The wind passes through the high window, the candles in the prison flicker slightly, and the faint yellow light shuttles through the uncertain places. There are many braziers, and the heat does not decrease. On the contrary, it feels that the hot air circulates and spreads, which makes people feel stuffy and eager to breathe.

Wu Jinyue did not move his pen. She glanced at Shangguan Yuchen, who said nothing after the explanation. When she saw that he focused on the people in his arms, his indifferent eyes lit up, and the light seemed to know the crux. She saw general hope. Wu Jinyue's eyes fell uncontrollably on the public instrument who was sleeping peacefully in his arms.

Time is like quicksand in your fingers, passing away bit by bit.

The book was undoubtedly handed over to Liu lanzhan Wang, and the debate about hens laying eggs seemed to have happened yesterday. If it hadn't been for the arrangement of the layout, Ying Er would have successfully completed her mission. I don't know how much resentment she endured when she understood the truth and had to bear it for me? How much did she expect when she learned that I had to go my own way and told me that I had a sense of hate?

I put life and death aside and tried my best to fight for the end is not recognized. She and her mother only hope that I can live well.

Wu Jinyue dipped in ink and didn't want to describe whether his heart was like a knife or his mind was like a soul flying at the moment. He just blankly dropped the tip of his pen on the paper in front of him. Feng Ning's antidote became the challenge of the Apocalypse array and the reason for whether the two countries withdrew from the war. If he hadn't deliberately stirred the wind and rain and pushed waves to help the LAN all the way, King Chen's anger against King Zhan would not lose his cool.

——The battle between light and fairness, the war King's means lose light, and the king Chen's response will no longer be fair. Without fairness, it means a devastating revenge on the Apocalypse array, and the war will be triggered.

It never occurred to me that the fusion of the shadow and his own blood would poison the blood clotting soul into the bone marrow. Such a dream acquaintance turned into a complete loss of my memory.

Like snake scale dagger, blood clotting emotional soul is the holy thing of YUEWU family. Fengning must not take blood clotting emotional soul, otherwise YUEWU family... It has no antidote, and its dangerous force on shadow has just begun.

For example, he has completely fallen into the Bureau he has set up. At the moment, it is not the layout of people, but the bureau is pitching people. This accident is no longer under his control or anyone's control, but he doesn't want to be ashamed of his love for the shadow.

A shadow approached slowly. Shangguan Yuchen looked up and saw that Wu Jinyue had finished the book, but put the pen and paper on the table. His hands were empty. He hardly thought down and said, "the king of Jin doesn't want to?"

The sound quality is cold, like the cold winter snow water that has just melted, which is cold to the heart.

"There's no need to tell. For Wu Jinyue, Fengning's safety and justice have nothing to say." Wu Jinyue raised her head and blinked her eyelashes. Her eyes seemed to fade away her confusion and bitterness. Her voice was cold and sincere: "just how can the family confirm that Fengning's antidote must be in the hands of the king of war?"

The words fell, and the prison fell into a dead silence.

"Does the king want to explain to you?" Shangguan Yuchen was angry. Feng Ning knew Liu Lan's national defense secrets, but he was in yun'an prison. Gongyi had no shadow. How could he let her go? Otherwise, she wouldn't give the signal of her self-determination. But if she was self-conscious, how could the medicine she took have a glimmer of vitality, and that vitality was to contain the king's internal power?

His eyes were cold and stiff for a long time. Finally, a few words spilled from his lips: "yes, yes."

"Or yes, it's unknown whether the king of war is Fan Shi. Is this an upgrade of the war treaty or a forced antidote? If it's the former, it's a serious negotiation between King Chen and the king of war, and Wu Jinyue's participation is not appropriate. If it's the latter, it's more effective for Wu to trap people he met before Fengning poisoning. The antidote made by YUEWU family is famous all over the world, even if he doesn't know the configuration of the antidote, But as long as you know what to know... "

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