[Consuming 100w of faith power, it has been successfully transformed into 1 trace of divine power! ] 】


“You have given birth to a Son of God!] 】

[You have given birth to a goddess!] 】


[Your pan-believers have strengthened their faith and been elevated to universal disciples because they have been healed by the eternal branches!] 】


[Daily settlement, you have obtained 2778.55w points of faith power! ] 】

【Daily settlement…】


It took three days to refine the divine power.

This means that almost a year has passed in the Nether.

However, although Lin Feng did not appear this year, the believers still provided him with faith.

And more heirs were born one after another.

All kinds of news gathered in Lin Feng’s ears, which made him also excited.

After the three divine essence crystals were completely dissipated.

He only opened his eyes after a long absence, revealing a pair of eyes that were deeper and vast, as if they had an endless void that could contain everything in the world.

“The body of a god shaped by twelve strands of divine power!”

“Twelve million guardians of faith!”

The unprecedented intensity shocked Lin Feng.

Looking at his information again, it has already changed drastically-

[Alternate Protoss]: Lin Feng

[God Name]: The god of gifts

[God Order]: A first-order demigod

[Core Divine Art]: Many Sons and Blessings (Supreme).

[Other Divine Arts]: Berserk Divine Art (Blue 10 stars), Furious Wind Divine Art (Green 10 stars), Spear Throwing Divine Art (Purple 10 stars), Blight Divine Art (White 10 stars).

[Divine power]: 12 silks

[Power of Faith]: 137.2 million (+11600 per hour).

Total number of believers: 5545

[Primary believers]: Pan-believers (2240), universal believers (1397).

[Intermediate Believers]: Deep Believers (668), True Believers (80).

[High Believers]: devout believers (460), fanatical believers (120).

[Most High Believer]: Divine Messenger (580).

[World Influence]: Level 2 Extraordinary World

[God’s Equipment]: Heavenly Fire Staff, Beast Taming Ring

[Divine Pet]: Jade-eyed snow fox

[Extraordinary Divine Object]: Deer Blood Great Supplement Pill x1330, Tiger King Dan x3300, Julu Dan x5200….


[Legion of Gods].

[Blue Berserker]: 160

[Purple Spear Thrower]: 100

[Green Wind Mage]: 240

[Not transferred]: 80


“In this way, in the early stage of entering the extraordinary world, it should be possible to make a safe transition!”

Lin Feng saw his various data panels, and then nodded reassuringly.

Immediately, he descended back to the town of God’s grace.

It has been a year since its development and the facilities have become more complete than before.

And because of the village flower fairy clan, the flower fields they operate, the high-grade honey produced, can bring people a sense of happiness.

The entire town is in a stable state of living and working in peace, while the overall prosperity is slowly rising.

Of course, the most lively building every day is still his temple vestibule.

Every day, people come to worship or pray for peace of mind.

Even if he did not receive those female believers this year, he could see a large number of female believers deliberately passing by here every day, expecting and waiting for his return.


Return to the Uncharted World.

Lin Feng didn’t say much.

Directly through the oracle, all believers were informed of the imminent change of the world.

Then, through its own world influence.

Opened the world challenge ——

[Warning: The final challenge of this secret world has been opened! ] 】

[All wild beasts will be strengthened and form a beast tide to launch a blood-devouring attack on your miracle birthplace.] 】

[The long-sleeping Demonized Beast King is about to wake up and lead its elite Beast King to attack! ] 】

[What you need to do is, after resisting the beast tide, kill the four elites and the boss of the demonic beast king! ] 】

[Please note that the score of this assessment will be recorded on the Xinshen assessment record, and your score will be ranked!] 】

[You only have one shot, and every time you personally use the divine power skill to help, it will affect the score, please choose your shot timing and divine skill choice carefully! ] 】

Various serious warnings and tones pop up one after another.

Lin Feng also had a trace of nervousness for a long time.

Immediately after that, the whole world began to tremble.

In the distance, you can hear the roars, roars, and galloping sounds of countless wild beasts.

Standing on the southern city wall, the guards from the Baili Clan saw a large amount of dust rolling up in front of them from a distance, and it was obvious that this was the dust caused by the gathering of the beast tide and rushing wildly.

The ordinary residents of the town have all returned to their homes to hide.

At the same time, they also prayed nervously, hoping that this world-class disaster would not affect their ordinary people, and hoped that they could survive it steadily.

But even so.

There are still some believers who have lowered their faith in Lin Feng.

Because of the attack of the large-scale beast tide, even if it can’t attack Chengli, the impact on the outside of the city is also very large.

Outside the city, there is a large area of farmland, fruit forests, and planting land, which is the main source of food for the entire town.

In their opinion, the land that is about to be harvested is estimated to be unable to be preserved this time, so they are also a little dissatisfied with the sudden world disaster.


Five hundred converted priests, perseverance in front of the walls and towns.

Other than that, there were no other guards.

In the face of the surging tide of beasts, neither the army of fierce beasts nor the beast trainers who were best at dealing with them were sent.

Because Lin Feng had already made a decision.

More simple and crude—

“Beast Taming Divine Art!”

Lin Feng raised his hand slightly, and the Beast Taming Ring in his hand bloomed with a brilliant divine light.

The divine power effect is activated——

Once a day, summon all beasts within a ten-kilometer range to launch a fearless charge towards the marked target or destination!


Designated destination, deep in the Great Rift Valley.

The next moment.

Those wild beasts affected by the divine magic rushed down fearlessly towards the bottomless rift valley.

And then.

Beast tide….

It was solved so easily!

Immediately following.

The final level of the assessment is coming.

Demonize the Beast King, and the elite Beast King appears!

A black lion that was almost three times larger than a normal beast appeared.

Behind it were the two tiger kings and two giant lion kings who had undergone special promotions.

Lin Feng cautiously launched an appraisal to examine the strength of the other party——

[Demonized Lion King]: Extraordinary first order

[Elite Beast King X4]: Sublimation of the tenth order




Tease me?

That’s the final assessment?

Lin Feng was stunned.

Suddenly reacted.

The warning content of the assessment says that the boss is more powerful than ordinary people imagine.

Ordinary people, not mortals….

So, it’s extraordinary!?


Lin Feng suddenly understood.

It’s not that the enemy is too weak.

It’s that your own side is too strong!

In this secret world, there is no way to advance to the extraordinary.

Normally speaking, the believers who received in the secret realm would at most be promoted to the tenth level of sublimation, and there were very few who could reach this level.

Therefore, in the final assessment, in the face of an extraordinary first-order enemy, it may be necessary to use the help of divine magic so that the believer can survive it.

However, this kind of enemy was for Lin Feng’s disciples…


Spear throwers, directly ultra-long-range throwing hundreds of flying spears past.

The next moment.

Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

The imposing boss and the four elites were directly stabbed into a sieve!

[Congratulations on passing the ultimate challenge of the uncharted world! ] 】

[It takes 4 seconds to solve the beast tide, 2 seconds to solve the final boss, and the total time is 6 seconds! ] 】

[Congratulations on breaking the scoring record of the final assessment of the new Protoss! ] 】


May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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