“This is … The complete version of the Xuanyue sword technique that has been lost by the sect for more than three hundred years? ”

Migetsu was shocked.


This practice is not obtained by carrier.

It was directly imprinted in her mind, in her heart.

It can even be said that this complete version of the Xuanyue sword technique directly replaces the content of the previous fragmented sword technique.

Although there is a lot of new content, for Migetsu, she is familiar with the ease of using sword techniques like an arm’s finger.

This is simply something that ordinary people can’t do!

Even indoctrination exercises need to be adapted.

And the power that the gods brought her is simple and rude, straightforward!

At this moment, this belief in the God of Gifts in her heart suddenly began to show a huge change and turn.

“Lord God!”

“Migetsu doesn’t deserve such great power, Migetsu even had doubts about the great god before that, this is Migetsu should never be like this!”

Lin Feng chuckled softly, and also changed his previous evil attitude.

He just saw the other party’s thoughts, and deliberately made such a feeling that the evil god deceived the human girl to amuse the other party.

“It’s okay, I already know what you think.”

“Caution is understandable.”

“But that’s all it takes.”

Lin Feng was also a turnip and a big stick, and also warned the other party.

Migetsu nodded in agreement.

Now where does she dare to refute it.

This practice has been lost for more than three hundred years.

Their sect had even asked for help from a god of finding, the god of loss, the god of reconnaissance, and several other gods, but they could not fulfill their prayers.

That’s why they gave up in the end.

I didn’t expect to get back from the God of Gifts in the end.

With the complete version of the Xuanyue Sword Technique, the overall strength of the Xuanyue Sect can definitely take a big step forward!

“By the way, the Blood Moon Sect you mentioned earlier is related to the Blood Moon God?”

Lin Feng asked.

“Yes, Lord God, at first we thought it was just two traitors, but later we found out that those two traitors were two traitors from another sect, the Blood Moon Sect, who had been inserted since childhood.”

“After years of ambush and gaining our trust, in the end, in order to subvert our Xuanyue Sect and plunder our sect’s Xuanyue Pearl at the same time.”

Hearing this, Lin Feng felt a little strange.

After understanding, the overall strength of the Blood Moon Sect was actually slightly stronger than that of the Xuan Yue Sect.

After all, the other party turned to the gods and received help.

But spent so many years, just for a treasure?


For mortals, many years may pass, but for gods, even ten years have passed, it is only one month.

Even if you use divine power to accelerate, the length of time is not a problem for the gods at all.

“Is it true that since you accepted those two people, the entire sect has developed steadily and plainly for more than ten years?”

“Lord God really expected things like gods… Oh sorry, Lord God is God! ”

Miyue nodded, and then looked at Lin Feng with a hint of amazement.

“Sure enough…”

This is definitely using divine power to accelerate!

Let these two traitors integrate into the enemy’s collective faster.

And the other party’s ultimate goal, subverting the sect is definitely secondary, the only possibility, that is, Xuan Yuezhu!

“That’s right, God-sama! I did hear them say on a certain occasion that the ultimate purpose of asking me to help them condense the power of moonlight was not to cultivate at all. ”

“It’s to use the power of the moon offering to unlock the seal on the Xuan Yue Pearl.”

“Then sacrifice to the god of the Blood Moon they believe in!”

In this way, Lin Feng was even more curious about this Xuanyue Bead!

If he entered the Transcendent World, he would be afraid of other Protoss that had developed here long ago.

But after a while of understanding.

Lin Feng knew that all those who were in the level 2 transcendent world were demigods.

And every month, there will be a group of new gods, and the new demigods, the sphere of influence is constantly expanding.

Therefore, most of the other demigods who were closest to him and most likely could meet were just over a month earlier than him.

Follow normal developments.

A demigod for a month, he couldn’t even be promoted to the second order.

And he, because he can have a large number of divine messengers, his development speed is faster than most other divine races.

“This Xuanyue Pearl is related to the high-grade Divine Essence Crystal! Can’t miss it! ”

At this moment, Migetsu looked at the sky outside and became a little anxious.

“It’s not good, it’s already so late!”

“I didn’t go over on time to help them open the Xuanyue Pearl, they will definitely go and torture the sunset moon with the cold wind of the ice cave!”

Lin Feng gently raised his hand to tell Miyue not to worry, and then said:

“Don’t panic.”

“I will give you the God’s favor Jade Eye Snow Fox for the time being.”

“At the same time, I use the magic of the giant beast to give you the power of blessing——”


The moon is white and round tonight.

The two brothers, Dark Moon and Shadow Moon, looked a little unpleasant.

“This damn cousin, it’s rare that tonight is the night of the full moon once a month, and it doesn’t come on time!”

“Losing this opportunity, if you want to break the seal, it will take more than twenty nights!”

“I see that this stinky woman has not yet recognized her status, it seems that she has to make that little girl in the ice cave suffer a little!”

Brother Dark Moon snorted angrily.

And Shadow Moon showed a sinister smile.

“Jun, I have long wanted to torture that little girl, I always looked high in the sect before, and I didn’t even look at me.”

“This time I must make him kneel and beg for mercy from me!”

Dark Moon warned: “It’s enough to torture her with cold ice, if you do it to her, Miyue’s cousin is afraid that she will no longer cooperate with us, and everything is for the sake of the Blood Moon God’s affairs!” ”

“Cut, it’s not interesting!”

Seeing that it was more than the agreed time, an hour passed.

At this time, the spies they sent to find people came back to report——

“Migetsu is gone!”

“Damn, go to the ice cave immediately!”


Just when the two of them rushed to the ice cave.

Sure enough, the henchmen who remained here had spat blood from their mouths and lay on the ground, losing their vitality.

At the entrance of the ice cave, a huge breach appeared, and the cold air inside leaked out.

“Damn, these damn two cousins, dare to run away?”

“If we let the Blood Moon God know, we will definitely not have good fruits to eat, and we must capture them back!”


“I’m not going to run away!”

“Two traitors, suffer death!”

A cold voice sounded.

The moonlight was suddenly obscured by dark clouds….


It was not a dark cloud, but a terrifying giant beast that jumped high and its body was hundreds of meters huge!

Boom rumble!

The gigantic jade-eyed snow fox passed through the air.

An icy aura bloomed from it——

Breath of frost and snow!


The large number of betrayer disciples who had just been brainwashed by the Blood Moon Sect that had just gathered below had all frozen into ice sculptures in this blue aura.

Miyue, who was sitting on the Jade-eyed Snow Fox, fell gracefully and fell in front of the Dark Moon and Shadow Moon.

Although the cultivation of the two of them had also reached the extraordinary fifth order, they were even higher than the Jade-eyed Snow Fox, who was comparable to the second order.

But they lacked freezing resistance and remained frozen for a few seconds.

But Midsuki is different!

She is also a fifth-order, but before she was difficult to fight with two fists and four hands, she couldn’t beat two brothers alone, plus her niece Xiyue was arrested, so she didn’t dare to resist.

But now, Migetsu has not only rescued the only concern, Sunset Moon.

And the sword technique mastered has become sharper.

It is also among the five orders.

At least, the disciples of the Xuanyue Sect who practiced the same system as her were no one comparable to her!

“You ——!!”

“You dare to kill me? The God of the Blood Moon will not spare you!!! ”

If it had been before, Migetsu would have been a little afraid.

But now.

She will only get up and down with her hands!

Purge traitors and traitors!



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