The benefits are one after the other!

Ha ha!

Four treasure chests brought by unexpected surprises, each of which opened a lot of good things for him.

Lin Feng paid attention to check the harvest.

[Warrior Advancement Stone]: Used for direct ordinary use of extraordinary level warriors, each breakthrough consumes 1-3 pieces, depending on personal talent

This stuff is very good!

“Although my heirs are top-notch talented, there are also rank-level barriers.”

“If there are no step stones, it will take time, energy, and money to collect some extraordinary materials to break through class barriers.”

Moreover, the higher the class barrier breakthrough, the more troublesome it is, and his blue berserker broke through the third-order barrier quite easily, but now it is already difficult to break through the sixth-order barrier.

At least, it is difficult to break through without three or five years of accumulation.

If there is a step stone, it is much more convenient!


The orange chest opened a magic chest and came out.

Although there was some feeling of matryoshka doll, Lin Feng naturally accepted it without care.

Anyway, it’s all rewards, you can give it however you want.

[Randomly scaring quality divine technique is being drawn——]

[Congratulations on obtaining a new divine technique-white 1-star acceleration divine art! ] 】


What a garbage hand!

It turned out to be another white divine technique?

Lin Feng was speechless.

The only two times he had the opportunity to draw a fourth-level divine technique, the first time he drew the white Wind Speech Divine Technique, and this time it was the white Acceleration Divine Art.

It can only be used to increase agility, and the effect is not obvious.

That’s right!

Just enough for three white divine arts, you can synthesize a new higher-level random divine art!

In fact, Lin Feng originally wanted to retain the Blight Divine Technique, wait for the same type and then improve.

It’s just that poisonous types of divine arts are too rare, and it’s better to have the opportunity to directly rob a poisonous god in the future.

[Consuming 2 million faith powers, the acceleration divine art has been upgraded to 10 white stars! ] 】

[Divine Fusion has been activated: Acceleration Divine Technique + Balance Divine Technique + Disease Divine Art, detected as the fusion of different types of Divine Arts, you can obtain a completely random higher-quality Divine Technique——]

[Congratulations on obtaining the new Green Divine Art: Spring Blooms! ] 】

【Green 1 Star Divine Art: Spring Spirit】

[Blessing effect]: Let the region enter the state of spring revival of all things, increase the growth rate, increase the probability of pregnancy, improve the happiness index, improve the recovery speed of physical energy, improve the recovery speed of essence 24, increase the cohesion of faith, and increase the probability and quantity of faith

[Divine Power Effect]: True All Things Revived, 10 times more All-type Recovery Effect (including Divine Power and Faith Power)


Good fellow, what kind of magic is this?

The blessing effect of a divine technique actually contains so much?

Lin Feng was shocked.

It even includes all units that affect the environment and the environment!

To say, Lin Feng understands in other aspects, increasing various recovery effects, and also increasing several effects related to faith.

But there is also this –

To improve happiness index and probability of pregnancy, this magic is too extensive!

“It’s really spring, everything is revived, and it’s the season of animals xx…”

“Although there are not many improvements in each thing, there are many types of improvements!”

“If you have the opportunity, you can raise this divine technique to a higher quality!”

Lin Feng directly made a decision to keep this divine technique, it can only be said that it is too suitable for him!

Spring has sprung.

Plus many children and many blessings!

At the same time, it can also make the city of charisms a town that is livable in all seasons, thereby attracting more local people to join the city.

The larger the population, the more believers will naturally increase!

The last two rewards were three primary divine essence crystals that Lin Feng had been thinking about, as well as a secret realm key.

[Uncharted Key]: It can be used to bind the uncharted world and obtain permission to enter the uncharted world

[How to use]: 1, randomly bind a secret world. 2. Specify coordinates to bind a secret world.

After seeing this secret realm key, Lin Feng quickly reacted.

The secret world he was in was very likely to be the kind of independent level 1 secret world he was in before he broke through!

Sure enough, it was like that divine warning.

If you haven’t broken through to the transcendent world.

There is a risk that the gods of the transcendent world will invade their world!

Hold on to the words that there is a day to live, or if you just want to be the king of the mountain in the independent world.

With luck, you’ll be fine.

But bad luck, if someone else locks the coordinates of the secret realm, then it must be sent.

After all, the Uncharted World is sparsely populated, has few resources, and is generally low in strength.

It is simply impossible to block the attack of these people in the Transcendent World.

Of course, the secret realms are not all those primordial secret realms where the new gods are.

There are also many more difficult, more dangerous, and more resourceful secret places.

Lin Feng thought about it and did not intend to use it directly.

“The top ten assessments are refreshed once a month.”

“Among them, the fourth task is to clear a secret world.”

“When I save it for the beginning of next month, I can directly get the first reward for completion!”

Lin Feng decided to keep it and maximize his benefits.

And now, continue to develop!

[Consuming 300w Yang power, the Spring Spirit Divine Technique has been upgraded to 10 green stars! ] 】

Divine blessing –

Spring has sprung!

Once again, Lin Feng, a huge phantom appeared in the sky above the City of Divine Grace.

With the vast divine power fluctuations.

The people of the entire city of grace felt warm and comfortable like a spring breeze.

The entire city is covered in the blessing effect of divine magic, entering the spring-like seasonal climate.

And the people in the city have also become energetic.

It’s just that some people are energetic to work hard, and some people are energetic to fight monsters.

However, there is still a large number of female believers who have waited for several years and have never seen the true face of the God of Gifts, and their hearts are throbbing, as if they have lovesickness.

In the gentle spring breeze, his feet involuntarily walked in the direction of the temple.

When they saw familiar faces between each other, they all lowered their heads a little shyly, and only dared to whisper hello when they got closer.

“Ah~ it’s you again, sister Qiuyi~ I came to the temple again today to pray for blessings?”

“You are also Sister Ah Ting’er~”

“Why is my sister’s face so red~ It’s Sichun at a glance, but just a glance at Lord God Lord’s manifestation, you are so anxious to come over and offer it to Lord God~?”

“Just know to make fun of me, isn’t my sister the same~!” Alas, I haven’t seen Lord God appear for three years, and today it finally appears, of course, people miss Lord God ~! ”

Sure enough, the two came to the temple holding arms together, and found that the passage that they thought about day and night was finally opened today to welcome the prayers of female believers!

The two…

No, more and more believers rushed in this direction as if they had made an appointment.

Qiu Yi and Ting’er glanced at each other, and their hearts were extremely happy and excited.

Fortunately, they came early and stood at the front of the line.

The excitement is…

Finally able to push this door open…

Wow —

The vast divine light bloomed.

The layout here has become even more blushing and ear-red.

The mighty man sitting on the bed waiting for their arrival is still eternal and great.

It seems that the sky is falling, and it can stand as a support like Optimus Prime.

But the great God of Gifts had told them.

Women are half the sky, today she wants to see again whether she can suppress the other party’s pillar this day!

“Here, what do my dear apprentices Qiuyi and Ting’er want to pray for today?”

When Lin Feng spoke, he took the initiative to call out the names of the two.

Making believers feel like they remember their names can also help strengthen their faith.

Of course, in fact, from Lin Feng’s perspective, you can directly see everyone’s basic information.

It’s just that he is also used to pretending in front of believers to make the other party grateful to Dade.


Hearing the great god shout his name, the two girls also couldn’t hide their joy.

After coming to Lin Feng’s Divine Domain range, the blessing effect of spring spirit became even more outstanding.

All things are revived and multiplied.

All living things are immersed in this wave.

…… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

【Congratulations! Your believers have the descendants of God! Reward Extraordinary Gray Stamina Dan x1000! 】

【Congratulations! Your believers have the descendants of God! Reward the extraordinary White Siege Ballista Building Blueprint x1! 】

【Congratulations! Your believers have the descendants of God! Reward Extraordinary Gray Fire Spirit Grass x300! 】


Lin Feng was surprised to find out.

With the blessing of spring.

The probability of winning has increased by at least 70% of the hit rate!

Almost every believer came to pray, let him complete the other party’s prayer and won the prize, thus getting a lot of faith power and feedback rewarded!

After all, for these ordinary believers, it is basically once.

Of the past thirty, one or two have already won the lottery.

But this time, ten people went together and seven people won the lottery together!

The rest, once again, can definitely make up!

Although most of the rewards reported by these ordinary believers are relatively low-level, there are also a lot of them, hundreds or even thousands of various rewards.

Even if you don’t have it yourself, you can join the warehouses in the town and accelerate the development of the entire city.

I stayed in the City of Grace for more than a month.

You’ve already achieved what it used to take at least a year to accomplish!

[Alternate Protoss]: Lin Feng

[God Name]: The god of gifts

[God Order]: A first-order demigod

[Core Divine Art]: Many Sons and Blessings (Supreme)

[Other Divine Arts]: Berserk Divine Art (Blue), Furious Wind Divine Art (Green), Spear Throwing Divine Art (Purple), Spring Divine Divine Art (Green), Emperor Beast Divine Soul Divine Art (Gold), Soul Casting Divine Art (purple), Vajra Body Divine Art (blue), Blood Moon Divine Art (blue), Ghost Divine Art (blue)

[Equipment Divine Art]: Heavenly Fire Divine Art, Accelerated Growth Divine Art, Beast Taming Divine Art

[Pet Divine Art]: Frost and Snow Divine Art

[Divine power]: 16 silks

[Power of Faith]: 11e

Urban population: 9540

Total number of believers: 7709

[Benevolent believers]: 1240 (understand everything, count among godly believers and fanatical believers)

[Primary believers]: Pan-believers (1063), universal believers (1957)

[Intermediate Believer]: Deep Believer (668), True Believer ()

[Advanced Believers]: Devout (1900), Zeatic (120)

[Most High Believer]: Saint (1), God Messenger (680), Unborn God Messenger (1240)

[World Influence]: Level 2 Extraordinary World

[God’s Equipment]: Heavenly Fire Staff, Beast Taming Ring, Nature Ring

[Divine Pet]: Jade-eyed snow fox


In the entire City of Divine Grace, there were more than a thousand girl believers looking for Lin Feng’s blessing!

And Lin Feng used it for about a month and a half, and completed all the divine gifts.

This increased the number of his divine messengers directly by thousands.

Of the remaining believers, except for their own heirs.

There are about a thousand suitable female believers, but not everyone will come to pray for divine grace.

It is necessary to slowly increase the level of faith before more and more people come to pray.

In this regard, Lin Feng did not force it, for a small number of believers to do some terrible acts, and cause other believers to fear their faith, but the gain was not worth the loss.

Finally, a few more days were reserved.

Warmed up with several of his close devotees.

It deepens emotional communication and deep interaction.

Only then did Lin Feng leave the Transcendent World and return to his God Realm realm.

This time he came back, mainly to cultivate those three primary divine essence crystals.

Although he possessed the Divine Moon Bead, it was used for condensation when he stayed in the Transcendent World.

If there is a divine power crystal, you still have to return to the side of the divine realm.


One for eight hours.

The day passed.

The new three strands of divine power were engulfed into his body——

[Consuming millions of beliefs, you have successfully condensed a trace of divine power! ] 】x3

[Current divine power: 19 silk! ] 】

[The power of remaining faith: 1,095 million]

【Assessment countdown: 542】

“One-fifth progress!”

“It won’t take long to make up a complete drop of divine power!”

In this regard, Lin Feng is also very looking forward to it.

Moreover, although the blessing of divine magic does not need to be consumed, the specific effect of the 367 blessing is also determined by one’s own divine rank and divine power.

If the higher his divine power, coupled with the blessings of many divine techniques, it can be said that it is a leap forward improvement for the city of divine grace as a whole.

One day is more than three months for mortals.

I wonder how they have developed?

Lin Feng returned to the extraordinary world again, and the first time he habitually opened the channel of the gods, wanting to see the latest news.

However, today the number of chats and farting in the channel turned out to be significantly reduced.

Instead, there is an additional group of speakers who seem to be advertising here.

And the speech here really attracted his attention –

[The magic auction will open today, remember to come to the mall if you want to participate! ] 】

[The shop at No. 17 North Street of the first-order mall, today is a special price, buy 100 million and return 10 million! ] 】

【Once a year event day, don’t miss it, look for the shop of the god of discounts, here is your favorite slashing activity challenge! 】 】

[Extraordinary fetish acquisition, anyone who wants to sell but can’t sell the fetish is welcome to ask for a price! ] 】


Shopping centre?

Lin Feng recalled that there was indeed a Protoss Mall.

It’s just that the amount of divine power required for the first time is required, of course, it can also be the power of 100 million beliefs!

When he knew that this mall existed, Lin Feng had neither a drop of divine power nor the power of 100 million beliefs.

At that time, it was gone.

He also thought that it was just a similar existence to the current trading channel.

But now looking at other people’s descriptions, it seems that the Protoss Mall is a place where you can actually go?

Moreover, today is still an activity day, and he met him.

“Protoss Mall, the only official commercial city, there should be a lot of good things in it!”

Without much thought, Lin Feng decided to take a look for himself.

As for the cost of opening the mall for the first time, for him now, the power of 100 million faith is still relatively easy to take out.

[Consume 100 million faith powers! ] 】

[You have officially obtained the admission qualification of the Protoss Mall! ] 】

[Current Pass: Demigod Mall Level 1! ] 】

[Each time you enter, you need to pay 10 million faith power as a deposit, and you can refund 9.5 million when you leave, and 500,000 is the mall transmission fee! ] 】

[Tip: Divine magic cannot be used in the mall, no force can be used, and troublemakers will be permanently disqualified from entering the mall! ] 】

A delicate silver-gray hard card appeared in Lin Feng’s hand.

It is written with four gorgeous characters in the Protoss Mall.

If you feel it carefully, you can indeed find that this is not an extraordinary thing, but an extremely precious fetish that contains vast divine power.

And bound to him, not afraid of loss and destruction.

Lin Feng once again paid 10 million of the power of faith and opened the entrance to the Protoss Mall.

A spatial crack similar to that had entered the Land of the Gods appeared in front of him.

But this time, there was a bustling noise from the opposite side, like a vegetable market.

“So coincidentally caught up with this day, let’s go and see it directly!”


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