
Lin Feng walked around various places in the mall several times.

In addition to the amazing at the beginning.

Later, he also found that in fact, in this order area, he did not find too many top-level good things.

Divine art auctions, more gray divine arts and white divine arts.

After all, the first-order demigod has insufficient purchasing power, and good things will be sold in higher-order areas, and they can make more money.

Most of the people who sell gray and white divine arts are to buy a few more synthetic new divine arts, and through the way of lottery random divine arts, they may come up with a rare divine art.

But after all, there are thousands of divine arts, and most of the low-quality divine arts effects are average.

Therefore, there are not many people walking around the magic area.

On the contrary, some fetish trading areas are the most lively.

It’s like a big market.

Crisscrossing the stalls of all kinds, most of the things sold are extraordinary sacrifices offered to the gods by believers in the transcendent world.

Like what kind of physical strength pill, strength pill, speed pill and other pills.

Or genius earth treasures such as Fire Spirit Grass, Ice Spirit Grass, and Wood Spirit Grass.

There are even architectural blueprints for the construction of towns.

And these, basically Lin Feng can get a lot of feedback through the feedback he gives to his disciples.

Even in the warehouses of the City of Divine Grace, there are several large warehouses, all of which are these extraordinary items.

“But now these extraordinary items still have a great effect on the believers in the city, and can enhance the talents and potential of the believers as a whole.”

“When you can’t use these things in the future, you can dump them directly here.”

Just when Lin Feng was about to go home.

Suddenly, I found a particularly lively place.

“Huh? What’s going on here? ”

Lin Feng came to a building, condensed his divine sense, and explored the situation inside.

It turned out that someone rented the venue and held a small private auction here.

However, this competitor made Lin Feng a little surprised——

Uncharted Team Qualification!

What is this thing? If you want to form a team, you can still get a bid?

And it seems that there are still many people who want this qualification!

Lin Feng also wanted to go over to understand the situation.

However, when he tried to actually enter the bidding area, he was stopped.

“Wait, only demigods with healing divine arts can participate in this auction, do you have healing divine arts?”

Hearing this, Lin Feng could only sigh and shake his head, it seemed that this excitement was destined to have nothing to do with him.

But at the same time, Lin Feng still glanced at the specific introduction of the 333 product.

[Competition]: The qualification to explore the team of the Poisonous Dragon Crypt Secret Realm

[Details]: This secret realm has confirmed that there are a large number of poisonous enemies inside, and there are poison traps everywhere. It requires a large number of mastery of the healing profession, and it is a believer with the blessing of healing magic. There are fallen evil god forces in this secret realm, and after elimination, you can get a large number of rewards, and the team members will be divided into three or seven.

“How is it seventy percent?”

“Seventy percent is still people’s, after all, you only need to produce a part of the healing profession, and people are the real main combat force!”

“By the way, what is the Fallen Evil God?” Lin Feng asked curiously.

“Fallen Evil God? This is a very special existence. ”

“They are actually not gods summoned by the great will of the god race, but belong to the native race of the world of gods.”

“But they have the means to collect faith, and even have the ability to forcibly brainwash and confuse people’s hearts!”

“So, it is simpler and more efficient for evil gods to develop believers than normal gods!”

“The Evil God Clan is actually just a consciousness body, with no entity, and no ability to harm at all.”

“Initially, they could only attach themselves to one individual, sacrifice this individual, sacrifice it as an evil god, and then begin to spread their belief in evil gods.”

“Then continue to collect beliefs, accumulate to a certain extent, will undergo abnormalities, obtain entities, truly come to the world, do evil, and scourge life!”

“The most important thing is that the evil god is a race that purely destroys the world, so it will be on the blacklist of the great will.”

“Therefore, evil gods generally do not enter the extraordinary world, but hide in the secret world and silently develop evil god believers!”

“Any Protoss that kills an evil god will receive a reward of great will, at least ten primary divine essence crystals!”

“Therefore, whenever the existence of the evil god is discovered when the secret world is opened, everyone will be very excited to surround and suppress the evil god, after all, the reward is very rich.”

Lin Feng nodded.

I see!

There is also the existence of the evil god family!

“Then I want to bid too!”

Ten Divine Essence Crystals rewarded!

Three and seven open, that’s also three, one day can cultivate three traces of divine power, three days more nine more traces of divine power!

This kind of good thing, don’t do it in vain!

“You… Do you have healing divine arts? ”

However, Lin Feng shook his head.

“So how do you participate?”

Lin Feng smiled and said, “I don’t have divine arts, nor do I have a believer in the healing profession, but…”

“I have a healing elixir!”


Auction site.

God of healing, God of healing, God of healing, God of healing, God of Nanny…

Many gods with similar god names came together.

Even Lin Feng could see that there were many people with the same name, such as the God of Healing, there were as many as eight warriors on the scene!

Lin Feng couldn’t help but feel pity for their believers, maybe the sound of prayer that day would go to another god, and the god he believed in would not be heard.

Soon, the god of the janitor led him to the auction field.

At the same time, the god of the gatekeeper also quickly came to the ear of the god of fire feathers who organized this auction, and began to speak in a low voice.

It didn’t take long.

The auction is simply paused.

The God of Fire Feather strode to Lin Feng’s side and asked excitedly, “I heard that you have a healing elixir?” Better than the average cure? ”


“Can it be more effective than five hundred extraordinary third-order priests combined? Can it be better than two green healing spells? ”

Lin Feng looked at it, it turned out that it was the current bidding progress, and someone bid to send five hundred powerful extraordinary third-order priests to join the team, and at the same time give two green healing divine blessing effect support.

“Of course.”

Even if it is a healing god, it is not an easy task to cultivate a high-level priest profession.

Being able to come up with five hundred is already not bad.

And because of this dangerous thing, it must be a true believer or above for the other party to be willing to obey the oracle.

It is necessary to meet several conditions of strong strength, good healing ability, and at the same time true believer.

Therefore, it is difficult for ordinary gods to come up with more support personnel.

“A third-order priest, if he releases up to ten consecutive healing techniques in a short period of time, he will lack blue, and the recovery effect will decrease.”

“However, my recovery pill will not decrease, and I can recover 30% full state every time!”

“Five thousand restoration pills, equivalent to the effect of five hundred priests, or even better!”

Hearing this, the God of Fire Feather was already a little moved.

Indeed, if you just bring medicine, you can see that the bloat of the team will be reduced.

However, this is not enough, after all, the other party is an evil god believer, and the ability to master is very strong.

At the same time, this is another poisonous secret realm, and the probability of injury is greater!

Later, Lin Feng showed another)

“Five hundred Deer Blood Great Supplement Pills, while restoring 50% of the state, it can also increase strength and physique by ten times!”

“Finally, fifty Deer Emperor Pills, restore one hundred percent full state, and increase all attributes tenfold within one hour!”

“How about it, so much, enough for your followers to go in and walk around, and there will be left!”

“Deal!” The God of Fire Feather has always been dissatisfied with the bids of the other healing gods.

It is because most people are not sure of their ability to heal their believers in time.

But if it is a medicine, it is different, there is no need to cooperate at all, and you know when you should be treated!

In this way, the success rate can be greatly improved. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Seeing this, the other healing gods could only shout that it was a pity, but they did not expect that in the end, they were snatched away by a person who did not even have healing divine skills!

Oh no, it doesn’t have to be ten!

Ten is just a guaranteed reward!

Lin Feng directly signed a contract with the God of Fire (ADDE) Feathers.

As long as the other party clears the level and settles all the rewards of the secret realm, he will automatically divide 30% of the harvest to him.

The divine power contract, which is automatically executed by the great will of the world of gods, cannot be reversed.

Subsequently, Lin Feng also generously traded a large number of medicines to the God of Fire Feathers.

Lin Feng didn’t feel pity at all.

After all, it came too easily!

You can steadily harvest a lot every year!

In the end, Lin Feng casually walked around other places, spent a little tens of millions or so, and bought some rare extraordinary items for breakthroughs to go back.

Prepare to leave it to his disciples, and when they rise to the rank barrier, they will give it to whoever breaks through.

Return to your own temple.

Because he only condensed three Divine Essence Crystals, it only took one day.

That is to say, the talent here has been in the past three months, and his heirs are far from the day of birth.

Therefore, Lin Feng did not receive other disciples in vain.

Just met a few of my dear believers.

Go deeper and see for yourself how far your unborn heirs have developed.

Accompany them after a day off.

Lin Feng asked the flower fairy Xiao Yao to bring that eternal branch over.

Taking it with him, Lin Feng then opened the secret key he got in the mall.

Buzz –

Energy turmoil.

The next moment.

The door to the uncharted world opens.

As soon as he opened it, Lin Feng felt a strong vitality coming from inside.

Even fresher than the air on this side of his City of Divine Grace!

“It’s really a secret realm that can give birth to elven races!”

“This air, how sweet and sweet!”

Lin Feng’s phantom shadow floated in the air.

Because there was no statue of his god here, and there was no temple of him, he could not descend directly from the gods.

The only way is to consume divine power and force the manifestness once.

Conquer the races here in the shortest time, gain their faith, let them build a temple for themselves, and then officially bless him to settle in this temple, and then the essence of God can descend.

If there are no special means, it is necessary to waste some divine power and manifest several times to conquer the hearts of believers.

This is also the reason why most demigods let these native inhabitants fend for themselves after plundering resources.

The process of really closing them is indeed more troublesome.

However, for Lin Feng, if the hidden bloodlines of these elven races were really that advanced, then all the efforts were worth it.

Moreover, he has already thought about it.

The Eternal Branch in his hand is the best auxiliary prop that can let him enter!

Exuding divine perception, Lin Feng quickly found the only elven tribe.


“Lying groove, this scene, too… It’s miserable! ”

Elven tribe, located in the most central area of the forest.

However, nowadays the whole forest…

No, there is a forest at all!

Most of the numbers were cut down.

Excavated traces can be seen everywhere, apparently left over from mining.

Even the beasts were not many, and they seemed to have been slaughtered.

The only remaining elven tribes look ragged overall.

“This plunder is too fierce, isn’t it?”

“Even the tree resources in the secret realm have been gone, really don’t leave a little way back for the local residents?”

When Lin Feng saw this barren world, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

The only thing that satisfied Lin Feng’s imagination before he came was the appearance and appearance of the elves.

Although he had seen the flower fairy before, after all, the flower fairy was a half-blood elf, and in addition to a slightly sharp ear, it was more inclined to the appearance of the flower fairy.

And the body is mainly the sweet taste of nectar, not sour or salty at all~.

And the pure blood of the natural elf race in front of him, with exquisite facial features, perfect proportions, a taller figure, fair skin, and unparalleled beauty that flower fairies and elves are.

And what surprised Lin Feng was that the entire race was female, and there was not a single male.

However, this also made Lin Feng more satisfied.

Although the current state of the elves is really a little miserable.

Perhaps the loss of forest protection.

These nature elves are extremely poor spirits and seem to have lost the motivation to live.

On the empty land outside, there were many elves lying horizontally.

But it’s not death, it’s not fainting.

Just staring at the sky sluggishly, his eyes also lost their highlights.

Lin Feng suddenly understood.

Why are those people so sure that if a miracle comes, the native inhabitants here will easily convert to believers?

“Good fellow!”

“All of them are already desperate to the brink of collapse, as long as they see hope a little, they are already a savior-like existence, no wonder they can easily become deep believers, or even true believers!”

“However, it is not difficult to save these desperate elves.”

“They lack fresh vitality, fresh vitality!”

And he, although he did not expect to be so miserable, but also thought that he would definitely be able to attract the other party with the eternal branch.

[Consume 3 strands of divine power, and you will forcibly manifest outside the Divine Domain for three minutes! ] 】

Boom —

The next moment.

Lin Feng’s image slowly manifested in the sky.

Holding the Eternal Branch in his right hand, a large amount of new life energy is blooming.

Because there were already many desperate elves, lying on the ground.

Now, on the contrary, they noticed the abnormality above the sky for the first time.

They rubbed their eyes.

He rubbed his eyes again.


What did she see!?

Eternal branches!

An incomparably handsome man descended into the sky of their tribe with an eternal branch in his hand!

What the hell is this…

Is it a dream!?


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