It took almost a whole year.

The elven tribe, located in the depths of the Forest of Nature, has changed a lot now.

A year ago, the whole world could be said to be in ruins, and the so-called forests were all bare wooden stakes.

But now, the forest has recovered more than half, and the towering trees have grown again.

And the elven tribe, which was completely lifeless before, has now become unprecedented.

What attracted Lin Feng’s attention the most.

It is located in the very center of the tribe, that small and delicate emerald green.

That’s what a tree looks like.

However, it is extremely small, and it is currently only a small sapling, not even the length of an arm.

However, just such a small tree has bloomed with a powerful vitality that makes the forest come to life.

It can be imagined that the earth dragon god who entered this secret realm for the first time.

He had cut down a huge Eternal God Tree that had grown!

An Eternal God Tree that grows up can definitely give way to the believers in the core area and gain a long lifespan like the elven race!

Allowing believers to obtain more is also one of the most important business methods of the Protoss race.

After all, if a generation of believers comes to an end without more new believers believing in themselves, it is easy to create a gap in faith and lose a large number of believers at once.

And the Eternal God Tree can solve this problem!

Therefore, this harvest alone was enough for him to give up these elven believers for the sake of the Divine Tree!


Lin Feng never expected that this group of elf races would be able to cultivate a new Eternal God Tree!

How is this done!?

I heard that only the elves who are the most ancient and closest to the bloodline of the elf gods have the ability to cultivate the Eternal God Tree!


The elves here, someone is born with the bloodline of the concept god of the race of the elf god?

There is one big problem, though.

The current grandeur of the elf race can be said to be brought to them by Lin Feng.

If they hadn’t been given an eternal branch at that time.

It is impossible for these elven races to persist until now, let alone develop again.

But the other party did not build a temple for himself, did not pray to himself.

Could it be that these elves treacherously crossed the river and demolished bridges?

Take your own benefits, but do not see yourself as her 837 faith?

Or did some other Protoss come and rob these elven believers with him?

Although the secret realm key is in his hands.

But it’s not that other Protoss don’t have a chance to come over at all.

Among them, there is a random placement of idols, and there is a small probability of falling in this world.

Although it was an extremely small probability, Lin Feng also had to guard against it.

So Lin Feng planned to probe first.

Because this is not your own god domain, you can’t directly know what others think.

However, it can consume additional divine power, strengthen divine sense, and forcibly perceive the other party’s thoughts.

However, this ability can only be used by one’s own believers, or non-believers.

If you use divine perception on other people’s believers, you will be perceived and blocked by the gods that others believe.

After all, no one wants their abilities or secrets to be learned by other gods spying on believers through divine sense.

And if he succeeds in doing so, at least it means that the other party does not have another god, and he still has a chance.

If he sensed the existence of other god races, then it meant that someone had come to rob believers from him!

【Divine Perception——】

“Today is another day of gratitude to the God of Gifts~”

“Eternal God Tree~ grow up as soon as possible!”

“The God of Gifts is the greatest being of our tribe, and the temple must be built with the top Eternal God Wood to embody the greatness of the God of Gifts!”

“I really hope that day comes sooner and the God of Gifts can come to our tribe!”

“With Sister Ya’er here, it will grow to the point where it can be cut down in more than four hundred years, soon!”


After reading the thoughts of some nature elves.

Lin Feng was directly dumbfounded.

What a thing…

This Eternal God Tree was actually planted to make materials to build a temple for him?

I’ll go!

That’s too luxurious!

Under normal circumstances, Lin Feng was not unacceptable.


By reading his thoughts, Lin Feng knew that it would take at least four hundred years for this Eternal Divine Tree to grow!

Four hundred years!

Even if he is a god race, he feels that four hundred years is a long time!

One month in the God Realm is only eight years, which means fifty months, which takes more than four years in the God Realm!

But it’s no wonder these elves.

Because of the lifespan of natural elves, ADBA is one of the longest of all transcendent races.

Even the most ordinary nature elves can live for two thousand years!

So four hundred years is indeed affordable for nature elves.


Although Lin Feng could afford to wait, he didn’t want to wait!

Not to mention four hundred years, there are still about four hundred days, it is time to raid this world, otherwise it will be too late to get that reward!

Well, these elves have to think differently.

Lin Feng thought about it.

Then he consumed his divine power again, carried out a huge projection of divine thought, and once again appeared in the sky above everyone.

At the same time, in order to attract everyone’s attention, he also performed another Spring Spirit Divine Technique by the way, which made the vitality of the entire elf tribe suddenly increase a lot.

“My dear elven people.”

“I feel the strong voice of supplication in your hearts.”

“However, the Eternal God Tree is the greatest treasure of heaven and earth, there is no need to be so luxurious, my disciples should refrain from arrogance and extravagance, and not be extravagant and wasteful!”

Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

Seeing Lin Feng’s appearance.

All the nature elves who were busy stopped what they were doing and bowed down in the direction of Lin Feng.

Then hearing Lin Feng’s declaration made them feel a little uneasy in their hearts.

“Great God of Gifts, this is a gift we voluntarily offer you!”

“Lord God, please accept our sacrifice, you saved our entire tribe from misery, you have allowed us to prolong our lives!”

“Lord God of Gifts, is it possible that the Eternal God Tree does not meet the requirements for sacrifice? We are willing to seek and offer more precious sacrifices! ”

“Indeed~ Although the Eternal God Tree is precious to our elven race, it must be worthless to the gods.”

“We will definitely do our best to find building materials that meet the requirements of the temple of Lord God!”


How can this group of people not understand people?

They all thought that the Eternal God Tree couldn’t satisfy themselves…

I also want to find more precious building materials.

Four hundred years is long enough, if it is delayed longer, Lin Feng will have to give them up…

There was no way, Lin Feng had to point out the problem clearly.

Buzz –

I saw that with a tap of my finger, a light shone on a large tree in the forest that looked relatively thick.

Then he said, “My temple, just use this tree as a building material.” ”

“My name is a gift to God, but this gift is given by me to my believers, and there is no need to ask too much from my believers, which is not in line with my God’s way.”

Hearing this, the nature elves were stunned.

It turns out that it is not too cheap, but it does not need to be so precious?

Oh, my God!

Their gods treat believers too well!

Looking at the introduction of gods in ancient books, they all think that gods need more luxurious sacrifices, the better, and then they will respond to the requests of believers!

As a result, the God of Gifts, instead of asking for more benefits, wanted to give more benefits to believers! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Thank you Lord God for your compassion~”

“We will definitely build a temple for Lord Shen as soon as possible!”


In contrast, the natural elves immediately felt that they were following the god, and the god of gifts was an absolute faith!

Then Qi brushed and worshiped again, which gave Lin Feng a lot of power of faith.


After Lin Feng’s simple request.

The nature elves immediately began to work.

And because it is made of wood, for natural elves, wood is as smooth as an arm.

It took less than three days for a temple to appear from nothing.

Although it looks relatively simple, it is not comparable to the two cities of divine grace and the Xuanyue Sect.

However, in terms of construction technology, all kinds of wooden carvings, sculptures, wood carving products, etc., are very exquisite.

Even if Lin Feng saw it, he couldn’t help but marvel.

However, he didn’t have any artistic bacteria before he crossed over, and he didn’t know how to appreciate these things, and at most he was a good praise.

than admiring the beauty of the building.

Lin Feng is still more willing to take the time to appreciate the beauty of the elf race~


The Natural Elf Tribe officially performed a sacrificial ceremony for Lin Feng and welcomed him into this temple.

From this moment on, Lin Feng could be regarded as officially stepping into this secret world.

And you don’t need to use the secret realm key, you can come over at any time.

Of course, it was also at this time that Lin Feng had a complete understanding of the natural elf tribe in front of him.

The original birth of the natural elf race is more peculiar.

They were born directly from the Eternal God Tree, and they were the lives born of the Eternal God Tree.

The only natural spirit born from the Eternal God Tree is the only natural spirit that can be called the purest bloodline.

The offspring born by natural elves and other races through mating will only be half-elves, and the further back, the thinner the elf bloodline.

As for why the natural elves are together with the natural elves.

That’s because the ones born in the Eternal God Tree are all female elves.

And in this world, because there is only one natural elf race, there is no other race.

Therefore, at present, all the clans of the natural elf tribe are elf girls, and they are the purest natural elf bloodline.

The previous Eternal God Tree was probably born with about ten to thirty elves every ten years, and as the Eternal God Tree grew, the number of births would slowly increase.

But obviously, it’s not too fast yet.

However, even if it is not fast, the Eternal God Tree has already been cut down, and there has been no growth this year.

At present, the number of remaining clans of the elven clan is 1024.

If you want to add new clansmen, you can either merge with other races and give birth to half-elves.

Or, wait for the divine tree to grow, at least four hundred years later, before a new pure natural elf clan will be born.

It is said that every million years that pass in the Eternal God Tree, an Elven Queen is born with the protection of an Elven God.

The generation of elven races with elf queens will reach their peak.

Obviously, according to Lin Feng’s previous divine perception, he understood.

He was very lucky that an elven queen must have been born in the tribe.

That elf named “Ya’er”!

Lin Feng didn’t know if it was a coincidence or something.

Because, the elven race met him, and it is indeed about to usher in its peak!

“Ya’er~Meet the God of Gifts~”

A sticky sound sounded, the volume was not high, and it was very protective.

However, Lin Feng looked over and was not only stunned.

This…… This elven girl… More loli than Lori!

Well, maybe it’s more appropriate to call it Elf Lori!

[Believer]: Ya’er

[Bloodline]: Natural elf spirit god bloodline

[Age]: 14

[Strength]: Ordinary second order

[Degree of faith]: Devout believer



Has the blood of the elven god!

Ya’er is the future elf queen of this generation!


Damn, this is also too criminal!

Lin Feng secretly shook his head.

However, he is not in a hurry, and in a few years, Ya’er will enter the adult stage.

Elves reach adulthood from 16 to 1600 years old.

It is not too late to get feedback from charism.

Before that, get the divine feedback from ordinary elf girls.

[Oracle: In a year, the world will change drastically, and powerful enemies will attack! ] But if you get through this difficult time, you will be able to go to the city of grace and live a carefree life! 】

Lin Feng told everyone in the elf tribe the time of the final assessment of the challenge world.

Suddenly, the elves were a little panicked.

Because nature elves, although like the Medusa race, belong to the top rare race.

But nature elves are not good at fighting and have no desire to fight.

The entire tribe has more than a thousand people, and there is not a single major combat power.

Hearing that there was a danger coming, they immediately set their eyes on Lin Feng again, ready to trust Lin Feng to help them get through this difficulty.

And there is only one way to help, of course, to give divine grace and obtain an immortal body, but it can not survive if it is not defeated!

What’s more, there is a chance to become stronger!

After hearing Lin Feng’s set of words, all the elf girls did not have any doubts.

Because before, when the tribe as a whole was dying, it was Lin Feng’s appearance that saved the lives of all of them.

Their lives were brought by Lin Feng, and their bodies were naturally happy to be handed over to Lin Feng.

Especially the elves who had long since been promoted to devout believers.

While other believers who are not yet deeply faithful stop and watch.

The devout elves even lined up in front of the temple with some impatience.

And Lin Feng also very smoothly triggered the multi-son multi-blessing divine technique in the elf tribe——

【Congratulations! You and the Elven Believers have 1 descendant of the gods! Feedback Eternal Branch x5! 】

【Congratulations! You and the Elven Believers have 1 descendant of the gods! Feedback Eternal Leaves x10! 】

【Congratulations! You and the Elven Believers have 1 descendant of the gods! Feedback Eternal Dew x30! 】

【Congratulations! You and the Elven Believers have 1 descendant of the gods! Feedback Green Nature Warlock Template x1! 】


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