【Congratulations! You and Chrissy, a Blood Clan believer, have a descendant of the gods! 】

[Chris has received the blessing of God, and the power of hiding bloodlines has been activated! ] 】

Chris received the gift of God, and the bloodline of the hidden blood clan ancestor in her body was directly activated, and her attributes were fully strengthened, which was much stronger than the royal family of the previous blood tribe army.

After feeling her changes, Chris was also excited to give back more to Lin Feng.

"Chris, you want to liberate the rest of your blood clan?"

"Do you want to return to the Blood Clan and lead the Blood Clan back to the glory of your ancestors?"

Lin Feng's words seduced 047 Chris.

And Chris did not resist such a temptation at all, or in other words, she really joined Lin Feng's camp in order to do this.

She wanted to let the people who abandoned her, and the hypocritical God of the Blood Moon, know.

Throwing her to this god in front of him is the most correct choice of the Blood Clan, but it is the most wrong choice of the God of the Blood Moon!

Chris from the Blood Clan officially joined Lin Feng's camp.

As a citizen of the Blood Clan, Chris should be very clear about the location of the Blood Clan, and she also knows the affairs of the Blood Clan very well.

So next, Lin Feng planned to send Chris to lead a small army of his to quietly go to the Blood City where the Blood Clan was located, intending to find out the situation of the Blood City first, and then make another plan.

After hearing Lin Feng's plan, Chris's heart was full of expectation.

She knew it would be an extremely dangerous adventure.

But she also knew that as a new believer of the moon god, she had the responsibility and obligation to do her part as a sign of surrender.

So, Chris decided to put aside her worries and wholeheartedly support Lin Feng's plan.

She would lead a small army of three thousand men that Lin Feng had given her.

Use your knowledge of the Blood Clan to find the specific location of the Blood City.

Chris knew that this operation could bring great risks and difficulties.

But she believes that if her army is united and cooperative, she can overcome all difficulties.

She hopes that this operation will become a bridge between humans and bloods, and bring the communication between bloods and humans (BBCA) closer.

After several days of hard work, Chris finally found out the situation in the City of Blood.

She found that the situation inside the Blood City was very complicated, and the contradictions between the blood clan and humans had reached the point where it was impossible to reconcile.

Moreover, some organizations in the Blood City are constantly expanding outward, trying to control more resources and territories.

At this critical moment, Chris decided to personally lead her army to the heart of the City of Blood.

She believes that only through her own actions can she break the deadlock in the City of Blood and contribute to peace and communication between humans and the Blood Clan.

So, Chris led her army and quietly marched towards the heart of the City of Blood.

She experienced countless dangers and hardships along the way, but she never flinched.

She believes that as long as her army moves forward, she will be able to defeat all enemies and win this adventure.

Finally, after days of hard work and struggle, Chris and her army finally reached the heart of the City of Blood. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

She saw the bustle and bustle in the City of Blood, as well as the dangers and intrigues in the City of Blood. But she didn't hold back.

On the contrary, she strengthened her convictions.

She believes that as long as her army works hard, she will be able to contribute to peace and development between mankind and the blood race.

In the City of Blood, Chris sends a signal to the rest of the Bloods.

She conveyed to them the situation in the City of Blood and made her own suggestions.

She hopes that through her actions, she can break the stalemate in the City of Blood and make the communication between the Blood Clan and humans closer.

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