Lei Bili was held by her and stood firm with a cold voice: "the appearance of Fengning confused everyone. Lei's duty is to protect the Lord from accidents. Lei must swear to the death to stop any approach with unknown intention."

Looking at his tight back, Gong Yi was in a trance for a moment. Did I cheat brother Chen? Her hand slowly retracted, but the wind and thunder whip took the opportunity to entangle her single leg attached to the door at a tricky angle. The whip was filled with internal power, and there was a slight change... The consequences of leg deformity.

"Sorry, sir, there are too many accidents that people can't prevent." Lei Bili said faintly without the slightest compromise.

Shangguanzi ran was about to take out the four animal orders, indicating that Lei Bili couldn't get a cold. However, he saw that yuewutuo had stepped forward first and said, "the heart and lung acupoints of the family have been sealed for too long. Although the acupoints are connected now, they won't wake up before tomorrow morning."

Gongyi shadowless could have given Lei Bili a fatal blow at the moment when the wind and thunder whip entangled her, but she didn't mean to hurt him at all. The benevolence of this thought made her pay the price of leg deformity just to see brother Chen. Now, listening to Yue wutuoyi, she knew that she had lost this combination, so she didn't return the dagger to her waist and said, "OK, I'm not difficult for you."

Leibili instantly recovers internal power.

Gongyi shadowless put down his feet, gently shook off the whip wrapped around his legs, patted the floating dust that might be on his body at will, walked outside the bedroom hall as if nothing had happened, but turned back at the door and said to shangguanzi ran: "there are many dark guards inside and outside Prince Chen's house. Can starling protect me to stay freely?"

"When, of course." shangguanzi suddenly understood it and took down his cloak from the couch bar.


The moonlight was cold and the falling English swayed. The two people side by side stopped slowly in the street.

The constant adjustment in the dark made Gongyi shadowless, frowning fiercely, but she seemed to have no choice. She asked unintentionally: "I have my own power in yun'an. Brother Chen knows it and Starling knows it, but why do I have to conclude that my behavior is coordinated with the soul cult?"

"Does Xiaofeng think Starling's judgment is far fetched or wrong?" asked shangguanzi.

Gongyi choked and didn't answer. He said again: "the 14th is well arranged, but by the Yunan lake, Xiaoqi saw that one thing in your hand mobilized dozens of ships of the Royal soul cult. This large-scale interference made you leave yun'an smoothly. I'm far fetched?"

Shangguan Zi Ran glanced at her and continued: "Xiao Qi may not be able to do anything else, but he has an unforgettable ability to remember valuable treasures or things he cares about. His description is very similar to the white pearls obtained by 14 from you. Am I wrong?"

There seems to be a faint fragrance in the cold wind. After a moment of silence, Gongyi has no shadow, and the sound quality is slightly light: "Starling can blame brother Jin for brother Chen's poisoning in every way. Brother Jin can also say that Fengning's departure was deliberately caused by Starling holding four animal orders, and no matter which side is responsible for the crime, the result is a bloody struggle, which makes brother Chen heartache. Xiaofeng doesn't believe that Starling will expand the situation by taking advantage of brother Chen's coma, nor will he believe some of brother Jin's mistakes The behavior will really harm brother Chen... Brother Ba and brother Jin all love Fengning. Since Fengning is the only one to blame, Fengning is the only one to bear the matter. "

Her expression was dignified, and the firmness between her words made shangguanzi slightly stunned.

"When is Xiaofeng's words unreasonable?" shangguanzi sighed faintly, looked solemn, and said: "there is no object to blame. How can this happened make Tianchen quiet again? How can we resolve the embarrassment surrounding Xiaofeng after knowing the truth of Xiaofeng's identity?"

Gongyi raised his eyelashes slightly, looked at a star in the sky and said, "listen to the meaning of Starling, brother Chen doesn't seem to know the real identity of Fengning."

Shangguanzi frowned, but heard her say: "Fengning was originally a fictional character, so Fengning never existed in Liu Lan and disappeared in Tianchen. Since the battle of the Apocalypse array is inevitable, let the king of Tianchen and the king of Liu Lan war know each other again there."

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