"Tomorrow?" asked shangguanzi ran. His doubts increased greatly, but his heart suddenly tightened. The last few words swallowed down his throat like swallowing saliva - it was so timely to go back and forth.

He lifted his eyelashes slightly and looked at the man standing next to the bed opposite.

——One of his hands is on the quilt in front of Xiaofeng's shoulder. He is gently pulling the quilt. A wisp of ink like hair falls from his forehead along the slightly drooping head. His behavior is natural and the incense is faint. His expression of ignoring any other reaction is particularly serious. His eyes looking at Xiaofeng are very serious and bright, It seems that only the person in his eyes is the only reason to change everything.

Wu Jinyue looked slightly sideways, glanced at the official, and then returned to the original place. There was no wave at the bottom of her eyes. She said faintly: "do you think your royal brother's efficiency is too high, or do you think Wu's method is inappropriate?"

He asked lightly. In the eyes of shangguanzi ran, he looked like a gambler with sufficient experience and who had already seen through the dealer's secret trick. He held an immeasurable chip in his hand and waited for the person who exposed the cup to give him an expected disappointment. He was confident to wait for the opportunity to fight back

Shangguan Ziran always knew his plan and knew his ability. He hurried to the prison and looked at Xiaofeng's concern. What he said directly excluded the most important things with Xiaofeng. He wanted to talk about the progress of the 14th army retreat. If the expectation was good, the imperial brother's edict coming tomorrow was observed by him in advance, which was not expected to be happy

Shangguanzi calmed down and decided to test the other party's intention first. After all, he and he were two people standing in the same boat on this matter, and the corners of his lips raised slightly: "how could the king of Jin's plan be wrong? The timely arrival of the will should also be the king of Jin's powerful work. Was it unexpected?"

"Don't you know your royal brother, the eighth prince?" Wu Jinyue's voice sank, "There are only two things he cares about the family. Apart from trying to confiscate the military power of the family, he is concerned about whether Princess Chen, who is predicted by the witch divination to be related to the honor and disgrace of Tianchen, is his favorite. The family has a weak personality, but he controls the army by himself. It is in his mind that he will not withdraw troops. Whether the imperial decree will come or not is not really important, but the will is not to delay for a day and a half, I'm afraid there will be changes in this short time difference. "

He snorted coldly, "your imperial brother is far sighted, which can be seen."

No trivial matter, closely reasoned and well argued, the analysis of Wu Jin's moon is very clear. In fact, it is in such a short time that he really got the content of the will ahead of time. He should have a very small eye liner around him. He calmly settled down on the basis of strong self belief.

Wu Jinyue naturally has a way to let the imperial brother know that 14 yuan has the intention to withdraw. It is undoubtedly the best reason for the imperial brother to give 14 an order. 14 is the supreme commander of the army. The general has never been ordered, but for the first time he withdrew in front of all the officers and men. This move has raised the purpose he resisted not long ago to the hottest position.

Wu Jinyue's plan is to use the identity of Princess Chen of YUEWU nationality to let the Royal brother understand that YUEWU nationality can't be treated lightly, so that YUEWU nationality's status can be affirmed and respected in Tianchen. In a closer step, YUEWU nationality follows 14 and is willing to be a minister... But the Royal brother has always been wary of YUEWU nationality and covets 14's power. According to the situation, the Royal brother has affirmed 14's position as a minister Heart, the series of events before and after the start of the battle on that day gave him rich reasons to recover his 14 military power. I'm afraid he would do the opposite.

Shangguan Ziran knew that if so, the emperor's will would immediately eliminate the obedience of the YUEWU family. But the idea of the emperor's order came from Wu Jinyue. Judging from the speed at which he got the top secret news of Yudu and the way he didn't think it difficult, the arbitrary behavior of the Emperor's brother was in his plan.

Now the consummation of Xiaofeng and 14 is more related to the safety of Tianchen's situation.

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