[Notice: The monthly assessment has been reset, and all Protoss who have entered the extraordinary world will receive a new mission order! ] 】

【Ding! You’ve obtained a second-order demigod quest order! 】

[Mission 1]: Kill the Protoss of the same rank, the first to complete the reward golden treasure chest.

[Task 2]: Condense twenty traces of divine power, red.

[Mission Three]: Transform two Most High believers, Orange.

[Mission 4]: Conquer the Purple Secret Realm, Purple.

[Mission Five]: Transform twenty fanatical believers, Blue.

[Mission 6]: Collect 200 million of the power of faith from believers, Green.

[Mission Seven]: Woo 2,000 new believers, Shiro.

[Mission 8]: Complete two hundred prayers of believers, ash.

Mission Nine: Demonstrate a miracle

[Task 10]: Let the believers perform an ordinary worship ceremony


Second-order demigod mission order.

The content of the final ninth and tenth missions remains unchanged, because these two belong to the guaranteed mission, and there is no treasure chest reward.

Other task content requirements have been slightly increased.

Just when all the Protoss have obtained the mission order.

All the second-order demigods had just opened their mission orders and were ready to start stretching their fists and feet.

The change in the mission order directly dumbfounded them –

[Hint, the second order mission one reward (golden treasure chest) has been claimed, the first person to complete: the God of Gifts! ] 】

[Hint, the second order mission three reward (orange treasure chest) has been claimed, the first person to complete: the God of Gifts! ] 】

[Hint, the second order mission five reward (blue treasure chest) has been claimed, the first person to complete: the God of Gifts! ] 】

[Hint, the second order mission seven reward (white treasure chest) has been claimed, the first person to complete: the God of Gifts! ] 】


Seeing this scene, all second-order demigods directly exploded!

Just received the mission order, less than two minutes, suddenly missing a whole four treasure chest rewards?


What else to play here!

The channel of the gods exploded directly.

[Groove! ] Under what circumstances, where did this god of gifts come from? I haven’t heard of it before! 】

[I know, but isn’t this a new god?] Why did you come to grab the mission treasure chest with us second-order? 】

[Yes! I remember that he only entered the Transcendent World in the middle of last month, and he also missed a lot of first-order mission chests at that time! 】06

[I wipe! ] He was promoted to the second order in half a Divine Realm month? This is also too against the sky! 】

[Normally, you may not be able to promote to the second order in half a year! ] 】

[The point is! ] Even if he was promoted to the second rank, he was still completed… Task 1!!! 】

[Who did he kill??? 】

The channel of the gods is more than a second-order demigod.

As the discussion of the God of Gifts grew more and more heated, it didn’t take long for someone who knew the situation to come out and say it.

[Rub! ] Didn’t he declare war on the God of Fire? 】

[God of Fire! ] Who? Oh! The former God of Fire Feathers, his divine skills are quite powerful, as long as the divine power is not exhausted, he can be resurrected infinitely! 】

[The God of Gifts killed the God of Fire??? 】

[I’ll go, the God of Gifts was only promoted to the second rank yesterday night! ] Lao Tzu’s power was also seriously affected by his promotion and blooming divine power, and he had not yet found him to settle the score! 】

[Wait… He killed the God of Fire!? Lying groove, he is stronger than the God of Fire! Brother, I am wrong, I will definitely not settle accounts with you! 】

[Just kidding, just you first-order gods, you still want to trouble people? A hundred cities combined can’t defeat the God of Fire, let alone the God of Gifts, who is stronger than the God of Fire! 】

【I’ll go! I thought he had just been promoted, his background was insufficient, I was afraid, Lao Tzu moved directly to the city and away from him! 】

[You guys, you have all run away, so what should I do, what about the good hundred cities united to resist the people who bloomed with divine power? ] 】

[Resistance? You have the ability to go to him and reason! 】

[Joint fart! ] He is so devilish, if he doesn’t get rid of us, it’s not bad! 】

[After slipping, I will also hurry to move the city, if he is promoted to the third rank and blooms his divine power again, Lao Tzu’s deep disciples will be abducted by him! ] 】


The second-order demigod was shocked by Lin Feng’s strength.

Unexpectedly, he actually completed the killing of the gods at the moment he refreshed the mission order!

You know, the content of task one, whether from the first order or to the tenth order, is generally unfinished!

At least two or three months a year, at most, someone will be able to complete this task.

However, Lin Feng had only been promoted for two months, and as a result, he had killed his gods for both months!

For them, it’s unbelievable.

What’s more, four tasks were completed at once!

And they’re all tasks that take time to accumulate!

But they don’t know.

Lin Feng had already calculated the time to exert divine grace.

A large number of heirs were born one after another just at the beginning of the new moon.

So the Most High Believer did it easily.

At the same time, they belong to their own new believers, and at the same time they are not lower than fanatics.

So all three tasks were completed at the same time.

And those demigods whose forces were located within the influence of Lin Feng’s divine power.

Said that the hundred cities united against Lin Feng.

As a result, Lin Feng didn’t even know such a thing.

The other party was already frightened to dissolve the union.

Even many people took the initiative to dissolve their own forces.

Take the believers of the city to escape from this place of right and wrong, and prepare to rebuild the city further away.

As for the heavy losses caused by the influence of Shenwei, they did not dare to mention it again.


In the land of Godfall.

Lin Feng’s ears frequently heard the sounds of various rewards.

It also makes him very happy.

“Four treasure chests in hand!”

“The most important thing is the reward of the first golden treasure chest!”

“Among the remaining tasks, the accumulation of divine power, with Mei’er to help me, can be completed soon.”

“Secret World, it just so happens that the Elf Secret Realm is purple!”

“Two hundred million beliefs, my forty thousand heirs, can bring twenty million beliefs in one day, and it can be completed in five days!”

As for the two hundred prayers, it was simpler, he only needed to go back to the temple and wait for the female believers who came to ask for the favor.

Giving them charisms is even the fulfillment of a prayer.

It’s only two hundred people, and it’s all over in a few days.

As for the ninth and tenth tasks, there was no additional reward, and Lin Feng didn’t even bother to do it.

After all, he does not lack promotion time.

Rather, it is really not impossible for him to be promoted to the true god within a year!


[You successfully killed the God of Fire!] 】

[You plundered part of the power of faith of the God of Fire x5540W! ] 】

[You plundered part of the refined power of faith of the God of Fire x1000W]

[You have obtained the God Name Divine Art of the God of Fire – Nirvana Divine Art (Red 10 stars)! ] 】

[You have obtained the God of Fire Drop Divine Technique, Clear Sky Divine Art (Gray 1 star)! ] 】

[You have obtained the Divine Technique dropped by the God of Fire – Healing Divine Art (White 4)! ] 】

[You have obtained the Divine Art dropped by the God of Fire, the Flame Dragon Divine Art (Orange 10 stars)! ] 】

[You have obtained the golden statue of the God of Fire (no longer valid)!] 】

[You have obtained the talent remnant soul x17 of the Supreme Believer of the God of Fire! ] 】

[You have obtained the Fire Spirit Saint Pill x17 of the Supreme Believer of the God of Fire! ] 】

Mission rewards are just a matter of going with the flow.

The real god-killing reward is just around the corner!

Devouring all the remaining divine power of the other party, Lin Feng gained a lot of faith.

Even the more precious refining power of faith has received a full ten million!

This represents five strands of divine power!

All of a sudden, a quarter of mission two was completed!

Mei’er only needs to help him condense fifteen more strands of divine power, and the red treasure chest can also be obtained!

The last two rewards come from the other party’s Most High Believers.

Although this time, the God of Fire was in despair, and even the Most High Believers gave up the summoning.

But when the believer reaches the level of supreme believer faith.

The greatest benefit is that as long as the gods do not die, they can be resurrected indefinitely after physical death.

But the downside is.

Even if you hide in an absolutely safe place, you do not enter the frontal battlefield.

But as soon as the gods die, their lives will follow the gods and dissipate.

So just kill the gods,

The Supreme Believers owned by the other side will be considered killed, thus dropping the loot of the Supreme Believers.

And this time the reward is different.

The opponent’s talent remnant soul is strengthened by mana, and the fire element is affinity, suitable for devouring fire mages.

The same is true for including the Fire Spirit Saint Pill.

Although at present, Lin Feng does not have a fire element-related career template.

However, there was after that!

And it’s a very strong kind –

“A red full star divine technique, an orange full star divine technique!”

Although the remaining two are garbage divine arts. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But the overall harvest is also more profitable than trading with the other party, and only three purple divine arts can be obtained!

Rather, just one red full star divine technique that must be dropped after killing is already forcing the three purple divine arts given by the other party!

I really don’t know what this god of fire thinks in his heart.

If the other party gave three orange divine arts, maybe he would really think a little about letting the other party go.

Of course, it’s just a little thought.

But in fact, the God of Fire is on the mortal list here!

The reason is simple, because the other party does not believe what he says, he deceives himself in the transaction.

If only he let each other go.

How others see themselves.

At that time, other Protoss trade with themselves, feel that they are bullies, and they will all regret it.

Then wouldn’t he have died!

After all, this time it was only because the God of Fire was close to him.

If those demigod forces are at the ends of the earth, when the time comes, they will not even have a chance to prosecute!

Therefore, killing chickens and monkeys is his main purpose!

Let the demigods who deal with him in the future at least be afraid of themselves.

【Nirvana Divine Art (Red 10 stars)】

Type: Guardian class

[Blessing Effect]: Received the protection of the Immortal Bird’s Fire, any injury can be healed by igniting the Immortal Fire, including serious injuries such as severed limbs

[Divine Power Effect]: Summon the undead bird to guard, and everyone within the range will get the effect of rebirth from the ashes before the divine power of the divine art is exhausted. The higher the level of faith, the less divine power is consumed for rebirth.


【Flame Dragon Divine Technique (Orange 10 stars)】

[Type]: Attack class

[Blessing effect]: Grant the power of the flame dragon, greatly increase the fire attribute affinity of believers, obtain the power of the flame dragon, and greatly strengthen the fire ability

[Divine Power Effect]: Summons a full-body flame dragon to attack, causing huge fire attribute damage and explosive impact


These two divine techniques, the effect is too top-notch!

Especially the first one, the fire of the immortal bird, the ordinary blessing effect can already make the severed limbs reborn.

The divine power effect is even more infinitely resurrected!

At the same time, Lin Feng also knew why during the holy war, the other party only protected people above the deep believers.

It turned out that in addition to the scope protection, it was also because the resurrection of people with low beliefs consumed more, so the God of Fire gave up those below the deep believers in order to save divine power.

The second attack-class Flame Dragon Divine Technique was just the one he could use to transfer the fire attribute to the gods.

Then those few Talent Remnant Souls and Fire Spirit Saint Pills could be used.


There is also a special bonus.

Lin Feng extracted it and looked at it.

This is a god statue, but it has turned into the appearance of the god of fire.

[Golden Idol (Invalid)]: The idols that were cast into thousands of worlds are invalid because the bound gods have fallen. When a god falls, there is a small chance that the statue will be recalled as a dropped item.

【Tip】: With the help of top-level craftsman-like magic, its image can be recreated

“Huh!? Isn’t this what he said was the reward for killing the evil god? ”

“What was used can still be recalled!”

And it’s just a small probability event, but he has encountered it, which is too lucky!

However, if you want to reuse it, you have to rely on craftsman-type divine arts, such as forging divine arts.

At present, he does not have this type of divine art.

However, he still accepted the statue with joy.

You can wait for yourself to learn the relevant divine arts later, or find other gods who have such divine arts to help reshape them.

Finish sorting out all the loot.

Lin Feng left the land of God 523.

It has reappeared in the ruined city of fire.

Here, the only temple that originally survived had regular protection.

It also collapsed with the fall of the God of Fire.

Those believers who believed in the God of Fire were completely crushed by the last straw, lost their mental support, and lay on the ruins and wept bitterly.

But on the contrary, it is those who have no faith, or believers who have low faith.

After seeing the temple of the God of Fire fall.

Instead, they cheered.

“Hahaha! This damn god of fire is defeated! ”

“The great God of Gifts has won this divine war!”

“Sure enough, the God of Gifts is the real god name, and this God of Fire is just an evil pseudo-god, a hypocritical guy!”

“Although I am not a believer, I also contributed a lot of energy to this city, helping him build the city of fire, and as a result, instead of protecting me, he finally killed us!”

“This God of Fire is dead!”

“I have decided that from now on I want to be the most committed believer in the God of Gifts!”

“The great God of gifts is so powerful, and he is so broad-minded and merciful!”

“Even those of us who are hostile to the forces, he is willing to save us, not to hurt us innocents!”

“I will also become the most faithful believer in the God of Gifts!”

“I have decided, the whole family will move to the City of Divine Grace and settle down!”

Seeing the ruins, many people’s beliefs fell to Lin Feng’s side.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng also nodded with great satisfaction.

In vain, he spent a lot more divine power and faith power, and released a spring-filled divine power effect on a large scale, resurrecting them.

He directly consumed his divine power again, manifested himself above the sky, and gave an oracle to everyone——

[Those who have lost their homes, if you want to settle in the city of charism, my servants will protect your safety on the road and lead you to a beautiful home! 】

[Join the city of charism, you will gain eternal life, obtain abundant food, and get the work and life you want!] 】

[Even, you can get my favor, gain power, and become a powerful transcendent being!] 】

In the end, Lin Feng once again gave some wavering people a shot in the arm.

Push them to make a choice.

Originally, many people did not really want to join the city of divine grace in their hearts.


A stable life!

Eternal life!

Extraordinary power!

These three are fatal temptations for ordinary people!

But Lin Feng expressed it to them in the form of an oracle, which meant that this was definitely not a lie, it would not be a deception!

Otherwise, the oracle will be eaten back!

In this way, whether it is true faith in Lin Feng, or being tempted by interests.

Ninety percent of the people in the City of Fire have decided to join the City of Divine Grace.

Even some of the deep believers who were disappointed with the God of Fire thought so!

Just this wave.

The population of the City of Divine Grace has increased from more than 10,000 to almost 60,000!


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