Facing the world boss, not killing is not counting as completing the mission.

Of course, there is another way, and that is to make the world boss completely surrender to himself.

But in general, it is not necessary to do this, because it is thankless.

However, this Dark Queen Serpent is a sub-god!

In the introduction of the sub-god, there was actually an entry that surprised Lin Feng the most——

[Sub-god, can be accepted as a god servant, the god servant can have the ability to enter and exit the origin god realm, can replace the gods to condense divine power, but according to the different understanding and strength of the god servant, the belief consumed by condensation will increase. ] 】

This is the biggest difference between sub-gods and evil gods!

The existence of evil gods will affect the status of the god race, and will rob believers with the god race, and even plunder the power of faith of the god race, which is a relationship like natural enemies.

Therefore, the great will of the god race will not tolerate the existence of evil gods, and once discovered, it will encourage killing!

But the sub-gods, although they are also mortal gods, even have the opportunity to grow into demigods in the end.

However, the existence of sub-gods, far from affecting the god race, can become the god servant of the god race, and having more sub-gods will make the strength of the god race soar!

“The most difficult part of upgrading the gods is that it is necessary to balance the time spent cultivating divine power in the god realm with the time to develop believers in the mortal world.”

“But if you accept the sub-god as a servant of the gods, you can develop believers in the mortal world by yourself, and let the sub-gods go to the god realm instead of themselves to cultivate divine power!”

“The other party can absorb the power of faith to shape the strength of his body, but the condensed divine power, which the sub-gods cannot absorb, will be provided to the gods for absorption!”

“This is completely win-win cooperation, no, it should mean that Yashen works for himself!”

In this way, he doesn’t have to care about the matter of divine power at all, and the divine servant can continuously cultivate more divine power for himself until he advances!

It is precisely because of this that Lin Feng faced the world boss this time, so he went to great lengths, did not kill, but looked for an opportunity to control it, and then captured it alive.


On the battlefield.

The Dark Queen Serpent has turned into a huge stone sculpture that stands on the edge of the swamp.

And the snake demon warrior and the snake demon mage were a little worried at first.

Fear the Dark Queen snake as before.

Even if you hit a thousand petrification spells, you can only control the time for a moment.

However, many clansmen noticed that a divine light had just erupted from the temple.

Subsequently, the Dark Queen Serpent did not move at all.

Minutes have passed, and there is still no sign of unravelling the petrification.

They just completely relaxed.

“It’s terrible, this enemy!”

“There are thousands of spells, and they can only barely control!”

“After all, this is an extraordinary fourth-order boss! It’s only been more than a month since we changed jobs, and although there are many of us, all of us are only of the extraordinary first order…”

“If it weren’t for the God of Gifts, it would have been difficult for us…”

Although Lin Feng will inevitably solve it, after all, it is related to his interests.

But for believers, they don’t know so much, and in their opinion, they only feel that it is a difficult moment for them, and the gods have once again stepped in to help them.

Of course, this is also the reason why their level of faith is already very high.

I know very well that I have brainwashed myself.

“Thank you to the great God of Gifts~!”

“Your most loyal believer will sacrifice the Dark Queen Serpent, the boss of this world, with the complete body of the enemy as a sacrifice~!”

Next, all the snake demon warriors contributed to move the huge stone sculpture back to the tribe and carried it to the altar in front of the temple.

Along with all the other corpses of the Golden Pupil Demon Snake, they were also placed together, all of them as sacrifices.

Soon, the sacrificial ceremony was carried out smoothly under the auspices of Gorissa.

And Lin Feng was also waiting excitedly.

Because the Dark Queen Serpent, a disciple who did not belong to him, could not enter his divine domain at will.

And he can’t directly strike to bring people back.

That is to forcibly meddle in mortal things, and if you lose your divine qualities, you will be punished.

The only way is for believers to catch them alive and make living sacrifices, and through this way of sacrifice, they can reasonably obtain mortal things.


【Ding! Your followers performed a sacrificial ceremony for you! 】

[You have obtained the body of the Golden Pupil Demon Serpent, choose to break it down into extraordinary materials, or transform it into the power of faith?] 】

“Transform it into transcendent material and give it all back to the believer.”

Lin Feng made the choice he had always defaulted to as usual.

Because in addition to special professions, such as decomposition masters and the like, even if ordinary people kill extraordinary creatures, they cannot decompose extraordinary materials well, or waste most of the essence.

But by offering sacrifices to the gods and praying for the gods’ hands to break them down, you can get all the materials without waste.

But in general, the gods will give back a part and then keep some of it themselves.

These extraordinary materials can be traded with other gods.

Or absorb it yourself into the power of faith.

It can also be reserved for prayers that are needed and given to those in need to gain the faith of the other party.

This is the normal way for the Protoss to obtain extraordinary materials.

It’s just that because Lin Feng has many sons and many blessings, the reward for feedback is enough.

Some believers who have no special status and bloodline, the things that give the most feedback are these popular extraordinary materials.

And it’s often hundreds, hundreds, or even thousands of feedback.

Therefore, he has never lacked these materials, and naturally does not care about these sacrifices of believers.

Often break down how much is given back to the believer.

In this way, it makes believers feel that he is more reliable, which increases their faith in him.

It can only be said that the supreme divine technique of many children and many blessings really brought him better results from all aspects.

And using the enemy as a living sacrifice, this was also the first time Lin Feng let them do it.

After the corpse of the Golden Pupil Demon Snake was all disintegrated.

The next tone followed——

[Hint, you have obtained a living sacrifice from the believers, the Dark Queen Serpent, please choose how to deal with it——]

[Kill his divine soul and completely devour it, and he can obtain a lot of faith power! ] 】

[Release it in the God Domain, decide how to deal with it! ] 】

[Seal it in the God Domain to sleep and save it for later! ] 】

[Hint: This sacrifice is the final assessment boss of this secret world, only by killing it or completely surrendering it can it be regarded as passing the assessment, otherwise it will not be counted as passing the assessment and cannot leave this world! ] 】

“Release it!”

Lin Feng made plans without even thinking about it.

The first to kill, that is impossible, he does not lack the power of faith at all.

As for the seal, it means that the assessment has been going on, and the snake race cannot leave this world.

In order to make it more convenient for him to cultivate divine power, his only purpose is to conquer the Dark Queen Serpent and make the other party his divine servant!

Boom —

The purple-black mist bloomed again in the God Domain.

The Dark Queen snake, which was originally turned into a stone carving, decomposed the petrified part little by little.

After a moment, the petrification completely disappeared, and the other party recovered again.

However, after regaining his sanity, the Dark Queen Snake looked at this strange space, first for a while, and subconsciously blurted out: “Where is this?” ”

“Welcome to my God’s Domain, God of My Name and Gift.”

“I hope you can be my servant of God.”

Facing the Dark Queen Snake, Lin Feng did not have any bending and sent out an invitation straightforwardly.

Of course, there is no doubt that direct success is impossible.

The Dark Queen Serpent also knew that she had been sacrificed to the realm of the gods, but she did not have the slightest panic and fear, let alone respect for the gods.

The sub-god unit, itself a mortal god, also has her own believers and her own beliefs.

In the eyes of the Dark Queen Snake, she was also able to evolve to a demigod and become the same status and existence as the true god race.

“God of gifts? Listen to your god’s name, you are not a strong god, otherwise, you will not help this group of weak and poor snake people. ”

“Want me to submit to you, no kidding!”

“Either you kill me, or you seal me, I will never give in to the Protoss!”

“The Protoss also has three, six, and nine, and most of the Divine Race’s divine arts are useless to me.”

“If you can’t make me stronger, don’t try to make me surrender!”

It is worthy of being the darling of the mortal world.

Sure enough, arrogant enough, even the Protoss can look down on.

Lin Feng sneered, not caring about the other party’s rudeness.

For more than an hour of the war, he was looking for all the information about the sub-god unit, and he had already understood it now.

Indeed, the sub-god unit itself is the highest level of the mortal world by default.

Without any external forces, it can grow up smoothly without any rank-level barriers.

Until the end, you can smoothly upgrade to the demigod level and have the strength of a demigod. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But because it is not a real Protoss, there is no God Domain, no creativity, and there are no interface functions unique to the Protoss.

It is simply that you can elevate your sub-divine art to a true divine art.

And it is also impossible to master new divine arts.

But in addition, it is no different from a demigod, that is, sub-gods can eventually grow into the strongest in the real mortal world, and even ordinary demigods are not necessarily opponents!

The sub-god unit is the darling of heaven and earth, and if a sub-god unit does not die, a new sub-god unit will be born again between heaven and earth.

In the eyes of the sub-gods, this is also a kind of reincarnation.

Therefore, it is simply more difficult to make the subgods submit.

They are not afraid of death, they are not afraid of seals.

It’s a big deal to die and start over.

The seals are similar, they can wait until the heavens and the earth are old, or even wait until the gods who sealed them fall, and then liberate.

The only way is to give the gods a great deal of benefit.

There are only two benefits that can be greater than becoming a demigod.

One is to become a demigod faster, and one to become a stronger demigod.

Even if the above two effects are not obvious, the other party will not buy it.

Other than that, nothing is important to the gods.

Therefore, although there are indeed many special sub-god units in heaven and earth, there are very few who can have sub-gods as god servants.

At least in the demigod stage, whether it is an old god or a new god, it can be said that there is none!

Therefore, for ordinary gods, sub-gods are more about hunting to obtain the power of faith, and they are regarded as relatively special resources.

However, if he wanted to meet the conditions for sub-god to submit, Lin Feng did not dare to guarantee it.

After all, the reward of many children and blessings is random, and I don’t know if it can be triggered.

However, conquering the other party is only the ultimate goal, and even if it is not completed, he still has a preliminary purpose –

Buzz –

With a casual move, hundreds of special shackles were created in the air, completely fixing the snake body of the Dark Queen to the ground.

Let the opponent’s body part fall to the ground, making it difficult to move.

“‘You… What do you want?? ”

The Dark Queen snake frowned slightly.

It’s not a kill, it’s not a seal, it’s hard to really want to persuade her to become a servant of God.


No way!

However, Lin Feng’s next move was greatly unexpected by the Dark Queen Snake.

He stretched out his right hand and lifted the Dark Queen Serpent’s chin and took a good look at the other party’s unique eyes.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being regarded as the existence of sub-divine art, and the queen has a pupil.

Even if he saw it, a throbbing feeling welled up in his heart.

But that’s it.

If you want to seduce him, you must at least have real divine skills, and your divine power is higher than him.

Otherwise, Lin Feng stared at the other party’s queen’s pupils, and he just felt that these beautiful eyes were worthy of his heart’s appreciation.

But after appreciating it, he took action and ripped off all the equipment on the Dark Queen snake.

Sla ——!!

“You! What do you mean!? ”

“Are you trying to humiliate me? You tasteless god, just like that, you still want my submission?! ”

“I tell you, even if you get my man, you will never get my heart, and you will never surrender to you!”

The Dark Queen Serpent was already panicking.

She really (Wang Wang Zhao) can’t figure it out, she has become a god, does she still have this worldly desire?

Even for her to be regarded as a wild monster unit, can you start?

“Whoever wants to get your heart, I just want your body.”


He will give birth to him with the help of the Serpent, the Queen of Darkness!

For believers, he does not dare to force his hand, because believers are more closely related to each other, and if they make a move against one of the reluctant believers, it will even affect the degree of faith of a large number of believers in themselves!

However, the Dark Queen Serpent is just an individual!

Whether she is willing or not, it will not affect other believers, even the identity of the other party is still an enemy, what they do to her, believers will feel reasonable!

Many children and many blessings, although the other party’s degree of faith in themselves will affect the reward.

However, the identity and strength of the other party is also one of the factors that influence!

In other words, the degree of faith reduces the reward by a part, but the opponent’s sub-god status and the status of the world boss will also greatly increase the reward!

Even if he doesn’t get the other party’s submission in the end, simply triggering the Divine Technique of Multiple Sons and Blessings can bring him a lot of benefits!

“You… Don’t you come over~ah~! ”

The Dark Queen snake cried out in panic, but because the snake’s body was fiercely fixed, she had nowhere to dodge.

And because Lin Feng knew that no matter what he said now, the other party could not surrender.

Then naturally there will be no courtesy, and the means and actions are unprecedentedly rough.

The movement coming from the temple was more intense than ever.

The snake people who worshipped outside couldn’t help but feel a little shocked in their hearts.

This Dark Queen snake is so strong!

To be able to fight such a fierce battle with their majestic gods in the Divine Domain.

It can even be described as shaking the ground!


ps: Ask for flowers ~ ask for evaluation ~ ask for a monthly pass ~ ask for a full booking ~ ask for custom booking ~!.

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