His voice went lower and lower until he finally said to himself, "trust me, the whole layout, I'm only afraid you're sad."

Gongyi shadowless sat on the bed and raised his head. He could clearly see the helplessness and sadness in his slightly drooping eyes. At his feet, there was a broken jade dew paste porcelain bottle. The Milky thick body was printed on the ground. A trace of emotion flashed across his heart. Although it was shallow, it was enough for softness to enter while it was empty.

That night, he was willing to be punished. It was not the "violation of family rules" in the mouth of brother Chen of YUEWU family, but that Fengning almost poisoned his eyes because he was reluctant to use the jade dew ointment, which was always put in the most important place in his body

No matter what he does, he always keeps a real friendship for himself.

Although he is unscrupulous, he has his wish, not to mention that man is brother Chen's biological mother, and if I go so resolutely, who will he tell?

She was angry and hated, but now her tone eased invisibly: "Brother Chen has the blood of the YUEWU clan flowing in his body. His responsibility in his heart is to let the YUEWU clan integrate equally into the Tianchen people, not the opportunity for the rise of the YUEWU clan in your mouth. His position in the military and people of the Tianchen court has long been as solid as a rock. If he wants to be emperor, he has a holy decree and supreme power. You don't need brother Jin to plan." With that, he unknowingly called Wu Jinyue "brother Jin".

She glanced at him and continued: "brother Jin has to spend a lot of time. I'm afraid it's his generation to brother Chen when the doubts are scattered and the truth is revealed."

Wu Jinyue approached her gently, his face seemed to have blood flowing back, and his tone seemed to suddenly inject a trace of vitality: "behind shadow's righteousness, in fact, what can't be denied is worry, I knew..."

"I'm afraid you'll disturb Tianchen, and I'm afraid you'll play with fire and burn yourself." Gong Yi cut him off and said to himself: he's really a man who can see his face.

"No matter how important you are and how smart you are, you can't hide that you are a little girl." Wu Jinyue looked into her eyes and her voice was full of nostalgia.

Gongyi twists the beginning without a shadow, and the rolled slender eyelashes cast a trembling shadow on his eyes.

In the eyes of Wu Jinyue, the shadow was like a cluster of anger that had been endured, and she said, "you know brother Chen's temperament, don't mention accepting things that go against his will..."

"The clan didn't pay any attention to yingyue villa, but didn't they personally enter the secret room and quickly accept their identity?"

"Last time, you set up a suspicious Bureau and made brother Chen think there was something Feng would rather want in the villa. Brother Chen has no intention of becoming emperor. This time, brother Jin, don't waste your time."

Before the meaning of persuasion on on her lips was hooked up, she heard a response: "because of this, brother Jin will let the outcome not be that the YUEWU family forced the family to be the emperor, but that the Shangguan family had to give in."

This sentence was followed quickly. Although the tone was light, the voice was very soft.

Gongyi raised his eyes and hesitated.

The light from the small window was falling on him. His familiar face was in the light halo, and his eyes looked unusually deep.

She felt that this sentence was not empty words.

"Brother Jin..." she said foolishly, "since you have this ability, how can you sneak into Wuying?"

"If you are willing to stay and listen to me..." Wu Jinyue answered faintly. Before he finished his words, Gongyi had no shadow and said with a smile: "half a day, or wait for brother Chen to untie the acupoints for me?"

"When the family comes up and brother Jin goes, if you ask the reason why you are controlled, you may tell the truth?"

Gongyi has no shadow eyes. The man standing in front of him is Yi Yu. Can I say that I have no resistance in front of my men?

Listen to his soft tone again. The implication seems to only want to listen to his explanation and give understanding. The first worries are dispersed. As long as brother Chen doesn't know Fengning's intention, he is prevented from leaving. It doesn't hurt to listen to brother Jin's arrangement.

At the moment, people relaxed. She closed her eyes and worked secretly, but she couldn't help but puff her cheeks like anger and said, "don't you solve the acupoint."

Wu Jinyue's voice continued: "The pattern of Tianchen is complicated, but its stability is due to the power of the family. At the beginning, Shangguan Hao connived at brother Jin because he was greedy for the power of the family, but he was helpless. When working around Shangguan Hao, brother Jin took the opportunity to know the core figures of Tianchen. Shangguan Mo, the eldest son of Shangguan Hao, thought his father was incompetent and once talked nonsense in front of brother Jin after drinking. It took only ten minutes With the support of the four uncles, anyone can be called emperor. What I want is for them to fight in their dens. If they have to be in charge at that time, they have to. "

Gongyi's shadowless Qi has been transported to the pass and secretly attacked the important acupoint. Suddenly, when she heard this, her mind flashed, and the impact dispersed. She opened her eyes with some chagrin and said, "if they want to fight, it's not my Liu Lan's business. What are you talking about?"

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