Bailiru showed a puzzled look.

Then Lin Feng took out the Serving God Magic Bead and once again entered more and a large amount of divine power.

Slowly convert it into gentle energy.

Then he poured it into Bailiru’s body.

Buzz –

The pure energy of the white completely soaked Bailiru and wrapped the girl’s delicate body.

Under the transformation of energy.

Bailiru’s appearance has also undergone some changes.

The huge antlers, which were originally brown, slowly retracted.

It became a pair of smaller and more delicate ones, and the color gradually faded, turning into white antlers that bloomed with a jasper-like luster.

Bailiru’s temperament has also slowly undergone tremendous changes.

However, compared to the powerful aggressiveness of the White Tiger of the Four Saints.

Bailiru is still gentle temperament, and now it comes with a cordial and a touch of divine and transparent temperament.

Like the spokesperson of nature, the deer spirit girl in the forest.

Under the long emerald green hair is a face that has become more pure and cute.

The already fair skin is like coagulation, and it will continue to bloom with a faint spiritual power.

It seems that wherever Bailiru stands, the air will become fresher.

[Your disciple Bailiru has obtained the energy transformation of the Serving God Law Bead, awakened the divine deer spirit bloodline, and at the same time a trace of the beast god bloodline contained in the bloodline has been activated, and the bloodline quality has been promoted to gold!!] 】

[Your disciple Bailiru has reached the potential standard of the supreme believer, and the level of faith has been raised to that of a divine messenger! ] 】

Buzz –

Spiritual power continued to bloom on Bailiru’s body.

However, unlike the other few ascensions, this spiritual power will not cause any impact.

It will only immerse people in it and feel incomparably comfortable.

[Believer]: Bailiru

[Belief Level]: Divine Messenger

[Strength]: Extraordinary third order

[Talent]: Golden Myth Divine Deer Spirit Bloodline Beast God Bloodline (rare)

[Ability]: Natural resonance, deer spirit blessing, earth protection

【Introduction】: The deer spirit is a unit from the oldest nature of nature, the most peculiar race, and is one of the races closest to nature. Wherever the deer spirit goes, it will turn into the most fertile spiritual field. Wherever the deer spirits live, they will receive abundant natural gifts.

[Divine Bloodline]: This unit is the supreme divine deer spirit bloodline in the deer spirit bloodline, and if the clansmen with the deer spirit bloodline live in the same area as it, the deer spirit bloodline in the body will slowly awaken and evolve



Seeing Bailiru’s change also made Lin Feng happy!

Originally thought that in the hundred miles tribe.

The bloodline of the Tiger Race is generally stronger and more advanced than the bloodline of the Deer Race.

But I didn’t expect 837, the bloodline of this deer race.

After tracing back to the origin, it was found that it was not from the deer race of half-orcs.

but from another, not a half-orc at all, but more special and rare –

Deer Spirit Clan!

And after the Bailiru bloodline was supremely strengthened.

It has become a sacred deer spirit among the deer spirits!

Compared to the half-orc bloodline, the Deer Spirit Clan should be more similar to the Natural Elf Clan, but not exactly the same.

The existence of the Luling tribe is itself a gift from nature.

Just like the spiritual power that is constantly blooming on Bailiru’s body now, it is the passive [Deer Spirit Blessing] of the Deer Spirit Clan.

It can make the ground under your feet more fertile.

It can make the products in the field grow more fruitfully.

Moreover, if the enemy invades, it will also trigger the protection of the earth, and all the forces of this land will involuntarily protect the existence of the Luling Clan, including the fierce beasts in the wild, the same!

Similarly, this also means that where the Deer Spirit Clan exists, it will not even cause a riot of ferocious beasts.

There will be no such thing as a fierce beast tidal storming the city.

It can be said that simply let Bailiru live in the city of divine grace.

Her effect could even be compared to the blessing effect of the Spring Spirit Divine Technique before she had yet evolved.

What’s more, because Bailiru is still a divine deer spirit bloodline.

Like her, other deer bloodlines from the Baili tribe can also gradually awaken their bloodlines and become deer spirit tribesmen!

That’s right!

He gave the deer maidens of the Baili tribe the heirs born by divine grace.

Including the part of the heir that Bailiru gave birth to him.

The body also contains the blood of the deer spirit.

These gods will also be passively and continuously awakened and evolved because of the existence of Bailiru, and the bloodline power in their bodies will be passively and continuously awakened.

“Originally, I just wanted to give back a healing divine technique.”

“I didn’t expect such a harvest.”

“This hundred mile tribe that was bound at the beginning is really a surprise!”

Well, go back and promote the positions of Baili Tu and Bailiye again.

You can give them more management power.

For his own believers, Lin Feng would not skimp on these gifts at all.

And the power of the mortal world, he will never chase.

None of this means much to the Protoss.

Controlling power is just a fear that believers will expand because they have too much power, so they will supervise more.

“This power… Thank God for the gift of God~! ”

Bailiru felt the change in herself and was also excited.

Although she has a relatively calm personality, looking at the good sister Baili Crisp who grew up (ahea) together, she has already surpassed her in all aspects.

Although he didn’t say it, why didn’t Bailiru in his heart long for the gift of God’s lord.

Until now, she finally got her wish, and she couldn’t hold back the excitement in her heart.

Looking at the deer spirit girl with a beautiful appearance in front of her, she rarely showed a calm and calm excitement in front of her.

And after becoming a deer spirit girl, the natural feeling of purity is doubled.

It made Lin Feng feel fresh.

“Xiao Ru’s life… No, it is a lifetime of life, and it will firmly follow behind the God Lord~”

Bailiru’s words fell, and the rare also became active.

A moment later, Lin Feng also smiled and put the Luling girl on the bed.

Although it is daytime.

But still fascinating.


【Congratulations! You have a descendant with the Most High Believer Bailiru! 】

[Bailiru received the blessing of God, reward: Red Extraordinary Equipment Jade Staff, Red Extraordinary Equipment White Jade Horn Ring! ] 】

【Divine Grace Feedback】: You have obtained the Golden Extraordinary Divine Artifact Deer Immortal Pill x100

A few hours later.

Lin Feng sat on the edge of the bed and gently kneaded the sore muscles of Xiao Ru, who was already paralyzed.

“Sorry ~ Lord God, I just wanted to try it like a crispy sister… I just didn’t expect it to be so hard and tired~”

Bailiru said with an apologetic look.

In the past, she was in charge of defense.

But today because of the excitement, the whole person is more excited, and also learned to attack like crispy.

It’s a pity that such an offensive crispy can’t be attacked for a long time, let alone Bailiru.

She was not used to it, and she directly lost halfway.

After the two sides switched offense and defense, she also had to endure the furious attack from Lin Feng.

The end result is unprecedented fatigue.

But fortunately, he persevered until the moment he received divine grace.

After promoting the bloodline, the Supreme Divine Technique reward triggered really increased significantly.

Bailiru received two pieces of equipment of red quality.

And one of them is also more special, is the horn ring, an ornament worn on the antlers, which can improve the efficiency of its spiritual power bloom and accelerate the transformation of the environment.

Except for the Lu Ling Clan, other units can’t use it at all.

As for the staffing equipment, it is not an offensive staff, but it is biased towards assistance.

However, Bailiru’s positioning here is also Lin Feng, and it is not the main combat unit, but the unit of the life department.

So these gains are also in line.

But the feedback is a little different from Lin Feng’s ideas.

Originally thought that after promotion, the feedback reward may be a magic technique.

Unexpectedly, it is still a pill!

But this time, from the Deer Blood Pill, the Deer King Pill, and the Blood Pill, it has now been upgraded to the Deer Immortal Pill.

In this regard, Lin Feng was also curious to extract one and put it in his hand to check the effect——

[Fetish]: Deer elixir

【Quality】: Gold

[Class]: Extraordinary

[Effect 1]: After taking it, immediately restore all state, purify all negative effects, eliminate all stubborn diseases, and within one day, the recovery and healing efficiency is increased by a hundred times, and all negative effects are immunized

[Effect 2]: After entering the near-death state during the duration period, immediately consume all the power of the elixir, restore the full state, and obtain a hundred times the full attribute enhancement for one hour, but then lose the effect one, ending the remaining duration of the continuous effect

[Special Effect]: The Protoss can consume a pill and release [Deer Spirit Divine Art] once


【Deer Spirit Technique】

[Blessing effect]: Let people within the range get 30% of the effect of elixir effect one

[Divine Power Effect]: Let people within the range obtain 30% of the effect of elixir effect two



Not the same reward as he imagined, but not exactly the same!

Although not a reward magic. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But it also allowed him to obtain the divine technique he wanted!

“I didn’t expect that I could still obtain divine magic through props?”

“This is equivalent to this is a consumable one-time divine technique.”

“A hundred Deer Immortal Pills can release this divine technique a hundred times!”

The effect of the elixir itself, let mortals take it, can only make one person effective.

But it is up to him to use it, and he can directly make the scope effective.

Although the effect of the scope effect has decreased.

A hundredfold improvement became thirtyfold.

But it’s also a very good effect.

As for whether to give the elixir to a person for use or keep it for yourself, it depends on the situation.

“Thank you God for your love~ Xiao Ru has already recovered~”

Under Lin Feng’s superb massage technique, Bailiru has recovered.

However, this seems to not only restore her strength, but also make her feel different.

But because he had just received a divine grace.

She didn’t dare to do it again in a short time.

Only then did he take the initiative to speak.

Lin Feng chuckled and let go of this deer spirit girl.

By the way, let her go and inform the remaining believers to come over.

Although this deer spirit girl can rest.

But Lin Feng can’t do it yet.

He also had to complete at least a few of his dearest delicate rituals.

After receiving several high-quality rewards.

He also spent an additional three days completing the prayers of more than one hundred and ninety young girl believers.

All added up, and finally completed the task of praying for two hundred people.

Then he was rewarded with a gray chest.

Lin Feng directly fed it to the Greed and Gluttony Treasure Chest, and as a result, the energy bar only increased by 0.1%.

“I’m going… So, a thousand gray chests can equal one golden treasure chest? ”

“The gray chest rewards are too little…”

Forget it, next month do not pursue task eight.

The effort in this task is disproportionate to the gain.

Do what you can, can’t sit and don’t plan to be like this time, deliberately rushing to pursue the first task to complete.

Compared to task eight, Lin Feng hopes to complete other high-reward tasks.

For example, the fourth task.

Condense divine consciousness and sense the call in the secret realm.

The next moment.

After more than a year of time in the secret realm, Lin Feng returned to the elf secret realm again.

After a year of development, the elven tribe is clearly more prosperous.

The forest that was once bare is now completely restored, and even those towering giant trees have grown more dense than the previous forest.

This is all thanks to the Eternal God Tree that has been rapidly promoted by the year!

And the more than four hundred elf girls who were pregnant with Lin Feng’s heir a year ago.

Now, a year later.

More than four hundred of his heirs were also born.

And maybe because it is an elven bloodline, although coupled with his bloodline combination, it should belong to a half-elf.

But because he has now been promoted to the Protoss Race, his own bloodline does not belong to any kind of mortal world.

His bloodline is more just strengthening the bloodline of the mother’s side.

Just as the heirs born to him by the snake people are all snake people.

The heirs born to him by the natural elf girls were all pure natural elves.

He did not become a half-elf by combining with his bloodline.

“The pure bloodline natural spirit of the viviparous blood is estimated to be unique.”

Prior to this, pure natural spirits could only be born from the spiritual power of heaven and earth from the Eternal God Tree.

I didn’t expect to be able to increase the number of natural elf races in this way.


“The more natural spirits exist, the faster the development of the Eternal God Tree will be!”

The growth of the Eternal Divine Tree, in addition to the year of natural growth, is the care of the entire Natural Elf Tribe for the Divine Tree.

The greater the number of natural elves, the faster the divine tree will grow.

And the faster the divine tree grows, the more natural spirits will be born after that.

This is another virtuous circle!

Therefore, the development efficiency of the natural elf forces is exponentially multiplied, and how difficult it is in the early stage, how easy it is in the later stage.

In the extraordinary world, there is also a powerful natural elf empire.

It is because the other party has been rooted in tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of years.

Their ancient Eternal God Tree can even give birth to thousands of natural spirits in a year.

And they are all powerful natural spirits whose bloodlines have awakened.

And not the tribe in front of you, they are ordinary natural elves who are indisputable and sleeping in their bloodlines.

However, Lin Feng believed that with the characteristics of his supreme divine art with many sons and many blessings.

It is also a matter of time for this elven tribe, which is only a thousand people, to develop into another huge elven empire.

“Ah~Lord God has appeared again~!”

“Your most faithful servant meets the great God Lord~”

Seeing Lin Feng return to their tribe’s temple after a long absence, after a year.

Many elves also came forward to worship excitedly.

However, many elves also showed worried looks.

Because, the coming of the gods.

It means that the world catastrophe mentioned in the God Domain is also coming.

But at present, they do not have the power to confront the world!

Therefore, the elves all showed a look of help and curiosity in Lin Feng’s direction.

It was hoped that the gods they believed in would continue to protect the peace of their tribe.

Lin Feng sighed silently.

Sure enough, the nature elves’ personalities were too peaceful.

Even if an oracle was issued a year ago, telling them that there would be danger in a year’s time.

But most of the nature elves still have no improvement in strength.

At present, the most powerful elves in the entire tribe are more than four hundred people who have received divine grace.

Moreover, the strength only stays around the second and third orders of sublimation.

Relying on them to cross the calamity can almost be said to be certain death.

If you want to lead the elves away, unless you give up the high rating of the clearance and personally help many times.

Lin Feng was also not sure if he could clear the level with only one divine technique.

After descending on the temple, immediately summon all the elven maidens to return to the tribe and hide around the temple.

In case of a crisis, he can use the Nirvana Divine Technique to protect everyone.

Once you’re ready to go.

He activated the ultimate challenge of this purple secret world——


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