Yunfeng mountain is located between yun'an and mozhou. It is like the dividing point between natural Tianchen and Liulan. Its geographical location is special, and its scenery is also a spectacle in the north. The trees here are evergreen all the year round, and the rivers around the mountain are bright and clear. The sun shines, the water waves are bright, and the water temperature is constant regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Bibo Pavilion is jointly built by the residents of the two places. However, due to the signing of the Apocalypse battle agreement, the crowded scenic spot has been sparsely populated for a year.

Several simple tents are set up on the pavilion slope behind the Bibo Pavilion. In front of the tent at the front, bead curtains are hung low. You can visit the tent at the foot of the mountain in winter. The sunshine in the tent is pitiful. When the cold wind blows, it is wantonly enlarged. Through the bead curtains, the overflowing green spreads wildly, but no red flies in it,

In Shangguan Yuchen's eyes, the whole mountain peak was abnormally dark like rolling paint and ink, and the accompanying servants stood in the wind like ice sculptures. The dark light and angry shadow in their expression gradually tilted westward with the sun, inadvertently popping out some heads.

Shangguan Yuchen's eyes seemed to have no room for any emotion. He was cold, deep and unpredictable. Although he had decided to face it directly, he thought that the man in his arms still had a glimmer of vitality in his hands, and the turbulent movement in his body was still cold from head to toe. He just didn't think that someone's response to Fengning would ignore the destruction of the Apocalypse array, He gave her a death order without fear in front of him.

If you pay attention to it, it has already appeared. Waiting here may be meaningless. Only at the end of the day will hope turn into despair?

After several days of restlessness, his patience wandered in the limit, and a voice kept running in his brain.

Neither the public nor the private, neither the public nor the shadow is a person. There is no need to be patient. Instead of burning anger here, you should turn over and make the decision. Catch this person alive as soon as possible and change one life for another.

It seems that the sound of a horse's hoof is approaching. He quietly closes his eyes, listens to affirmation, then looks at the quiet face in his arms, slightly hangs his head and puts a low voice in her ear: "Fengning, but your turn has come?"

The words fell, and the footsteps flew out of the account.

Shangguan Yuchen's eyes sank, "pass."

"Don't pass it, it's me." shangguanzi raised the curtain and looked forward.

The apricot colored brocade was poured down, and several clear lotus patterns were reflected on the quilt. From a distance, it was like a dazzling set. Looking up, it was a very handsome side face, with eyebrows like cold swords, eyes like autumn springs, and tall nose wings, which became more and more sunken... As in the past.

As handsome as ever, haggard as never seen before.

This is his brother who is invincible, overbearing, but trapped by love. Where does his calm fly to at the moment? He threatened with heavy troops, but waited here in a way of consultation.

I haven't seen you for days, but it seems like autumn.

Shangguanzi Ran's nose was sour. He just wanted to tell him the secret of the antidote immediately

Before he could speak, he heard Guan Yuchen say, "starling was in a hurry to leave. Now I want to see him. He broke in like this before returning to the house. What's the hurry?"

The voice was cold and faint, clearly disappointed, but it sounded as if nothing had happened.

"It's about Xiaofeng and my brother. Can I be in no hurry?"

Shangguanzi Ran's accumulated accusations and discontent disappeared at the moment of seeing this scene, leaving only heartache in his eyes.

Shangguan Yuchen raised his eyelashes wearily and looked at him. His eyes looked like dust falling to the ground. His tone was also light: "but for a few hours, there's nothing urgent."

The faint tone was like a blade ready to be scabbard for a long time. Shangguanzi took a breath. Wu Jinyue expected it. At the moment, the fourteen wanted to break the king of war into pieces. In a few hours, the heavy troops will gather outside the Apocalypse array in mozhou city.

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