With full of troubles, Gongyi shadowless put his letter into the drawer, worried for a while and went to sleep for a while.

In the air, Ning Shenxiang is winding like a mist, which smells good and quiet.

Lying in bed, before she could see clearly through the window lattice whether the sky outside had the trace of the moon and the twinkling of stars, she had fallen asleep.

The room is not small, but there are more and more people.

"Come here." brother Chen's voice was a little harsh.

She shook her head and hid her hand behind her back. "No."

Then see a figure behind brother Chen slowly pick up the sword and point the sword to brother Chen, "just want to fight with your king Chen..."

She looked hard and was dressed in black again.

A white and a mysterious figure twined together in the air, and the sword shadow turned into thousands of streamers. Suddenly, a sharp sword Qi split the streamers

"Don't..." she exclaimed, opening her eyes.

Shangguan Yuchen is wiping sweat for her. A cup of tea for stillbirth has been handed over from the side.

"Dreaming again?" his voice was as gentle as water. He put down the towel in his hand, helped her sit up, then took the tea in the handmaid's hand, handed it to her, and motioned everyone to step down.

"It's like this every day. Since this calming thing doesn't work for you, I'll send someone to invite the hidden elder of YUEWU family."

Gongyi shadowless drinks tea and puts the tea cup into the bed cabinet on one side. However, he sees that the drawer on the cabinet has been pulled open. Suddenly, the letter won't have fallen into brother Chen's eyes?

She drooped her eyes slightly and pondered for a moment. How should she open her mouth? After lifting his eyelashes for a long time, he said solemnly: "brother Chen, this dream is getting more and more outrageous. Do you know? Your good son is actually holding a sword and forcing you to fight with you."

Shangguan Yuchen stood up and said, "how can a good son fight with his father with a sword?"

"That's right. Should the unfaithful and unfilial boy be sent to be trained?" Gong Yi showed a faint smile on his shadowless and beautiful face.

Shangguan Yuchen's eyes fell on her expression and seemed to be waiting for her to say something.

"Do you want to send him to liulanning Valley to learn the family law of Gongyi family?"

Gongyi's face changed slightly, "actually... Actually..."

The latter words really don't know how to say it. This word has been obvious enough. The letter really fell into brother Chen's hand.

Shangguan Yuchen slowly walked to the table opposite her and sat down. The slender jade finger tapped the tea on the table, and the narrow Phoenix eyes stared at her.

He wanted to see what the little woman in front of him thought of the things mentioned in the book? How do you want to deal with it?

It's funny that the king's children should be arranged by Gongyi family.

She really has a way, but she talks about things with dreams. The king's good son takes a sword to force the king to fight?

Shangguan Yuchen suddenly aroused spirits. This is not a dream. What she said is a real thing that happened in yuhun cult. Wu Jinyue really asked the king to fight with him with a sword.

Is the shadow sleepy and dreamy? That dream is not a real dream, but the memory sleeping in her mind is gradually reviving in the form of a dream?

At this time, it suddenly occurred to me that Ying'er's mother once said that after her real marriage with Wang, she might know... Ying'er's long sleep in yun'an prison for no reason is poisoned by some kind of memory loss?

"In fact, the letter from home... Just wanted to surprise you. Brother Chen, your posture is like interrogation. I don't know how to answer."

"Surprise?" Shangguan Yuchen snorted, took out the book from his sleeve and trusted it in his hand. "Shadow, what you gave me is surprise or joy. No, I don't think I've seen this letter."

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