In fact, after the first half of Shangguan Yuchen's original sentence, there are the words "women's general". Originally, it was intended to be expressed in Fengning's tone, which can make a more clear and serious meaning. After all, the desperate men's clothes can't hide the true feelings of women. Don't think that because you are subject to someone, you can change the root. He secretly mocked Gongyi for being shadowless and pretended to be a villain. Take the other way and give back to the other. Since Gongyi shadowless was able to fully receive the meaning of cooperating with Fengning on the clothes and fabrics of King Zhan's residence, it's better to let her cooperate with Fengning this time. This evil spirit can finally be returned.

Because he just overthrew Fengning's loyalty to Gongyi, the "female general" took it back. Although there was a slight change in his words, Xiang Fengning just expressed his position and handed it to Gongyi Wuying in this form. Although it was not perfect, it did not change the effect.

Shangguan Yuchen looked at the woman's clear eyes and didn't blink. I don't know if the little woman has any ideas?

Gongyi shadowless, listening to his tone, seemed to have a certain pleasure of tit for tat. In his heart, he was helpless, angry and funny.

Brother Chen doesn't know the truth of Fengning. He thinks that no one wants to control the truth of Fengning's female appearance except that Gongyi family doesn't let Fengning have an affair with his children. In this accident, Zhan Wang, a descendant of Gongyi aristocratic family, became the only candidate for this black pot. Looking at his sharp move, it is clear that his anger has already been hidden in his heart, and he wants to export evil spirit and seek revenge happiness. What is the consciousness of the God of war? Think about it, it's not as broad-minded as my king.

His voice fell, and Gongyi had no shadow. The response immediately appeared in his mind. He tore his middle coat and wrote such a paragraph on it. What's the intention to show? Brother Chen is worthy of the word "bad move". But what about such a thing? What if you personally send it to King Zhan's house by brother Chen? In addition to a few special confidants in King Zhan's residence, who knows who Fengning is? Even if the misfortune falls into the hands of people who don't know, they will only be confused. I don't know what Wang Chen called. Those who know the reason of Fengning will not believe the change of Fengning. What they receive in their hands is like nonsense jokes.

Brother Chen has a mind to separate the relationship between Fengning and the king of war. The only knot left is that Fengning is also from Gongyi family. He intended to make a clean separation between Fengning and Gongyi shadowless. It is unlikely that this thing will be transmitted to my father. As long as I don't transmit it to my father and mother, everything will be fine. Everything is under my control.

After figuring this out, Gongyi has no idea that the truth is only a few days. As long as you can make the war of the Apocalypse array go according to the agreement, it will be up to you, brother Chen.

She frowned, put on a look of careful consideration, and then seemed to finally make up her mind and said slowly, "the Chinese clothes cloth says that the orientation of Fengning is normal. All the reputation given by the king of war is less than the glory of Princess Chen, so there is no need to supplement and change?"

Shangguan Yuchen closed his eyes suspiciously and said, "if you think there is something to add or change, you might as well put it forward." it was really unexpected for the king to speak so well.

Gongyi shadowless chewed that sentence several times in his heart, and just chewed out a strange smell - Feng Ning changed to King Tianchen and went to Princess Chen's position with one heart. It turned out that he was impatient to prove that he was a normal person, and there was no habit of breaking his sleeves. Brother Chen, your broken sleeve storm was bought by Fengning.

She looked at the man in front of her and her face suddenly changed - in the back mountain, you used wine to express that you had broken your sleeves; In yingyue villa, you express yourself by metaphor; In yuhunjiao, you don't know how to restrain; In Prince Chen's mansion, you rebuilt the garden for Fengning; In the king's residence of Jin Dynasty, you talk about Fengning and sit in a position, lest the world don't know how to break your sleeves; Not to mention that you have no scruples before your subordinates, but also don't converge in front of the king's shadow guards

This powerful broken sleeve is brother Chen. You are afraid that the world will not know. At the moment, you let Fengning bear the reason. Although Fengning is a character about to disappear, it is clear between public and private. Fengning would rather not take this crime away.

Gongyi's shadowless lips aroused a strange smile and said, "it's a little supplement and change."

Shangguan Yuchen raised his eyebrows and eyes, "how to improve?"

"Do you think it's good to change Fengning into the king of cost? The meaning behind this doesn't change much, that is, since Fengning is not subordinate to the king of war, and Princess Chen's position is vacant, since Feng would rather go, the king of war might as well bear the pain to give up his love and be full of beauty?" Gongyi has no shadow, his smile expands in the corners of his mouth, his eyes grow bright, and his stunning face is more and more beautiful.

Shangguan Yuchen looked at her and said slowly, "the king's orientation is normal, Princess Chen's position is vacant, the war King reluctantly gives up his love and completes his good intention... Is that right?"

Gongyi shadowless Qiang held his stomach cramp, pretended to be serious and nodded silently.

Shangguan Yuchen gently bit his teeth, sighed and said slowly, "is this Fengning? Are you making your position clear or is this king making his heart clear? Do you think that sissy will think that this king is making a strong marriage proposal?"

"I don't think so." Gong Yi paused and said slowly, "isn't it bad?"

Shangguan Yuchen stared at her with a smile and asked, "what do you say?"

"But if brother Chen wants to express that, he can't show Fengning's position?"

Shangguan Yuchen didn't speak, but his eyes were unpredictable.

Listen to her continue: "First of all, Fengning grew up with King Zhan and knew himself and the enemy. This Fengning orientation is not normal. King Zhan knows his belly. The reputation given by King Zhan and the glory of Princess Chen are two different things, which can not be evaluated equally or compared. Moreover, even if Fengning has an intersection with Princess Chen, what does it have to do with breaking away from the king of war? Can Fengning not be princess Chen and not break away from the war The king's? "

Shangguan Yuchen turned black and said, "do you listen to the king?"

Gongyi shadowless saw that his face was heavy and his stubbornness came up. I'm up to you. Since I thought of this step, why should I write like this? So he raised his head and said, "listen - kefengning only brought out such a special and made cloth from the king's house. Why don't you get one for me, brother Chen?"

She deliberately dragged the word "listen" for a long time. She secretly said that she still fought with the clothes and cloth specially made by the king's house. Where did she get that kind of cloth?

Shangguan Yuchen hooked his lips and said, "you forgot that the piece of 'hen laying eggs' is still in my hand?"

Gongyi Wuying was surprised. No, he picked up a stone and hit his own foot. It was covered with the seal of the king of war! The king of war was not in mozhou. This absurd thing covered with the seal of the king of war spread to the king of war's residence, and the situation was very different.

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