Before God War.

It’s jihad.

During this period, the Protoss can personally intervene and use divine arts to personally participate in the battle ahead.

Originally, the God of Fire had already given up resistance, giving way to let the enemy quickly approach his temple, and then start the next stage of divine warfare.

He thought that the god of gifts was nothing more than luck and did not know by what means he obtained the submission of a sub-god unit.

Therefore, in the first two battles of the mortal world, you will gain absolute superiority.

But the other party, this sub-god, has not reached the level of the supreme believer and cannot participate in the divine war.

Then once he reaches the stage of divine warfare, he will have an absolute advantage in the God of Fire!

Mortal losses are not worth mentioning.

As long as you kill the other party in the divine war, plunder the opponent’s divine power belief and divine art, etc., this gain completely cancels out the loss of the mortal world.

It only takes a few years to reopen the business to restore its original prosperity and even surpass its original prosperity.


Although the other side gave way.

But Lin Feng did not directly let Mei’er go to the temple to start the divine war.

The scale of this city of fire in front of you, after all, is at least the second generation of business.

Although the defense level of the city is the same as his city of divine grace, it is a fourth-order city.

But it was at least five times larger than his city of charism, and the population was at least fifty thousand.

And his city of divine grace, not counting his own biological heirs, is only in his early 10,000s.

“Such a large number of people, if they can join the city of charism.”

“Even if only one or two percent of them are converted into charismatic believers, they can reap a lot of benefits!”

Moreover, Lin Feng also saw that an extraordinary racial force called the Fire Spirit Clan had settled in the City of Fire.

They were attached to the City of Flames, but did not become followers of the God of Fire.

It is estimated that it was not long after he came, and the other party had not had time to convert his beliefs.

These are all good seedlings!

However, because the two forces are at war, the inhabitants who settle in the towns of the rival forces will also have a natural dislike for them.

Normally, when hostile forces are broken, the non-believing city-dwellers who settle here will not be directly acquired by them.

Instead, it will be completely lost, running to other places around, and cheapening other Protoss around it that have nothing to do with either side.

However, Lin Feng still decided to fight for it a little, there will never be too many believers!

“Meier, let’s do it.”

An oracle was issued.

Mei’er’s eyes closed with golden light, and she no longer continued to bloom the temptation of the queen’s pupils.

After the effect of the skill was interrupted, those who lost their minds also quickly recovered.

Opening the charm can only make the other party regard Mei’er as a god, and this belief cannot be transformed into a belief in Lin Feng.

If Mele had told these seduced believers that the true god was the God of Gifts, the result might have been that the believers would have committed suicide in despair.

Otherwise, let Mei’er directly tempt the other party to join his own town, but unfortunately he can’t do this.

After all, this is just a seduction, a false belief.


The next moment, I saw Mei’er’s 100-meter true body twist and move, and then floated into the air.

Subsequently, Mei’er condensed her mana.

I saw that a large amount of starlight appeared around her.

The light swam around, and unexpectedly formed a universal star field map around her, centered on the brightest starlight, and the surrounding energy continuously surged towards that starlight.

This is the energy star map of a strong person who has reached the star level.

Compared with the extraordinary of the world, the strong people above the Star Glory Rank can even traverse the starry sky!

The Extraordinary Peak is the highest level at which the physical body can store energy.

Above the stars, the energy is no longer simply stored in the flesh, but turns into an energy star map of the external incarnation.

Star maps are as vast and endless as the universe.

Immediately after, the skill exploded –

Darkness is gone!!!

This is the strongest skill of the Golden Pupil Demon Snake.

Used by the Dark Queen Serpent, the supreme evolutionary of this race, its power is even more terrifying.

Black light blooms.

The black fog fell from the sky and slowly surged, giving some time, which was enough to cover the entire town.

The birds flying in the air touched the black fog, and their life force was instantly swallowed by the darkness, and they lost their lives and fell to the ground.

Some buildings encountered black fog, and they were quickly corroded and dilapidated, and then crashed to the ground.

This skill is extremely lethal, whether it is a creature or a dead thing, it cannot escape the fate of annihilation!



“Ah! It hurts, save me! ”

“Great God of Fire, pray that you will come to save your people!”


Seeing the terrifying devouring scene of the black fog, the entire Flame City fell into a desperate panic.

In the face of the Dark Queen Serpent Meier, there is simply no strong person in the city who can compete with it.

No one could interrupt her spell casting, and could only watch as the skill slowly approached, and the only thing in their hearts was to pray that the God of Fire in their envelope could save them.

See this scene.

Don’t say that the people in the city are panicking.

Even the God of Fire was dumbfounded.

What do you mean!?

Could it be that you want to slaughter the city!?

Aren’t you afraid of being countered by faith!?

You know, as a god race, although they are the only special and strongest race in the world, they were born with the status and ability to dominate the mortal world.

But the Protoss feeds on faith, because what they do also requires attention to their image in the mortal world.

If it is a battle of faith, it is okay to kill the enemy.

But if he slaughtered the city and slaughtered the commoners at will, then his god name would also be notorious, and he would lose a large number of followers.

Because no one will believe in a demon god who kills innocents, it will be regarded as the same existence as an evil god!

However, the God of Fire soon thought of the only explanation.

“He made such an unreasonable move, he must have panicked!”

“This god of gifts knows that God War can’t beat me!”

“So I want to kill all my disciples before starting the God War, so that I lose my faith from the mortal world in the God War, which will slow down the recovery of my faith power!”

“He can only win me by relying on this inferior method!”

The God of Fire naturally didn’t want Lin Feng’s idea to go as he wished.

Moreover, he couldn’t let Lin Feng really kill all his disciples easily!

Ordinary city residents don’t matter, but his believers must be kept, especially deep believers and above, after so many years of development, it is not simple!

Because he is now in a god war, the God of Fire can also personally strike.

He directly used divine magic.

Summoned a flame dragon to come out.

Thousands of meters in length, mighty dragon heads, blazing wings of flame.

The hundred-meter-long Mei’er looked so small in front of the other party.

After the huge fire dragon was summoned, it immediately launched an impact in the direction of Mei’er.

This is the most powerful attack skill of the God of Fire.

If you can kill the opponent, it is best to make the opponent permanently lose a sub-god unit.

Even if you can’t kill it, you can interrupt the skill.

This level of skill could not be opened a second time, at least in a short time, and he had enough time to arrange for the disciples to evacuate.


Lin Feng had already been prepared.

Blue Vajra Divine Technique!

Purple Soul Casting Divine Technique!

Two major defensive divine blessings.

Mei’er did not have the slightest fear in her eyes, and she unwaveringly accepted the impact of this fire dragon.

Boom —

The flames made her feel extremely uncomfortable, but the familiar warmth had been guarding her, making her hold on and not interrupting her skills.

In less than three minutes, the black fog would completely cover the entire town below!

Meier insisted.

But the God of Fire couldn’t hold on!

In a short time, he found that he could not break through the opponent’s divine defense at all.

If it goes on like this, his followers will die in the first place!

“Huh, do you think only you have the Protective Magic Technique?”

The God of Fire sneered.

The small amount of time he had bought before had already caused his followers to gather around the temple.

The next moment, the God of Fire broke out again with divine magic——

“Nirvana Divine Technique!!”

Boom —

A loud chirping sounded.

Strange purple-red flames rose up around the temple.

An immortal bird formed by pure flame descended from the sky and fell around the group of believers, which was completely enveloped by flames.

The next moment.

Black fog followed.

The thick black fog completely covered the entire Flame City.

The building crashed to the ground.

The vitality of the people was devoured and fell to the ground.

The entire city of flames turned into a lifeless dead city in an instant!

After the black fog dissipated. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The whole town became like ruins.

There is not a single complete building, and not a single person capable of standing!

With the power of one person, easily destroy the city!

The only one who survived was the temple that was protected by the rules of the Protoss.

The God of Fire looked at all this in front of him, and couldn’t help but feel a little angry in his heart.

He ran a town for hundreds of years!

It was destroyed in an instant!

But fortunately, these are mortal things, as long as you win the final god battle, everything here will return to normal.

Moreover, he has guarded his followers (aecc)!

In the ruins around the temple, a purple-red flame appeared on the bodies of those believers who were swallowed by the black fog.

That’s the flame of the immortal bird!

One of his most powerful divine arts!

It can enable believers to receive immortal blessings and be resurrected infinitely in the fire of God!

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

The next moment.

More and more flames rise.

His followers stood up.

In this great move of slaughtering and destroying the city, the believers above his deep believers had zero deaths!

“Haha, I didn’t expect it, God of Gifts!”

“Do you still want to kill my disciples before starting the Divine War?”

“As long as I’m not dead, you can’t kill any of my followers above the deep disciple!”

“If you are afraid to start the God War, then get out!”

The shadow of the God of Fire appeared above the temple.

A mocking smile appeared behind Mei’er.

It was Lin Feng who had just released the divine technique that the phantom shadow also appeared behind Mei’er.

Face the ridicule of the God of Fire.

Lin Feng also smiled: “Who said that I want to kill your disciples?” ”

His purpose from beginning to end was not to kill the other party’s believers.

Killing people and slaughtering cities is just to conquer the ordinary residents of the opposing town in a more special way.

Next, is his last resort-

Golden Divine Magic——

Spring has sprung.

Within the area, units that die within 24 hours can be reborn! Range Resurrection Divine Technique!

This was Lin Feng’s biggest unexpected gain in being promoted to the second rank!

Boom —

A large number of green points of light fell.

Covered on every corpse that has been devoured of life force.

And Lin Feng did not hesitate to bloom his divine power and divine art, accelerating the resurrection efficiency of everyone in the entire city.

“I… I’m not dead? ”

“Oh my God, I actually came to life!?”

“Above the sky, that figure… Is it the God of Gifts!? Isn’t that the hostile force of the God of Fire? ”

“Why would the hostile evil hypo-gods save us…?”

“Eh? None of the followers of the God of Fire are dead! There is an undead fire on them! ”

“Groove! The God of Fire… Only save His believers, without any regard for us ordinary residents! ”

“Although I am not a believer in the God of Fire, I go to the temple to worship him on the fifteenth day of each month, and offer him sacrifices, and he does not care about our life and death at all?”

“Instead, it is a hostile god… Saved us? ”

All the resurrected residents of the City of Flame were a little stunned, they were actually saved by the enemy!

And Lin Feng’s oracle voice also fell with the green light spot, conveying to everyone’s hearts——

[Any existence that is hostile to me will be reduced to nothingness. And anyone who believes in me will have eternity! 】

[I have no intention of harming the innocent, I do not want to see the people lose their lives because of the war, and it is my compensation to restore your lives and give you thirty years of life. 】

[Now, leave the land of right and wrong in the City of Flames! ] Weak pseudo-gods have no extra strength to protect you. 】

[If you are willing to join the City of Divine Grace, all your losses will be compensated tenfold! ] 】


See this scene.

The God of Fire finally reacted to what the other party was going to do!


“You actually used such a subtle method to deceive all my potential disciples!?”

The God of Fire directly vomited out a mouthful of old blood!

It is clear that the other party killed the city by killers.

As a result, now, it seems as if he wants to slaughter the city, the identities of the two sides are reversed, the god of gifts is the good god who protects the commoners, and he is a selfish god who only protects his own believers!

Is he to blame?

His Nirvana Divine Technique is a regional protection type Divine Art!

Rather, it is clear that this hateful god of gifts slaughtered the city!


The God of Fire is really indefensible now.

Although Lin Feng did order Mei’er to slaughter the city.

But he did personally resurrect all innocent civilians, and even gave them a longer life!

Everyone felt that their bodies were filled with endless vitality and vitality.

It was as if he was thirty years younger.

Thirty years of life!

In addition to the transcendents and transcendent races.

The life expectancy of most ordinary people is less than 100 years.

Extended life by a third at once!

Most hearts will ignore this loss.

After all, money can’t buy time!

But with more time, it’s perfectly possible to rise again!

More even!

The other party also promised to compensate them!

Tenfold compensation!

As long as you join the city of charism, the economic loss can also be made up!

So on.

Most of the hearts must be more grateful than resentful to Lin Feng.

And this resentment came to the God of Fire.

They all blame the God of Fire, provoking such a powerful god, and only then did the City of Fire be destroyed.

They all blame the God of Fire, whose ability is so weak, he can only protect the believers, but he can’t protect the residents they settle here!

Although a small number of people still feel that the God of Gifts is the culprit.

But at least seventy or eighty percent of residents have the above two ideas.

“Damn it! You actually …”

The God of Fire was furious in his heart.

These are his potential disciples!

But now.

The eyes of them looking at the God of Gifts were already full of the charm of faith!

“What I can’t get, don’t want it!”

The God of Fire was furious, and even summoned a fire dragon again.

However, this time it was not a phantom that attacked Mei’er or Lin Feng.

Instead, it intends to fall towards the location of the newly resurrected people in the city.

See this scene.

Lin Feng couldn’t help but laugh.

Originally, he was sure that he would absorb about six or seven percent of the people to join the City of Divine Grace at most.

But the God of Fire struck.

At this time, at least ninety percent of the people will completely split the faith of the God of Fire!

“Start the God War!”

At the moment when the magic fell.

Lin Feng, who had the initiative, directly opened the divine war and forcibly pulled the other party into the land of the divine fall.

In this way, the civilians outside are protected from harm.

And this move of his.

It directly made the residents who were once again in great difficulty and immortal have a higher level of faith in Lin Feng in their hearts.


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