New life

    Start a new life


    Because this is the private planet of the royal family, and it is not a high-level energy ore star, only some criminals have been exiled, and after their ancestors were exiled, they have been living here. Spirit level C Females of rank and below mine in mines.

    Although it is said to be a crime, there are actually very few real crimes at all.

    Females with a low level of spiritual power basically live at the bottom of the empire, so how can they have the courage to commit crimes.

    Basically, they were offended and didn’t know which male was deliberately exiled here, because the female who really committed a serious crime would not be exiled at all.


    Because of the age, they no longer belong to the descendants of criminals, and can leave here at will to go to school, join the army, do business, or stay here to work in the mines.

    However, most of the female worms will choose to go out and make a fortune, they will pick up all the worms they care about, and they will not miss this planet at all.


    The second is the females who have become aboriginal people, they can have wages and everything that normal citizens enjoy. For example, you can go in and out at will, go to the hospital at will, and have entertainment when you are sick.

    Of course, it does not mean that only females with low-level spiritual power will be exiled, and there are also high-level females.

    However, before they are exiled, they will be put into death squads, sold into brothels, some will die on the road, and a few will be in imperial prisons Live a dark life.

    From this point of view, compared to females with high mental power, females with lower levels will end up better.

    After all, you won't lose your life for nothing, or become a plaything for those in power.

    Because of the above reasons, this kind of punitive planet cannot develop at all.

    The necessary living facilities, armament support, logistics support, and medical support are not perfect. On the contrary, the "prison guards" who guard the female worm mining work are well established, and there are comfortable dormitories to live in.

    However, with the name change of the planet, these "prison guards" are about to be laid off, and they will be sent back to their original units.

    Some prison guards don't want to leave this place where they are accustomed to do good because they are the head of Clyde's direct jurisdiction.

    They cried and said that they had to wait until Clyde ordered them to leave, otherwise it would be regarded as leaving without permission.

    Cherville knew what they were saying was very possible, but he didn't want to protect the vermin that was helping the tyrant who could bite him at any time.

    Let Bowen tie it directly and throw it on the returning starship.

    He had expected that Clyde would let these prison guards stay in this way, thinking that he would take into account their female identities and help the vermin.

    Sevier can only tell Clyde with practical actions that he thinks too much, he feels sorry for his compatriots, but not all garbage will feel distressed.

    After clearing the possible eyeliner on the mine with Operation Bowen Thunder, Xavier officially took over the mine.

    When his mansion was not ready, he took Li Zhou, Amos and the army girls to live in the dormitory of the prison guards.

    On the second day of staying, Xavier used the energy stone taken from the star thief's den to build a new planetary defense network, and then began to understand the so-called criminals on the mining planet.

    Since many of the military females that Cheville brought this time were from this ore star, so they knew a lot about the ore star.

    They helped Seville to categorize criminals into three broad categories based on how the females behaved in exile.

    1. Females who have performed well after exile, completed mining operations on time, and have been mining for more than ten years.

    Second, good performance after exile, completion of mining operations on time, less than ten years of mining, and more than five years of females.

    Third, the females who performed very badly after exile and could still live well.

    This is because the criminal information before their exile is basically wrong and has no reference value, but it does not mean that they have not been exiled because of a real crime.

    Because it is generally not a big crime to be exiled, as long as they behave well, Xavier can return them to freedom as the planet's master, and the mine work also has wages and enjoys the treatment of residents.

    But they are not allowed to leave the mine at will, and they will be regularly monitored and monitored. If they are found to be wrong, their civil rights will be withdrawn immediately.

    Some are extremely bad, but the ones who are alive and well are problematic.

      , or Clyde's eyeliner placed in the mine star to prevent the prison guards from stealing.

    These females need to be monitored and the background investigated, and they cannot be returned to freedom.

    These things seem simple, but it took Xavier three days to smooth it out. When Xavier promulgated the new regulations, he immediately won a cheer.

    The various affairs on the mine star are gradually getting on the right track with the joint efforts of Xavier and Li Zhou.


    Three months later, Li Zhou walked briskly into the newly completed Ilso Star Military Office Building with a huge food box.

    The residents and military females passing by all smiled kindly at this man who was very good to the deputy commander of Xavier, and there were familiar military females who dared to joke Li Zhou that he was the only one in the universe A "wife is strictly controlled".

    In this regard, Li Zhou readily accepted and was proud of it, and said, "A male who will bully a suffering female lord at home is a coward, and a male should love his female monarch." if.

    At the beginning, the males in the planet town felt that Li Zhou had lost their face, but when they found out that they were all in appearance, governing ability, physique, spiritual level, status, etc. After losing to Li Zhou, I gradually felt that Li Zhou's words made some sense.

    Especially after seeing the warm relationship between Xavier and Li Zhou, they were even more shaken.

    After all, even His Highness Li Zhou, who is so capable, said that it is the duty of a male to love his female monarch. It should be believed.

    No way, it is a common problem of all races to admire the strong and take the strong as an example.

    Some of the males started to be nice to their females with the attitude of giving it a try. The result can be imagined, a happy life completely different from before is presented in front of them.

    They are more and more satisfied, and they are more and more convinced of Li Zhou and Xavier's management.

    That is to say, there are not many males in this small town, because they are restricted by their physical condition and cannot go out for business, and there are no rich women and sons to give them money to soothe their spirits, so they live a bit hard.

    Although they don't suffer like female insects, they are also rushing for life, and they are not contaminated with too many arrogant and lewd habits, so they are easier to be moved.

    The males who change to a big planet are probably not so impressed. The education they have received since childhood will not make them feel ashamed of abusing their females.

    However, this was enough to make Xavier happy. He didn't expect that his unintentional show with Li Zhou and insisting on letting Li Zhou go to the front of the stage to participate in planet management would be so good.

    The males are really saved.

    Because of the arrival of Ezel and Norman last month, a research laboratory has been established in the town.

    Because the current armament is not so sufficient, the research room is next to the military headquarters, and the large food box Li Zhou brought also contains Azer and Norman's lunch.

    When Li Zhou walked into Xavier's office with the food box, Azel and Norman had already arrived in Xavier's office.

    Seeing Li Zhou come in, they quickly got up to help Li Zhou. After taking the food box, they put the things on the coffee table on the chair next to them, so that there would be room for lunch.

    Sivel was a step behind and did not receive the food box.

    He pursed his lips and asked Azel and Norman to take their lunch out of the food box.

    After wiping the sweat on Li Zhou's forehead, she said softly, "It's too hard, you don't need to bring me meals every day, the military has a canteen."

    Li Zhou saw Xie Weier's pursed expression, knowing that he was a little unhappy, he smiled and rubbed Xie Weier's palm, soothing: "I'm not tired, let's talk about it, I'll do it for you Rice is my pleasure, do you want to deprive it?"

    Xevier was not fooled by Li Zhou. He knew that Li Zhou loved him, so he would bring him meals every day, hoping that he would eat well.

    He felt distressed for Li Zhou running around on such a hot day, and did not want to live up to Li Zhou's kindness, so he compromised: "Then, once in three days?"

    "Okay, you have to go home to eat on the day I don't deliver." Li Zhou took the opportunity to make a request.

    Severe nodded, obediently agreeing.

    He took the chopsticks given by Li Zhou, and just as he was about to eat, he found that Azel and Norman had already taken their share to the other side of the desk to eat. He spoke quietly.

    Sheville thought for a while, but still couldn't hold back, and said, "You haven't seen it before, as for hiding so far? Don't learn everything from Duke."

    Aizel said coolly: "If I learn from Duke, I should ridicule you for being too good at this time, instead of taking Norman to the side and not disturbing your relationship with Li Zhou. You two don't care about me and Norman, just treat us as cooking machines and you can do whatever you want."

    Cheville, Li Zhou: ".."

    What can they do? Wouldn't it be possible to kiss in front of them? It's not that they haven't, but they really didn't think about it today.

    Izel was very satisfied that he choked the young couple with a single word, and after eating two mouthfuls of scrambled eggs with green peppers, he opened his mouth and said, "Teacher is almost ten months pregnant, we have to send more military females. Protect."

    Sheville nodded and said: "I have let Bowen put down his work and stationed around my house. The necessary things and doctors for production have also been solved by Big Brother Taylor. Aivil will also come to take care of him later."

    "Then I can rest assured. I always feel that when the teacher gives birth, Clyde will do something wrong."

    Severe is also worried, but now Clyde is in a rut, and he should not be able to take care of his female father who is far away for the time being.

    Because of the rat trap, he and Jacob's standing is not over yet, and the laboratory has already lost a few, but there is still no way to hammer Jacob to death.

    It's also his fault that he never made up his mind to move a really important laboratory, otherwise, Jacob would have been nailed to the pillar of shame at this time.

    Jacob also grasped this point of Clyde, and also noticed that what happened during the Great Court meeting was different, so he did not die with Clyde.

    He was hanging Clyde little by little, wondering who he and Clyde were the oriole.

    And Clyde saw from this confrontation that Jacob had mastered a technique he did not know.

    He wants these things, so he really can't kill Jacob all at once, and he has to beware of Jacob's sudden attack on him, but he is tired enough.

    In fact, at this level, they both want to wait for the public opinion to recede, and temporarily find a reason to fool the past and pinch in private, but the public opinion they want to cool down can't be cooled at all.

    The citizens are very concerned about things that threaten their own safety, so the two insects can only be pinched half-deadly.

    To be honest, this was something that Xavier and the others did not expect. They thought they needed to secretly maintain the popularity of public opinion, but now it seems completely unnecessary.

    However, in any case, the battle between Clyde and Jacob gave them a good opportunity to cultivate their voices.


    Now that the town is being built extremely fast, Xavier has asked Casey to send Cronin Road and the military female he temporarily placed with Casey over as soon as possible.

    Once they come, the defense of the mine star will be more secure. In this way, he can return to the Imperial Capital Star to report his duties with peace of mind.

    Originally, when Xavier returned to the imperial capital to report his duties, Li Zhou wanted to follow him, but when he thought that Amos was about to enter the weakest time, he decided to stay in the mine to protect Amos. .

    Cheville was very moved by what Li Zhou did for him. He met all of Li Zhou's requirements that night, so he couldn't get out of bed the next day, his voice was hoarse, and he had to rest at home for a day.

    When he was finally able to get up from the bed, he saw his mother-father's smiling eyes, and suddenly realized that he was shouting too loudly and was heard by his mother, and he was so ashamed that he wanted to find a place Drill into the seam.


    Li Zhou stepped forward and tidied up Xavier's collar. After giving Xavier a light kiss, he said softly, "Don't worry, I have everything at home."

    Xevier took a deep look at Li Zhou, nodded, and walked into the starship without looking back.

    Seeing the starship galloping away, Li Zhou felt very disappointed.

    This is the first time he has been separated from Xavier for a long time since he came to Interstellar, and he is very uncomfortable.

    Until the starship could no longer be seen, Li Zhou turned around and walked back to Xavier's office.

    He had to guard their home while Sheville was away, and handle the big and small things on the mine star instead of Sheville.

    However, as soon as he walked into Xavier's office, he felt a sense of disobedience.

    The author has this to say:

    Cherville blushed: Why didn't I keep my voice down? It's embarrassing.

    Amos: I didn't expect Xavier to be so indifferent and crazy about these things. However, it's not difficult to understand, Li Zhou loves it.

    Li Zhou: Thank you, my father, for affirming that I will love Xavier even more in the future.

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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