
    Li Zhou: Sheville is a genius!

    As if being bewitched, Xavier walked towards Li Zhou step by step, he lifted the quilt and went to bed, and stopped Li Zhou, who was dazed and didn't forget to get into his arms, again in the arms.

    Li Zhou buried his head on Xavier's strong and warm chest, rubbed it very naturally, and then closed his eyes safely. Before going to bed, he didn't forget to pat Xavier on the waist and muttered, "You are going to sleep too, don't run around."


    touching Li Zhou's soft hair, Xavier hugged a little tighter, thinking, I must take Li Zhou to Aiweier tomorrow to check it out, he will only be sure that Li Zhou is really fine. will be relieved.

    He clicked on the star brain and sent a message to Aivil to make an appointment for a medical examination, and then used the terminal to send an encrypted message to his lieutenant Morey, before turning off the lights and holding Li in his arms with peace of mind Zhou closed his eyes and fell asleep.

    Xevier didn't know, after he let out a long breath, Li Zhou, who should have been sleeping, opened his eyes.

    In the darkness, Li Zhou traced Xavier's stern outline with empty hands, and a trace of distress welled up in his heart.

    In fact, as soon as Xavier moved, he woke up. He had lived in the last days for so many years, and he had long developed the ability to wake up at the slightest change.

    It's just that because the male's body is too weak, he didn't really wake up until Xavier went out. But even so, it didn't prevent him from listening to the conversation between Sheville and Duke.

    He has always known that the living environment of the female insect is difficult, but he did not expect that the living environment of Xavier is more difficult than other female insects.

      There are many females in this world with a similar fate to him.

    He wants to carve out a world for these female worms who have the same fate as him!

    Thinking of what happened in the palace and the information revealed by the conversation between the two bugs just now, Li Zhou admired Xavier and felt even more unfair and unwilling for him.

    Injustice, as a hero of the empire, Xavier can't be respected by all the bugs, and I'm not willing that Xavier will not only be disrespected, but also be insulted and calculated.

    He had just known Xavier for a few days, and Xavier had suffered successive calculations from the royal family and even nobles. It is estimated that there will be many such things before, and I don’t know how Xavier has survived the days of open guns and dark arrows.

      His unjust people and things perish together.

    It is precisely because he can't do it himself that he admires and appreciates the character of Xavier with great love in his heart.

    He gently embraced Xavier's waist, Li Zhou shrank towards Xavier again, thinking in his heart: Xavier rest assured, in the future, in addition to like-minded females, there are also I stand behind you, always be your most solid backing.

    Recovering the mental power released in the villa for monitoring, Li Zhou closed his eyes and silently began to run gentle exercises to repair his over-consumed body. He wanted to become stronger quickly, only Only when you become stronger can you have the strength to protect Xavier.

    But after a while, he opened his eyes again.

    Looking at the sleeping Xavier, Li Zhou squinted his eyes, carefully input a trace of his mental power into Xavier's spiritual sea, and used his mental power to hook Xavier's mental power , and then slowly run along the meridians with Xavier's spiritual power.

    In his sleep, Xavier only felt that a cold spring was suddenly poured into his sea of ​​scorching and painful spirit. Wrapped around until the sea of ​​​​fire was no longer scorching hot, and the clear spring was no longer cold, and then slowly flowed along his body.

    Shevell has never felt so comfortable, like a hot summer, suddenly a drizzle. After the drizzle, the breeze was blowing lightly, and the flowers were fragrant, and he seemed to be able to smell the good smell of flowers.

    His expression became more and more relaxed, and his spiritual power began to follow the clear spring subconsciously.

    Li Zhou, who guided Xavier's mental power, was overjoyed. He originally just wanted to make Xavier feel more comfortable, but he didn't expect that Xavier would actually work with his mental power.

    He guided Xavier's mental power for a few more laps, and he felt that it was okay, so he wanted to withdraw from his mental power to see if Xavier could operate on his own.

    However, just as he intended to withdraw his spiritual power from Xavier's spiritual sea, he was discovered by Xavier's spiritual power.

    Xevier's powerful mental power instantly counterattacked Li Zhou, trapped the trace of mental power Li Zhou wanted to withdraw, and wrapped himself around himself, and then carried Li Zhou's spirit work together.

    Li Zhou only felt that Xieweier's powerful mental power was trapping his own mental power, and after twisting it into a twist, he quickly plunged into his own sea of ​​consciousness, and attracted more of his own mental power. Flow and rotate the whole body together.

    Li Zhou, who found his mental power a little out of control: "!?"

    Is it possible that Seville is still a genius?

    He just ordered a little bit of Xavier's mental power, Xavier can quickly react and take him to practice together. You must know that Xavier is also in deep sleep now, and all these reactions are subconscious!

      If he was born in his ancestor's generation, he might still be a genius who was looted by thousands of people.

    It's a pity that this genius was born in this era, but it doesn't matter, the pearl is a pearl after all, and dust can never cover up the brilliance of the pearl, he will make the cloth to wipe the pearl, let Xie Will became even more dazzling.

    Thinking that this perfect and powerful female is his partner, Li Zhou closed his eyes with satisfaction, and mobilized more mental energy to dance with Xavier.

    If there were insects standing in Li Zhou's room at this time, they would see that there was a faint, moon-like radiance from Li Zhou and Xie Weir.

    Li Zhou and Xieweier are cultivating sweetly here, but Clyde in the palace is not so good.


      's female.


    But Locke is not just as simple as not wearing clothes, he lost his astral brain, fractured his right wrist, fractured ribs, various degrees of damage everywhere on his body, and lost the fertility of male sons.

    The most important thing is that, I don't know who, took Locke's tragic situation and uploaded it to the video website with the most traffic in the interstellar.

    The video spread quickly, a large number of bugs began to comment and forward, and the buildings on the Interstellar Forum about Locke, the royal family, useless, and no eggs were quickly built one after another. By the time they found out, it was too late, and the royal family had lost a lot of face in front of the worms of the whole empire!

    Insects all over the empire thought that Locke lost the most important fertility of males because of an accident when he was competing with other males for beautiful insects.

    The families that originally had an engagement with Locke broke the engagement one after another. They didn't want the infertility cap on their female son's head after marriage. It's not that they feel sorry for their female son, but that the barren Locke has no inheritance rights and cannot be used as the object of marriage.

    Clyde is having a headache now, not only because Locke is abolished and the royal family is disgraced, but mainly because Locke's star brain is gone.

    He can be sure that this incident has nothing to do with Shevell, but he has no evidence, and he can't think of how Shevell bypassed the star brain to hide and beat Locke like this.

    You must know that the role of the male star brain is more to restrain the female worm and protect the male worm. If the star brain is cracked by the reactionary female worm, then their male worm will be in danger.

    Thinking of this, Clyde didn't have time to worry about Locke, and urgently summoned the researchers in the Royal Research Laboratory responsible for star brain research and upgrades.

    In Clyde's mind, the top priority is to find the lost star brain. As for the face of the royal family, as long as Locke is not a royal family, of course he will not lose the face of the royal family.

    After the researcher entered the meeting room, Clyde waved away all the bugs and discussed the star brain problem with the researcher alone.

    He breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the reply from the researcher that the lost star brain could be found. After asking some more questions about the upgrade of the star brain, Clyde let the researcher go down. And he didn't have a messenger to serve, sitting alone on the throne, wondering what he was thinking, his eyes were empty with doubts.


    He murmured: "Xavier is lucky for you to let you escape this time. But don't be complacent, I have prepared a big gift for you, it depends on whether you can be so good this time. Good luck!"

    As if thinking of the tragic situation of Xavier in the future, uncontrollable laughter overflowed from Clyde's mouth, wandering in the empty hall, unable to disperse for a long time.

    Thinking of several events that happened tonight, Clyde couldn't help pursing his lips. He was going to see his dear Jane, and let Jane, who protected the royal dignity, be happy with him.

    Since Locke is abolished, then he and Archie will have to take on more responsibility for the reproduction of the royal family, and we can't let other insects think that they are also abolished.

    For the sake of the heir, he played too much with his concubine, I believe the nobles will understand.

    Thinking of this, Clyde picked up the tool he just got today, got up and walked towards the bedroom.

    In the bedroom at this time, Jane was happy for saving her idol, but she didn't know that she was about to fall into endless suffering.

    The author has this to say:

    Li Zhou: I originally wanted to practice alone, but I didn’t expect to open the door to a new world;

    Sheville: It's really comfortable, hold Li Zhou tightly and don't let go;

    Look first, catch bugs when you have time;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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