Muyun, the counselor of the king of Su, has emerged. Many people in the court are optimistic about it. Even the Yin emperor has a hidden desire for reuse. Once this person enters the court, he is likely to become a powerful help for the king of Su in the court.

Shangguanmo sat behind the desk with an ugly face. Thinking of the recommendation of the court to Muyun in the early days, even his father and Emperor nodded and praised, and his anger couldn't stop.

Kneeling in front of him, the man in black did not dare to breathe, lowered his head and remained motionless like a sculpture.

With a bang, the tea cup slammed on the marble floor, smashed instantly, and the tea splashed on the face of the man in black.

The hot liquid slid down his face, but he dared not lift his sleeve to wipe it.

After the book case came a cold voice: "waste, do you have the face to come back after the failure of the task?"

The man in black resisted the discomfort on his face and hurriedly replied: "my subordinates are damn, but the wind, flowers, snow and moon have ambushed for a long time, and King Chen arrived later, so..."

"King Chen? Uncle fourteen?" Shangguan Mo was surprised and said to himself, "Uncle fourteen should have intervened in these things? Hasn't he always been neutral in the court and didn't participate in the competition for the throne? Does he start to support King Su now?"

His face changed and he asked the man in brown sitting at the bottom of the book case, "Mr. Yan, what do you think of this?"

However, the man in Brown didn't say a word, as if he had gone away.

The Shangguan cools his eyebrows, coughs twice, sinks his voice and calls, "Mr. Yan."

The man in Brown came back and answered, "yes."

"What was Mr. Yan thinking just now? He was so distracted." although shangguanmo's tone was not as severe and cold as the man in black just now, it was obviously unhappy.

The man in Brown didn't beg for mercy because of this. He looked light all the time. He just arched his hand and said, "please forgive me, Lord. Yan was just thinking when there was such a mysterious childe mu in the world?"

"I see. Mr. Yan is also a genius with few opponents in the world. It's reasonable to suddenly see such an opponent." Shangguan Mo still respected the man in brown.

"Thank you for your understanding."

"No harm." Shangguan Mo waved his hand and then said, "last night, the king sent someone to assassinate Shangguan Yunxiao. The childe surnamed Mu next to him was blocked by King Chen. Mr. Yan, do you think King Chen intends to support Shangguan Yunxiao? King Chen has great power and prestige in Tianchen. If King Chen supports him, it will be a great threat to the king."

The man in brown thought a little and replied, "Yan thought the Lord didn't have to worry so much. The reason why King Chen saved the childe surnamed Mu may not be because of King su."

"Mr. Yan means..."

"Don't you forget that the array that childe Mu broke in the competition that day was made by King Chen."

"Over the years, it's the first time to see someone who can break King Chen's array with his finger flicking skill, and it's not difficult to explain that King Chen will appreciate him." Shangguan Mo suddenly looked at him, pondered for a moment, and said: "I thought there was someone who could have this ability in the world today, unless it was Liu Lan's war Duke Yi who had no shadow. I didn't expect there was such an excellent talent in the world."

The man in brown suddenly flashed a strong unwilling in his eyes, but he was very fast. In the twinkling of an eye, he couldn't find any trace.

Shangguan Mo didn't notice, and said gloomily, "however, in this case, this person can't stay."

"What are you going to do?"

"Now that uncle 14 has stepped in, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to get rid of this man." Shangguan Mo smiled coldly on his lips, and a touch of poison oozed from his eyes. He said slowly, "but if I want to get rid of someone, I will naturally have a way."

Then he looked coldly at the people kneeling on the ground and said in a cold voice, "after you have been with the king for so many years, you will remember your life this time, but if the task fails, you will go to the prison to receive the punishment yourself. If there is another time, you know what to do."

"Thank you for your kindness." the man in black respectfully replied, and then retreated silently.

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