In an ice cave where the cold wind howls.

A young girl trembled and huddled in a corner, shivering.

The icy cold wind swept through her thin body, and it seemed that she could fall at any moment.

If you look closely, you can see that her hands and feet are shackled with 10,000 years of cold iron.

This eternal coldness has always tormented her delicate body.

“Aunt… Sunset moon I’m afraid… Can’t hold on…”

“Xuanyue Sect… If you can’t keep it, the sunset moon is really painful…! ”

The girl named Xiyue reached out to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then supported her hands on the ground and stood up extremely reluctantly.

This is a 10,000-year-old ice cave that is completely sealed on all sides.

The surrounding area is covered with precious ice spirit grass.

However, this precious genius earth treasure worth millions was like a weed in the eyes of Xiyue, and it didn’t help her at all.


Maybe there is, that is, eating a large amount of ice spirit grass is enough to make her completely freeze to death from the inside out.

In this way, there is no need to suffer from this cold ice anymore.

Sunset Moon stumbled to the corner covered with ice spirit grass, and her weak hands slowly pulled these ice spirit grasses.

However, she was extremely weak, and she did not pull these ice spirit grasses off so easily.

However, just after tossing and turning for a while, he suddenly noticed that the depths of the ice spirit grass seemed to have a different color.

It was a small, delicate purple figure….


“Huh? How can there be such a strange thing here? ”

Xiyue was a little strange in her heart.

Here in the 10,000-year ice cave, the only thing that can survive is the ice spirit grass, even if a dead thing falls, it will turn into an ice sculpture in the cold wind and finally break into ice slag, and there is no trace left.

And the purple object in front of him was not affected by the cold wind and ice at all.

On the contrary, it still exudes a faint brilliance.

“This is, idol…?”


“It will appear in the absolute forbidden place of our Xuanyue Sect, and ordinary people can’t carry things to place here!”

“Could it be that Lord God came in person?”

Seeing this statue, Xiyue’s heart suddenly rippled.

She suddenly burst out with a strong will to survive.

Oh, yes!

It is better to rely on others than on oneself.

But it’s better to rely on yourself than on the gods!

After all, this is the world of gods!

As a transcendent cultivator, he is the least likely of all transcendent forces to deal with gods.

They all thought that they could cultivate on their own to the point of being on a par with God.

On the contrary, each transcendent professional has its own professional god to worship, and the extraordinary race also has its own racial god to worship.

“But… That traitor also turned to an evil god to let our sect fall to this point! ”

“Only the gods can defeat the gods!”

She tried to work on her own, but failed!

The tormented Sunset Moon completely gave up the idea of breaking the heavens with the power that a monk should have at this moment, and decided to pin his hopes on the gods.


And at the same time.

Lin Feng received a prayer from the statue.

However, when he responded to the other party, he could not hear any sound.

“Huh? What is this situation? ”

“Could it be that something happened to the believers who prayed to me? Can’t even hold out for these few seconds so seriously? ”

Because the idols were different from the temples, he could not go directly.

But now he is powerful.

It’s a new ability.

By consuming 3 strands of divine power and 10 million faith powers, the statue can be the center, and the surrounding ten square meters can be used as a temporary divine domain, thus descending the ontology god.

“This is the purple statue that has been triggered, this believer must have great potential and great opportunity!”

Lin Feng did not hesitate in the slightest, directly consuming the power of divine power and faith.

[The field of gods and statues is successfully opened, is it a god descending? ] 】

[Hint: After the god returns, you don’t need to consume divine power to go over again, but you still need to consume 10 million faith powers! ] 】

“God descends immediately!”

Lin Feng, who has the power of hundreds of millions of beliefs, 10 million is not worth mentioning.



The next moment.

Lin Feng came to this strange place.

For the first time, he noticed the girl who fainted while holding his statue.

However, seeing the surrounding environment, he immediately thought that he had come to the Far North Realm, and thought that this person was just encountering a snow disaster or something.

It turned out to be a closed cave.

Fortunately, his divine body would not be affected in any way.

Even, part of the space of this ice cave has become his own god domain, and he can even easily change everything here.

And Lin Feng did the same.

Directly built a roaring stove, a soft big bed, he carried the girl to the bed and covered the other party with a quilt.

At the same time, he also opened his divine sense to examine the other party’s information——

[Believer]: Sunset moon

[Faith level]: Pan-believer

[Force]: Xuan Yuezong Saint Daughter

[Strength]: Extraordinary third order

[Secret Art]: Purple Xuanyue Secret Method

[Ability]: Xuan Yue Sword Art, Xuan Yue Plus Protection


“It turned out to be an extraordinary sect of the cultivator system.”

“I thought it would be difficult to connect with the sect in the early stage.”

“After all, the sect is the most repulsive to dealing with the Divine Race, and they have almost no beliefs, they only believe that they can break the sky with strength.”

“It’s just that I didn’t expect that this sect saint girl was trapped here, it seems that it is not simple.”

Lin Feng muttered.

At the same time, the environment suddenly changed, and the long-lost warmth gradually hit.

The setting moon suddenly woke up, waiting for his eyes to widen.

For the first time, I found myself lying on an unfamiliar soft big bed, and the real warmth came from my body.

At the same time, the cold wind in the distance was still howling.

This contradictory and strange scene made it difficult for her to tell whether it was a dream or reality.

“Who are you!?”

Soon, Xiyue noticed a figure staring at her from a very close distance.

You know, as a sect saint, she has always been the daughter of Tianjiao, and she has never been within thirty meters of any member of the opposite sex in the sect.

Now she was being watched by a strange man looking at her sleeping position, which made her face suddenly red, and at the same time a little shy and angry.

For the first time, she thought that the enemies who betrayed the sect came to see her joke.

However, when she wanted to speak, she suddenly realized that this person was somewhat familiar.

It seems to be… The appearance of the gods….

“Lord God?!”

Sunset Moon exclaimed, and the chaotic thoughts that had just woken up were finally sorted out!

Only the omnipotent god can create a warm room in this 10,000-year-old ice cave!

In the ice cave, where there had never been a trace of flame, the fireplace was now roaring, making her feel warmth like never before.

For some reason, Sunset Moon has a kind of bitter excitement, and at the same time there is a grievance of suffering.

In the face of the gods, the first time was not to worship, but to twitch his nose.

Unexpectedly, a “wow” cried out.

Then he threw himself into Lin Feng’s arms, crying and venting his long-accumulated grievances.


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