“Finally out of the identity of the new god and take this step!”

Through his divine thoughts, Lin Feng sensed that he had come to claim the secret realm and fused into this complete big world.

I was also a little excited and happy.

Although, in the secret realm, perhaps safer.

But after all, the population in the secret realm is limited.

Even him, before and after, added up, the time of the secret world has passed four years.

But all the believers added up to just over 5,000.

Although after the manifestation just now, he blessed the whole city, and gave him more than a thousand.

More than 6,400 native inhabitants of the entire city of charisms have all become his followers.

But this also means that the upper limit has been reached.

Only by coming to this extraordinary world can we truly gather more believers!

Lin Feng returned to the temple and immediately withdrew several rewards just now.

“This reward is too luxurious!”

“It turned out to be two top-quality treasure chests in red and gold!”

This was the first time he had been to these two treasure chests, and his heart was looking forward to it.

He first opened the red treasure chest——

[Successfully open the red extraordinary treasure chest, you get: Primary Essence Crystal x10, Green Statue x1, Blue Statue x1, Purple Statue x1, Random Extraordinary Secret Art x1, Fourth-Order City Blueprint x1, Transcendent Life Profession Summoning Order x3! ] 】


A treasure chest directly stuffed with so many things ??

Seeing that it was full of items that dazzled him, Lin Feng couldn’t help but be a little stunned.

But then there was a great surprise inside.

He knew that there would be good things, but he didn’t expect that there would be so many good things!

And the first reward completely surprised Lin Feng!

“Ten Divine Essence Crystals!”

“It takes ten days to refine thirty strands of divine power!”

“This reward is also too cool!”

In this way, it won’t even take him a month to advance!

“If that mad beast god gives me a little strength, help me dig more spirit crystal transactions as soon as possible, and the speed of upgrading can be faster.”

Lin Feng was looking forward to a certain god who did not know the precious spirit crystal to serve him as a coolie~

“Three idols of different qualities.”

“Drop them all!”

That prop, Lin Feng didn’t want to think about it, so he directly chose to put it in.

Anyway, he has now entered this extraordinary world.

The sooner his god name is known, the better.

There are three bonus items left.

Transcendent cultivation can randomly obtain a cultivation technique, so that ordinary people without extraordinary professions and extraordinary bloodlines can slowly improve their cultivation and strength through this cultivation technique to become extraordinary cultivators.

Compared to extraordinary professions, cultivation will be relatively simple and rude.

However, the disadvantage is that there is only one ability mastered by cultivation, and those who practice this secret art can only develop more ways of using their abilities through their own ideas.

The blueprint of the fourth-order city is accompanied by all the blueprints for the construction of the fourth-order city, such as the city wall of the fourth-order city specification, the building specification, the city defense system, the city defense artillery and the like.

These can be handed over to the head of the town to gradually build this city of charism.

At present, the city of divine grace is judged to be a first-order city, which is related to the city defense, the size of the city, and the strength of the forces in the city.

The final summoning order is a more metaphysical prop.

After using it, three extraordinary living professionals, due to various coincidences, will come to the vicinity of this city and join the town.

For this type of thing, Lin Feng also used it directly.

After waiting for a short time, he sensed three strange travelers coming to the city in search of a place to stay.

And they are extraordinary forgers, extraordinary chefs, and extraordinary tailors.

The addition of these people will greatly improve the living standards of urban residents and greatly help maintain the stability of the rule of faith.

Of course, if these extraordinary professionals can also become believers, the power of faith provided will be much higher than that of ordinary people.


“The red treasure chest gives a bunch of rewards, I don’t know what this golden can give?”

Soon, Lin Feng took out another brilliant treasure chest with golden brilliance, and slowly reached out to open it——

[Successfully opened the Golden Extraordinary Treasure Chest, you obtained: Samurai God Magic Bead].

Hey? Only one this time?

However, Lin Feng was not disappointed, but knew very well that what was concentrated was the essence.

He immediately carefully held the golden crystal bead, which was smaller than a fist, in his hand and examined it.

[Divine Object]: Samurai God Law Bead (exclusive to the God Race).

【Quality】: Gold

[Rank]: Extraordinary Ten Order

[Effect]: Injecting ten strands of divine power and then instilling it into a fanatical believer can transform the believer to have the natural potential to become a divine messenger

[Special]: After the beads take effect, they will enter a one-year cooldown period and can be forcibly used twice, but the beads will be completely broken after use


It actually takes ten strands of divine power!

But a believer can be completely reborn!

The Most High Believer, only his heirs are special.

But normal believers, if they want to reach the level of supreme believers, have extremely high requirements for strength and talent.

Even if the current strength is not strong, the talent potential must be enough to grow to the strongest in order to become a Supreme Disciple!

It can be said that every divine envoy is enough to grow into one of the peak powerhouses in the world.

And this is also the potential strength of Lin Feng’s many sons and many blessings.

Because each of his heirs is a divine messenger, sooner or later he can grow to the top of the world!

“Lord God ~~”

Suddenly, a delicate voice with a slight hunger sounded.

Only then did Lin Feng realize that it was already dark.

And at this point in the evening, only his closest believers can come to sleep for him.

During the day, he always picks ten in order to cast a wide net to satisfy the prayers of more believers.

At night, it is one-on-one, and it is for accurate attacks in the hope of hitting the target as soon as possible.

Because the people who can come to sleep for him at night are able to give feedback and reward them particularly high.

And tonight, it was his turn to be the first believer to accept

Hundred miles of pastry.

The other party has already given birth to six heirs to him.

But now the figure not only does not have any deformation, but still has the flawless carcass of a girl.

As soon as the little white tiger entered the bedroom, he couldn’t wait to take off his coat, revealing the tiger-skin-like lining inside.

“Lord God, look ~ it’s the tiger print underwear you said you liked last time~”

Special style, plus there is really a tiger tail flapping left and right behind the butt.

This scenery can only be said to be wild!

This girl, so bold, even the gods dare to seduce?

This is not okay, it will damage his prestige, and he must treat her well tonight!

Lin Feng hugged him into his arms.

By the way, a room that was just an office style room immediately took on a new look.

It has become the kind of pink light small room in a certain kind of love hotel, and a variety of general methods.


Just about to start moving, Lin Feng suddenly froze.

“It just so happens that the little white tiger hasn’t received divine grace this time!”

“Take advantage of now, let the other party be reborn, the potential is full, and then give the divine grace, then this time the reward, can’t it take off?”

Lin Feng suddenly thought of the Servant God Magic Bead he had just obtained.

Although the normal use is to cultivate the Most High Believer.

But wouldn’t he be able to give back more benefits to cultivate the mother body of the supreme talent!


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