
    Amos: Seville really found a treasure.

    Because they were going to move, Li Zhou and Xavier got up very early. After eating the loving breakfast prepared by Xavier, Duke, Morey, Evel and Azer also came to help .

    Li Zhou sat on the sofa and instructed Duke to bring the bug waiter who helped to move the house, and asked them to carefully pack their own and Xavier's things into a cargo aircraft and transport them to the manor.


    Of course, Aivil, who came to help, was also packed and taken away by Xavier. After all, Li Zhou’s physique is still somewhat different from that of ordinary males. It is safer for Aivil to check in person. .


    But even with this arrangement, after all Li Zhou's inspections were over, most of the day had passed.

    After eating some nutrient solution to replenish physical strength, Xavier accompanied Li Zhou to sit in Aiweier's office and wait for the results of the medical examination.

    Because the door of the office is not closed, the doctors and nurses who pass by can see Li Zhou leaning in Xavier's arms, playing with Xavier's slender fingers with thin calluses, She said something from time to time that made Xavier's stern expression warm slightly.

    Several female nurses couldn't believe what they saw, pulled their friends to the corner and chatted, "The admiral and his hero are very loving" "The admiral's The hero is the gentle hero treated by Dr. Evel before." "The hero of the admiral looks good and has a good voice" and so on.

    There was a little nurse who looked at Aiweier's office in a trance and whispered, "If only I could find such a good-looking, gentle and loving hero."

    Another little nurse answered: "Who wouldn't want to? Even if it's not a female prince, but a female servant! Even if you can't get favor, at least you won't worry about being abused."

    Just as the two little nurses sighed together, a discordant voice came.

    "With just a few of you, do you want to be the female servant of Admiral Xavier's male lord? It's whimsical, besides, how do you know that the admiral's male lord is good, in case one is outside Pretending to be gentle?"

    He murmured in a low voice: "Maybe, this virtuous man likes to pretend to be a good gentleman outside and discuss the admiral at home. I don't know how much the admiral has suffered, but you still think To seduce the hero of the admiral, are you trying to harm the admiral?"

    Several little nurses: ".."

    No worm said to seduce the hero of the general! They just sighed with emotion, the admiral was so gentle, how could he poked the lung tube of this unfamiliar female. Besides, just looking at the general's mental state and expression, he knew that he was well taken care of by his male lord. How did the female see that the general was suffering?

    The female nurses were not convinced, and they argued with the female child regardless, and their voices gradually became louder.

    A passing insect was attracted by the sound, looked at it curiously, and was pressed away by various things.

    Only because he drank too much water, Li Zhou, who came out to find the toilet, and Xie Weir, who was with Li Zhou, listened to him from beginning to end.

    Li Zhou whispered to Xavier with a smile in his eyes: "This woman is right, I am indeed virtuous, and I like to discuss you at home, especially in bed."

    Chever: ".." His little hero loves to tease him.

    Looking at the blushing and thick-necked females who were arguing, Li Zhou said again: "These females have suffered a disaster, but this female likes you very much, I am jealous."

    Chever: ".."

    Your expression doesn't look like you're jealous.

    A little bit unbearable to look at Li Zhou's gossip, he patted his naughty little hero on the head and whispered: "Why, don't you want to go to the toilet? If you don't want to go, let's go back. "

    "Go, go."

    Li Zhou's expression was distorted. He was eating melons just now, and he forgot to go to the toilet.

    I looked at the toilet that was very close to him, and then looked at the toilet that was near and far away from the quarrel between the female and the female. He decisively chose the toilet that was far away from him.

    After all, as a qualified li, you must bravely enter the melon field, although he is the melon the females are talking about.

    Take Seville's hand, and he walked straightly towards the quarrel.

    Cheville knew that the bad genes in Li Zhou's bones had appeared again. He had already discovered that Angel Li Zhou had a very mischievous heart hidden under his appearance. This little personality made Li Zhou see It was more alive and fascinated him.

    Of course he was used to Li Zhou unconditionally, and happily followed Li Zhou's footsteps to the quarrel, and then, under the frightened eyes of the female and female son, he leaned calmly outside the bathroom door and waited for Li Zhou. week out.

    While waiting for Li Zhou, he kindly told the quarrelling bugs that he would not tell Evel that they were negligent at work.

    Females: I thank you for your consideration.

    The females did not expect to talk about the general and his hero behind their backs, but they happened to be caught by the two masters, their embarrassed toes were stuck on the ground, and they wished to stay away from this place of right and wrong immediately.

    And after the excitement, they realized that what they had just said was heard by the hero of Xavier. Those were the viscounts proclaimed by His Majesty, and they were more noble than ordinary male sons. If they wanted to be held accountable for their words and deeds, it was impossible for them to go to court.

    Thinking of this, the faces of several sub-girls turned pale, and they wanted to ask Xavier to help me to intercede, but I was afraid that it would be like what the female said. In fact, the admiral was not favored at all. After the admiral interceded, it made the admiral's situation even more difficult.

    The female who had just quarreled with the sub-female obviously also realized this problem. He was more than the females. The sub-females said good things anyway, but what he said was insulting to the male.

    Looking at Xavier leaning against the toilet door, he was both admiring and afraid, afraid that Xavier would be abused because of him.

    He said timidly: "Admiral, Admiral, I'm sorry."

    Cheville did not expect that the strong-willed female just now would be so afraid of being like this, and realized that it was a deeply ingrained concept of males, which made the female begin to regret her reluctance to speak in a hurry Word.

    He wanted to comfort the female so that he would not be afraid, Li Zhou would not pursue them, but when he thought that the female had slandered Li Zhou just now, he paused again.

    Li Zhou is the real sufferer, he has no reason to replace Li Zhou to forgive this female son who insulted and hurt Li Zhou, even if he is Li Zhou's beloved female monarch.

    Shevell thought, Li Zhou would not pursue and punish these females anyway, so let them feel uneasy and afraid for a while to compensate Li Zhou for the damage.

    So, when Li Zhou came out of the toilet, what he saw was four females and one female standing in a row against the wall, with their heads lowered and their faces ashen looking at his own toes, and Xavier waited for him to appear.

    Li Zhou: ".."

    Why isn't this running? It's the first time I can get this treatment when I go to the toilet, my dear, is this to cheer him up for fear that he won't be able to come out?

    She looked at Xavier suspiciously, and asked Xievil what happened after he entered.

    Cheville walked up to Li Zhou and whispered what had just happened.

    Li Periphery laughed while listening. After understanding the cause and effect, he held Xavier's hand and deliberately walked to the door of the female who spoke ill of him, and watched for a long time.

    When the female son was about to cry when he saw it, he smiled wickedly: "You are right, I like to spar with Admiral Sheville, I don't spar with him , how can there be cubs?"

    He specially put emphasis on the words "chasing" and "zizi", which made the female and female who were worried about being punished immediately blushed, and they all heard Li Zhou's words Unspoken.

    And Li Zhou was also forcibly taken away by Xavier, who also heard the meaning and blushed as if he was holding a child.

    Li Zhou obediently hugged Xavier's neck, put his head on Xavier's shoulder, tilted his head and looked innocently behind him with wide-eyed eyes, he didn't believe Xavier was so fond of him The female, silently threatened: "Xavier is mine, don't think it can't be your bug."

    Female: ".."

    The admiral was deceived by the naive appearance of this male, so he spoiled him so much.

    Xevier, who had his back to the female son, did not know that Li Zhou threatened the female son who was "interested in him" in a place he could not see.

    When he brought Li Zhou back to Aiweier's office, Aiweier had already returned with all the inspection reports.

    Seeing that Xie Weier came in with Li Zhou in his arms, he sighed directly and said, "You two pay attention, there are so many insects outside, leave some way for them to survive."

    In front of familiar friends, Xavier is very generous and not shy at all. After putting Li Zhou on the sofa, he asked, "What happened?"

    Aiweier pointed to the report and said, "Li Zhou's body is not a big problem, he is stronger than the body of ordinary male insects."

    "Then why does he love being sick so much? Did I not take good care of him?" Sheville asked.

    "Of course not." Evel shook his head and said, "The root cause is Li Zhou's mental power. Last time Duke tested him, his mental power was S+ level.

    But this time, his mental power has risen to SS+ level, even jumping two levels in just one month, the gods can't hold it. "

    "What should I do then? How can the male's body become strong?"

    Li Zhou looked at Evil who was a little speechless when asked by Xavier's question, and called out to Xavier to relieve Evil.

    Sheville heard Li Zhou calling him, and quickly turned to look at Li Zhou: "What's the matter? Are you uncomfortable?"

    Li Zhou shook his head, dragged Xavier to sit next to him, and said, "In fact, when I didn't check, I already expected this result, don't worry, I have a way."


    Li Zhou clenched Xavier's hand and comforted: "My spiritual power has grown rapidly, in the final analysis, it is the reason for my cultivation. I will suspend my own cultivation, find a body to practice exercises, and wait for my physical fitness. Keep up, and practice again."

    "Is this all right?" Xavier was still worried.

     "Don't worry, but I need your help." Li Zhou's tone was lazy, and he looked at Xavier maliciously.

    Cheville didn't find anything wrong with Li Zhou's tone, and when he heard that Li Zhou needed his help, he nodded in agreement without thinking.

    Aivil, who was watching and witnessed everything, shook his head helplessly, and secretly said: Xavier is really planted, clever, and he has repeatedly made confusion on the issue of Li Zhou.

    However, he can't control the matter of the young couple, nor dare he.

    I can only remind the young couple that they can go home.

    Li Zhou heard that he could go home, and patted Xavier on the shoulder happily, and said, "Let's go home soon and see if Duke and the others have finished their work. They eat!"

    "Okay, let's go home"


    When Li Zhou and the others got home, it was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

    Duke took Morey and Azel to put everything they needed to do.

    Duke learned a lesson this time, and when setting up the medical room for Xavier, he strictly controlled all kinds of medical equipment that ordinary insects could use, especially the medical cabin.

    He didn't want to give Seville any more reasons to fix him.

    At this time, three tired females were lying in the huge living room of Li Zhouxin's house, waiting for the bug waiter to serve them tea and snacks.

    They starved to death after a busy day.

    However, before they could have tea, Li Zhou and the others came back.

    Duke ran up happily, he remembered that Li Zhou said that he wanted to treat them with delicious food, and he ordered food.

    Although with Li Zhou's current physical condition, it is impossible for Xavier to let him cook, but Xavier can cook.

    Morey and Azer also wanted to run up and order food like Duke, but one of them was a little afraid of their boss and teachers, the other was calm and considerate, and did not want to tire Li Zhou and Xavier .

    Different thoughts, the two worms who did the same way looked at each other, got up and slowly followed behind Duke.

    When they walked to the door, they found that Li Zhou and Xavier had brought back a heavyweight guest, and Duke became very obedient because of this heavyweight guest.

    Stand beside the heavyweight guest obediently, hold his hand, and say, "Teacher, I will show you Xavier's new home!"

    The heavyweight guest-Marshal Armos patted Duke who was supporting him, and said with a smile: "It seems that you have been shopping around here on the day you helped Xavier move."

    Duke scratched his head embarrassedly, and explained, "I only went shopping after my work, I didn't slack off."

    "I didn't say you were lazy," Xavier interrupted Duke's explanation and said calmly, "Hurry up and help the teacher in."

    "Oh, oh." Duke then realized that he had blocked the teacher at the door for a long time because he was too excited.

    Chong stood aside, obviously very surprised that the teacher was able to come, Aizel made a color and motioned them to help the teacher into the room together.

    Ezel didn't need Duke's reminder, as soon as Xavier's voice fell, he had already pushed away his brother who was going to help the teacher, took the teacher's hand first, and brought Duke with him The teacher entered the living room.

    Aivil laughed angrily when he saw his failed hand, flicked his sleeves, walked into the living room angrily, pushed Azel aside and sat beside the teacher.

    Izel: "…"

    Amos looked at his students with a smile, nodded to Morey who was more nervous, and said: "Xavier moved, I'll join in the fun too, but it's a pity Brian isn't here. ."

    Sheville sat opposite Amos with Li Zhou, heard the teacher's regretful tone, and comforted: "Teacher don't have to be sorry, you will live here until you give birth, and Brian will be there when he is free. will be back."

    Amos looked at Xavier who was thinking about himself everywhere with relief, and smiled: "You can live for two days, but you don't need to live until the birth, I won't be a bad bug to disturb the newlywed couple. "

    Xavier blushed a little bit by the teacher's teasing, and even the palm of his hand that held Li Zhou was sweating, and stammered: "Old, teacher, you were not like this before."

    "Oh? Was I strict before?" Amos asked with a smile, all four students looking at him with unexpected expressions.

    "Also, no, we know you are for our good." Several females said obediently.

    Li Zhou looked at Xavier, who was usually shrewd and wise, and could hold up the sky. He was so obedient in front of Amos that he couldn't help but want to laugh. It seemed that Marshal Amos had a lot of power.

    He opened his mouth to make a clearance for the four females: "Marshal Amos, Xavier and the others just respect you too much, but you must have been strict with them when they were young, right? Are they skinny?"

    Amos was reminded by Li Zhou's words, his expression softened, and his tone was soft: "None of them were skinny when they were young, and they didn't hit the room for three days. Jiewa, especially Duke, is so naughty that he secretly let the little star beast that Evil raised for research."

    Duke was very embarrassed. He didn't expect his childhood embarrassment to be revealed by the teacher here. He quickly interrupted his teacher's recollection and changed the subject: "Xavier, how is Li Zhou's test result? ?"

    Shewell knew that Duke was trying to get the teacher to reveal their bottom, and quickly responded: "It's nothing, we can do it ourselves, but we can't work too hard recently, so don't bother Li Zhou."

    "Understood, when did I bother Li Zhou?"

    "You are often annoying, especially when you want to eat."

    "Sheville, you're talking nonsense!"

    "I'm not talking nonsense, even bugs with eyes can see."

    "Sheville, I fought with you.."

    Cheville sneered, raised his eyebrows and said, "You come, just to settle the account of Li Zhou's experiment with you."

     Duke: ".."

    Cry, Brian, come back soon, Xavier bullied me.

    Seeing that Xavier mentioned the medical cabin again, Aivil carefully nestled back and used his teacher's body to block Xavier's sight.

    Azel and Amos, who did not understand the situation, looked at Li Zhou, the master of the matter, and hoped that he could give a clear answer.

    Li Zhou looked at Chewell, who was having a cockfight with Duke, and whispered the cause and effect. Morey, who was also informed, added a few words from time to time, and soon let Ai Zell and Amos understood the cause of their grievance.

    Aizel glanced at his brother in disgust, turned his head and apologized to Li Zhou: "I'm sorry, my brother was negligent, is your unwell because of a medical cabin accident? "

    Amos also looked at Li Zhou with a worried look on his face, this is the darling hero on the top of his darling student's heart, so he can't make a mistake, after all, this was picked up by Xavier himself and brought with him The male who came to the door to endure the kiss.

    Actually, when Xavier was forced to marry by Clyde, he had already thought of a solution, and had already sent a confidant to a remote planet to find a male with a genetic match rate of 49% with Xavier.

    When he was going to ask Aizel to secretly change the match rate to 51%, he saw the wedding photo that made Li Zhou popular on Interstellar, and later learned about it from Duke The ins and outs of things.

    He knew Li Zhou's attitude towards Xievil, the female monarch, and also knew that when Clyde was calculating Xavier, the male desperately protected Xievil, and did not allow insects to insult Xieville in front of him ville.

    The eldest son of his second brother's family, Will, and the Guy family's Lance, who were a sensation before, were killed because of bullying Xavier in front of Li Zhou.

    To be honest, when he heard the news, he laughed for half an hour, and was happy that Xavier had such a hero who vented his anger.

    As for his nephew Will, although he is of the same family, his father is nominally his second brother.

    But he didn't have any good feelings for this family, and he didn't even want to help Will get justice. He even wanted to applaud.


    Because his female father, the head of the Horatio family, had not given birth at the time, his male father was afraid that the nobles of Imperial City would see jokes, so he changed Yorek's age to a younger age and became a Second child.

    But that's not the reason why he hates Yorek, he hates Yorek because - Yorek killed his own female father to be able to recognize his ancestors, just because he Don't want to have a commoner female father.

    Yorek, who recognized his ancestors and returned to his ancestors, was weak on the surface and insidious behind his back.

    Of course it's more than that, his second brother Yorek's first female monarch was also killed by his own hands for this ridiculous reason, completely forgetting that his female monarch was taken back by him forcibly of.

    It was only after his eldest brother Faremer became Horatio's patriarch that he became the master of chess.


    From childhood to adulthood, what he saw in his eyes was the betrayal, abuse and insult of his male father to his female father.

    So when he learned that Li Zhou planned to kill Xavier because he insulted Xavier, he swore that as long as Li Zhou didn't betray Xavier and was single-minded to Xavier, he would treat him as a Protect your own children.

    Li Zhou didn't know that Amos had regarded him as his child in his heart. Seeing that Amos cared about him very much, he hurriedly explained: "It's not because of the problem of the medical cabin, it's because my mental strength is too high. Hurry up, your body can't handle it anymore."

    "Mental power grows too fast?" Amos frowned, his eyes fell on Xavier who was still staring at Duke, and slowly said: "Is it because of Xavier? ?"

    "What?" Li Zhou didn't understand how the growth of his spiritual power was related to Xavier.


    Xevier also heard his teacher's words. He didn't know where he was thinking, and his face turned red, almost making Amos think that Li Zhou was not well, and Xavier had a problem again .

    In the end, Xavier shyly told Amos the whole thing, and after Amos digested it for a while, Xavier did not speak.

    "Li Zhou and I have studied it. If you want to give birth safely, the spiritual power of the male father in the womb is a necessary condition. If there is no such male father, your own spiritual power must be sufficient. Stable, so please live with me until production, and Li Zhou will teach you how to increase your mental power."

    Amos: I really have no auditory hallucinations, right? Did my student find a treasure?

    The author has this to say:

    Li Zhou's little friend looked fiercely at the worm who admired Xavier: You don't want to think about Xavier, he is mine, only mine.

    Xevier hugged Li Zhou away and coaxed in a low voice: It's yours, it's you, no one can take me away.

    Look first, catch bugs when you have time;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!


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