party before.”

“It seems that he is just an immature Protoss.”

“Although my followers have basically been transformed by him, now is a great opportunity!”

The spear-throwing god’s head couldn’t turn quickly, and he asked woodenly

“Old and sick, can you speak human language?”

“Your followers are more than half gone, and you still have the opportunity on hold? You’re not going to be a hard hold, are you? ”


The God of Blight rolled his eyes wordlessly.

No way, although the other party is simple-minded, but because of this, it is more convenient to be used by him.

“Hmph, though he transformed all my believers.”

“But don’t forget, these believers have my disease seeds left on them, and even if it is a healing technique, it will take a long time to heal!”

After all, there are dozens of tribes of all sizes.

There are more than 3,000 people!

If more than 3,000 believers break out together, even God will not be able to save it.

After all, it takes divine power or the power of faith to perform divine magic.

“If he can’t save so many people, he will be a liar, and he will suffer from prayer!”

“If he saves it, he will consume a lot of divine power!”

“And whether he saves or not, he brings together so many sick people, which gives us a great opportunity!”

Hearing this, the god of throwing spears suddenly realized: “I understand, take advantage of his illness and kill him!” ”

“His current believers are all weak people, and this is the time to start a holy war…”

“Hey, hey! As long as you kill these sick men in large numbers first, you can shake the faith of the other party! ”

“Old and sick, you are really an old traitor!”



At the same time.

Lin Feng also received news from Xiao Yao and Xiao Wei coming back to report.

“Lord God, through the ability of the Wind Whisperer, we have determined that in the upper reaches of the river, there is a group of rat people living in seclusion!”

“And the way these rat races ward off enemies is basically by sneak attacks and poisoning!”

“By the way, Lord God, just recently, the rat race seems to have gathered together in large numbers, as if there is some big move!”

Hearing the news reported by the two, Lin Feng slightly closed his eyes and thought.

“Very good, the snake out of the hole has taken effect!”

His high-profile transformation of the other party’s followers will naturally attract the attention of the other party.

It is more convenient to let the other person come to you than to find each other yourself.

Of course, this is all incidental.

The most essential purpose was that Lin Feng really wanted to save these people who suffered from the epidemic.

And thanks to the blessing of the other party, he received 3,400 believers from different tribes at once.

And then.

Lin Feng also gave orders to the people of the original Baili Clan and Luo Clan, so that they could all move to this more livable place together.

All the people gathered on the side of the Hidden Flower Valley!

The Eternal Branch comes into effect.

But it does take time to eradicate all diseases completely.

However, Lin Feng is not short of time!

After settling all the believers, he once again returned to the Origin God Realm.

Of course, this time I don’t plan to wait three days before going back.

Because even then, the other party will attack his own believers in his absence.

Therefore, for the first time, he used a unique ability of the Protoss-

Divine power accelerates!


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